Meeting Time: October 18, 2023 at 10:00am MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

2 Amend City Code - Section 36-158, Schedule I, Local Speed Limits at 15 Locations

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    David Schafranka over 1 year ago

    Take Agenda Item 2 off the consent agenda and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law.

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    Maria Lopez over 1 year ago

    This agenda Item should not be on the consent agenda since it is lacking a study that is not included on the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. This agenda item should be removed and/or voted NO on.

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    Julie Young over 1 year ago

    The study this agenda item references is missing from the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law as our council should be provided all information to vote and that we the people are able to discern the information to determine if this is good for us the taxpayers.

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    Forrest Woodwick over 1 year ago

    Remove this item from the agenda and cast a 'no' vote. The Phoenix team say there's supporting study for proposed speed limit reductions, but this study is absent from the agenda documentation, constituting a breach of open meeting regulations. Item 2 exhibits a lack of fairness as it disproportionately affects the most disadvantaged communities. Those in less fortunate circumstances will face financial burdens due to the inevitable fines associated with lowered speed limits.

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    Christine DeVelis over 1 year ago

    No study supporting this is included. Speed limit changes are moot, as there are not police to enforce them already.

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    Merissa Hamilton over 1 year ago

    Table this item. Maricopa County just voted in their last public meeting to increase speed limits. When you originally proposed Vision Zero, you promised it would not be used to reduce speed limits. In fact, you mocked those who said reducing speed limits would happen from this failed program. Reducing speed limits increases traffic congestion and carbon emissions from the idling of cars.

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    Jason Garner over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits

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    Joseph Ward over 1 year ago

    Remove this item from the agenda and cast a 'no' vote. The Phoenix team say there's supporting study for proposed speed limit reductions, but this study is absent from the agenda documentation, constituting a breach of open meeting regulations. Item 2 exhibits a lack of fairness as it disproportionately affects the most disadvantaged communities. Those in less fortunate circumstances will face financial burdens due to the inevitable fines associated with lowered speed limits.

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    James Brinkman over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Shawn GRAMMONT over 1 year ago

    As a Arizona resident I highly oppose this agenda item. NO SPEED CAMERAS.

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    Joe Vaillancourt over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Nicole Dough over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    JOHN White over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Leanne Greenberg over 1 year ago

    Overall, I am in support of this, but please look at changing the speed limit along Campbell Ave. to 25 MPH. People fly down our street at high rates of speed and this is an entirely residential street and should be 25 MPH for the safety of the residents, including children and elderly citizens, that live here.

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    KM Nolte over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Ben Buhanan over 1 year ago

    For the Transportation subcommittee meeting on October 18, take Agenda Item 2 off the consent agenda and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Patricia Rosner over 1 year ago

    Please remove Agenda Item 2 off the consent agenda and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Stephen Harris over 1 year ago

    Please remove Agenda Item 2 off the consent agenda and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    Catherine Tunget over 1 year ago

    Please take this agenda item off the consent agenda. and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits.

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    cindy cragin over 1 year ago

    For the Transportation subcommittee meeting on October 18, take Agenda Item 2 off the consent agenda and vote no. Phoenix staff has stated there is a study to back up the recommendations of reducing speed limits, but the study is not included in the agenda. This is a violation of open meeting law. Furthermore, Item 2 is inequitable because it impacts the most vulnerable communities the most. The least fortunate cannot afford the tickets that will come with reducing speed limits