Meeting Time: April 12, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2 American Rescue Plan Act Second Tranche Strategic Plan

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    Sophia Elicia over 2 years ago

    I am opposed to this budget because it does not do enough for mental health support. This money is being voted on quickly with very little input from the community. Poder In Action is a trusted community organization and council should honor their request in reserving 10 million for more community centered approaches to mental health.

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    Samara Ahmed over 2 years ago

    My name is Samara Ahmed and I am a refugee organizer & help oversee the We Are All America-AZ Coalition. Today, we are asking city council members to support the Newcomer Community Center, a project that would provide additional housing to refugees in Phoenix. The refugee community has been particularly hit hard by world crises and unaffordable housing. The NCC would alleviate these burdens and make Phoenix a leader for other American cities.

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    Miriam Araya over 2 years ago

    These funds need to be invested into community led mental health and substance use resources. This means that we do not trust the council to adequately provide for our snuggling communities. When we have demanded support we were met with more funding for cops instead of community resources. Cops can not fix houselessness, mental health or addiction. This city needs more community led efforts that actually produce change. This is the only ethical way forward.

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    Megan Sleeper over 2 years ago

    Allocate $10 Million to the creation of a community-driven "Health and Safety Committee" to address mental health and substance use needs. Funding care for people in desperate situations reduces harm, crime, and deaths.

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    Mary FarringtonLorch over 2 years ago

    I am disappointed to learn that this last block of funds has nothing allocated for Arts and Culture. Arts and Culture are vital to a City. It helps encourage development, attract businesses and new residents to a City. Arts and Culture can define and give character to a City. The impact of previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations cannot be understated. However, due to pandemic constraints these organizations are in need of assistance

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    Laura Hudson over 2 years ago

    It’s time for new solutions. Investing $10 million in the creation of a "health and safety committee" to assess, research, and implement new strategies to address mental health needs and problematic substance use in our neighborhoods that have been most impacted by covid will not only serve our community but save money and grief in the long run.

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    Chris Webb over 2 years ago

    Funding should be used to support refugee housing options and solutions in the city.

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    Kristin Eng over 2 years ago

    Please please please include $3 million to support arts and culture organizations in the final allocation of ARPA funds!! Other sources of emergency funds have long since dried up. Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations are still in desperate need of these resources to help us recover from the impact of the pandemic. We are so grateful for this support and it will keep the economic growth and vitality of our city alive.

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    Lynne Traverse over 2 years ago

    The impact of previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations cannot be understated. Phoenix was the first major city to release federal funds to the arts. But these organizations in every part of our city are far from full recovery, and other sources of emergency funds have long since dried up. I am hopeful that in this final allocation of ARPA funds, $3 million to support arts and culture organizations will again be included. We need you.

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    Vincent VanVleet over 2 years ago

    The impact of previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations cannot be understated. Phoenix was the first major city to release federal funds to the arts. But these organizations in every part of our city are far from full recovery, and other sources of emergency funds have long since dried up. I am hopeful that in this final allocation of ARPA funds, $3 million to support arts and culture organizations will again be included.

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    cynthia graber over 2 years ago

    We need to make sure our investment in tree canopy has proper water resources prior to planting. The city of phoenix has planted 1000's of trees in phoenix. We need tree canopy. We need to make sure that the right type of trees are planted. We need to make sure that the existing trees planted by the COP are properly watered and cared for. It makes zero sense to plant a tree that is not purposely planted to give the most shade and the least amount of maintenance.

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    Benjamin Lewis over 2 years ago

    We have a duty to examine the impact of our rescue spending. For the past 5 years we have seen steady increases in spending on public safety without a positive return in reduced crime. In fact, despite increases in public safety we have seen MORE of our neighbors incarcerated and stolen from our families and our neighborhoods. I join others in demanding $10M for COMMUNITY DRIVEN mental health & addiction, $3M for arts. The entire $13M+ $14M over budget reductions should come from Phoenix Police

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    Mitra Khazai, Exective Director, Phoenix Boys Choir over 2 years ago

    Phoenix Boys Choir’s 75th anniversary season starts in August. The pandemic had the most negative impact on us in our history. Thanks to Phoenix federal funds, we survived the worst of it. We are still struggling from the impacts and are far from full recovery; other emergency funds no longer exist. Please include $3 million for hard hit arts and culture organizations in ARPA fund allocations. We play a key role in ensuring cultural vibrancy, directly impacting economic growth and vitality.

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    Emma Garcia over 2 years ago

    I worry for the Students in my community who walk to school and back home, exposed daily to individuals who are not in the right state of mind. City Council Laura Pastor think of the future of the children who are growing up under these circumstances. I ask that you to allocate $10 Million for those who suffer from substance abuse or mental illness. If only someone had cared enough about my community's needs while growing up my cousin Emilio Chamizo would still be here with us. STOP THE CYCLE!

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    Nicole Belmont over 2 years ago

    Previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations kept staff and artists employed in the absence of attendance revenues. Audiences are trickling back in this transitional period, but not yet at pre-pandemic levels, and we are presenting live performances without seeing the historic income levels required. We are extremely hopeful that with the final allocation in ARPA funds, $3million will again go to support local arts and culture organizations.

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    Xico Inc over 2 years ago

    The impact of previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations cannot be understated. Although Phoenix was the first major city to release federal funds to the arts, these organizations in every part of our city are far from recovery, including Xico Arte y Cultura. We are extremely hopeful that with the final allocation in ARPA funds, $3million will again go to support local arts and culture organizations.

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    Karen Olson over 2 years ago

    Community care starts through accountability and transparency. We need council to take $10 million of the ARPA covid relief fund and directly give these funds to a community based Health and safety committee that will assess, research, and implement new strategies that address mental health needs of our neighborhoods affected by the covid 19 pandemic.

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    Carrie Lifshitz over 2 years ago

    When we think of the long term effects of COVID, we often focus on the physical effects. Our neighbors, especially our unsheltered, BIPOC, immigrant, queer and trans communities, are experiencing mental health issues and substance abuse from the impacts of COVID. We need our leaders to be examples and prioritize mental health by designating $10 million of the ARPA funds to help our communities in need.

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    Maria Sanchez over 2 years ago

    We need $10 million invested in a community-driven public health and safety committee that will research, develop, and implement strategies for increasing the long term mental and physical wellness of communities the City has abandoned for decades- strategies that don’t involve police, incarceration, or involuntary conferment.

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    Rachel Solis over 2 years ago

    The impact of previous federal fund allocations in support of Phoenix nonprofit arts and culture organizations cannot be understated. Phoenix was the first major city to release federal funds to the arts. But these organizations in every part of our city are far from full recovery, and other sources of emergency funds have long since dried up. I am hopeful that in this final allocation of ARPA funds, $3 million to support arts and culture organizations will again be included