Meeting Time: December 15, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

31 (CONTINUED FROM DEC. 1, 2021) - Amendment to Pay Ordinance S-47689 to Authorize Premium Pay Under the American Rescue Plan Act of 2021 to Eligible City Employees (Ordinance S-48170)

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    Kate Dudzinski about 3 years ago

    To pay a vaxxed employee more than unvaxxed IS discrimination. The CARES Act money was meant for people and businesses struggling during shutdowns. Which were ludicrous to begin with. Now you’re taking that money and diverting it to bribe them to get a jab that has deadly side effects and is ineffective. Who funded the Cares Act money? ALL of us taxpayers!! I’m not ok with the city using my tax payer funds to bribe people. Wake up!! Stop the nonsense now and stop discriminating against employees

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    Tim Knobbe about 3 years ago

    I comment in support of the incentive for city employees. I am a Captain Paramedic for the PFD and this is a good incentive for employees and firefighters alike. Along with our fellow COP employees, firefighters have continued to serve our communities through the pandemic and this incentive speaks to that service. This is a good incentive because it promotes a healthy workplace and reduces exposures to customers, family and co workers all while respecting everyone’s position on vaccines.

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    Aaron Cunningham about 3 years ago

    I fully support a vaccination incentive program for City of Phoenix employees. This will provide an added layer of protection for the employees as well as the citizens they serve. A monetary payout for those who choose to get vaccinated does not discriminate against those who choose not too and In the end will save the city money in sick time off as well as medical bill expenses, as the city is self insured. These types of incentive programs are a win win and are necessary moving forward.

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    Phil Wurr about 3 years ago

    Thank you city cancel for promoting public health and safety.

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    Chris Stewart about 3 years ago

    I fully support this incentive pay for COP employees to be vaccinated. Legitimate science had demonstrated that 1.1 million deaths and 10.3 million hospitalizations have been prevented due to C-19 vaccines from January 2021 through November 2021. It is the responsibility of public employees to protect and prevent harm in our communities. A C-19 vaccination is a fantastic step in executing this duty. It is clear that these incentives have worked to improve the rate of vaccinations worldwide.

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    Troy Rimbey about 3 years ago

    Incentivizing vaccinations with payouts is a great way encourage those that are hesitant to get the jab. I support this measure.

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    Ipek Nielsen about 3 years ago

    I am in favor of this.

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    Sara Elledge about 3 years ago

    I am in favor of this!

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    Paul Elledge about 3 years ago

    This sounds like a great incentive to help people to get vaccinated. While mandates can be a stick, this seems like a good carrot to help improve the safety of employees and the public in general.

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    Adam Skiver about 3 years ago

    This is a great incentive and I'm in support of it.

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    James Mcneal about 3 years ago

    .I stand with the City and Science and the C.D.C, .I look forward to this money

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    Brett William about 3 years ago

    The vaccinated can still contract, spread and die from C19. The vaccine is a therapeutic for lessened PERSONAL side effects if contracted, NOTHING MORE. The CDC yesterday stated, 79% of those that have had a case of OMICRON, WERE PREVIOUSLY VACCINATED. This is nothing more than ANOTHER BRIBE to those to get vaccinated, this time with EVERYONES tax dollars. It is a BLAITANT discrimination which goes directly against AR 2.35. We sacrificed to keep PHX going, now we are looked down on as less.

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    Jimbob Blinda about 3 years ago

    All of these other commenters are brain dead. The City workers have been pulling their weight tenfold and deserve the compensation. Many other industries have been compensating. This is a global initiative to combat a virus and those who take additional steps to mitigate the spread should be rewarded. Screw all these other opposition dummy bummies. Especially Tony Dudzinski he's a real piece of garbage and has literally no clue what he's saying. The work we do still matters.

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    Tony Dudzinski about 3 years ago

    Everyone is an essential worker . I work with everyone that are vaxed and unvaxed. So you are Going to discriminate and penalize an employees medical History?? This is absurd and ridiculous and will have negative reaction to city employees and services. Don’t let the federal government bully you into doing something that you know is NOT right NOT ethical. The perception will be that you are worthy of this bonus and that the work that you do doesn’t really matter. I believe that everyone matters.

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    Hondo Waddell about 3 years ago

    Throughout the pandemic public safety and other depts have continued to work regardless of perceived risk/increased workload. We have never forgotten our duties to the citizens and city management has only put us at more of a disadvantage through their agenda. Firefighters are running non-stop emergencies and now cops are getting attacked in our city. We have never needed unity with public safety more and this continues to divide and discriminate us and is all council and management driven.

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    Alicia Young about 3 years ago

    This is blatant discrimination and you should all be ashamed of yourselves. Why is this even being considered? Discrimination and bribery used to be a bad thing. What is happening to this City? You either value the employees who have worked hard and come into the office/work sites during this pandemic or you don't. One's vaccine status should not come in to play. I chose to come in because I am more productive in the office. It feels like I am being punished instead of valued for my choices.

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    Michele Catalanello about 3 years ago

    The money should be paid equally across the board. Those of that came to work everyday through all the covid crisis earned and deserve that much. Getting the shots should have nothing to do with this money. They should not be under the same umbrella. It's discriminatory to say the least. It's completely unfair.

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    TRUDY HINSON about 3 years ago

    This is a slap in the face for those of us who have worked everyday during this pandemic and never called out because we have a good working immune system and for our own reasons don't want to share our vax status, we are being discriminated on and treated as less of an employee. This goes against everything this city has always preached about for years.. You say you're about equality and integrity well if so prove it vote no on this bribe money. It's insanely wrong & disrespectful to loyal emp.

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    Eric Lovelis about 3 years ago

    Plain and simple to support this is discrimination. I strongly oppose it!!

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    Merissa Hamilton about 3 years ago

    As seen in ugly years past in American history, pay based on race, religion, gender, sexuality, or disability encourages gross bigotry in the workplace and creates a discriminatory work environment. Many families that remain unvaccinated do so because of personal family situations, often related to a medical need or disability. This policy is extremely harmful and unfair to the most vulnerable City of Phoenix employed families.