Meeting Time: October 13, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

3 Office of Accountability and Transparency Ordinance Discussion

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    Christine Dance about 4 years ago

    THERE WAS A DECISION ON THIS! The people spoke, the Council voted and the OAT was affirmed as the citizens of Phoenix requested. You cannot go back and try to re-negotiate out of this or take away the elements that you promised. We, the residents of Phoenix CONTINUE to advocate for independent, open, community-driven oversight. We already have a process with the police in it--including it defeats the purpose of the OAT. Rev. Christine Dance, Unitarian Universalist Congregation of Phoenix

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    Kurt Anderson about 4 years ago

    As voters in district 7, my partner and I frequently see the excessive responses of the Phoenix PD to minor occurrences, juxtaposed with the repeated abuses and killings reported on the news. The Phoenix Police Department have proved themselves to be unable to hold themselves accountable, which called the OAT into being in the first place. The OAT must be an independent, investigative, and community-led power, and anything that violates that itself violates the public trust.

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    Melissa Acevedo about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff and excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety and wellbeing of Black and Brown people in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. NO OAT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS.

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    Anita Nath about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors shows that you never actually cared about the safety and wellbeing of the Black and Brown community members of this city. There can be no OAT without independent investigations.

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    B Thoi about 4 years ago

    City Council committed to building the OAT through an open, community-driven process involving people directly impacted by police violence, now our elected officials want to go behind closed doors and make backroom deals about the structure of this new Office. As a resident of Phoenix, I am deeply disappointed to see my representatives in local government attempt to circumvent the will of myself and my neighbors. Delay the ordinance, stick to your commitments.

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    Alicia Brall about 4 years ago

    You cannot increase police transparency and accountability by allowing police participation in OAT. The notion is ridiculous, underhanded, and sinister. Show a shred of integrity and halt the vote until you can make the policy reflect your promises.

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    Marlena Sauceda about 4 years ago

    The OAT should have the power to independently investigate police misconduct and hold the Phoenix PD accountable in all circumstances, not just monitor or participate in *some* investigations. The community needs its police department to truly be held accountable by the community, not by PD leadership or personnel who are likely to be biased in favor of police officers.

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    Jasmin Meza about 4 years ago

    Delay the vote and implement our community oriented process. We have been demanding an independent investigative OAT this whole time but council refuses to listen to the communities demands and y’all even wrote a policy behind closed doors. Delay the vote.

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    Elle Murtagh about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff and excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety and wellbeing of Black and Brown people in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. NO OAT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS.

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    Jisoo Kim about 4 years ago

    The stakes are far too high to not have a real community-driven process. How ironic it is that even the development of OAT is happening without accountability and transparency. Public comment and the occasional constituent meeting are not enough. Directly impacted people need a seat at the table. When we talk about community, we're talking about victims, families, friends, and loved ones whose lives could, without exaggeration, be saved by a proper OAT.

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    Thania Betancourt Alcazar about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff and excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety and wellbeing of Black and Brown people in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. NO OAT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS.

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    Jamie Bonnell about 4 years ago

    a year ago we demanded & you voted for a CRB model to be independent, community driven, transparent, & granted investigative power. building this policy w/o community input is unacceptable. adding cops to the staff is unacceptable. excluding independent investigative power is unacceptable. you may not care about Black & Brown people in this city, or survivors of police violence, but we do, & you are beholden to us. a vote on this policy must be delayed until this bait & switch is remedied.

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    Noem Flores about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff and excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety and wellbeing of Black and Brown people in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. NO OAT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS.

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    Veronica Lorenzen about 4 years ago

    A commitment to independent investigations--not any conducted by law enforcement or former law enforcement--must be a priority of OAT. A policy developed in conjunction with civilians and experts must also be a top priority. The community is calling for a delay to this vote until such time when these items are taken into serious consideration. The current plan is merely lip service and will not make a difference to the Phoenix community who so desperately deserves it.

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    Corey Caulkins about 4 years ago

    The way this ordinance is written states that the OAT/CRB can only monitor or participate in investigations conducted by the Police Department. This is NOT independent investigation. If the OAT/CRB cannot conduct their own independent investigations, free from the authority or influence of the Phoenix Police Department, then this vote must be delayed until such time that this issue is fixed. If this ordinance passes in its current form, it will be a betrayal of public trust and a waste of time.

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    Maggie Spear about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened and independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff and excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety and wellbeing of Black and Brown people in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. NO OAT WITHOUT INDEPENDENT INVESTIGATIONS.

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    Matthew Chrisler about 4 years ago

    By many measures, Phoenix is the most violent police force in the country. It's leader gave an interview in which she seemed not to know what the Brady List is, and the city is taking the smallest steps to address racism in housing, employment, education, and incarceration. Now, after months of trying to add police and exclude independent investigators on the OAT, the city again shows it does not care about the safety of Black and Brown Phoenicians. No OAT without independent investigations.

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    Emily Spetrino about 4 years ago

    The vote on this policy must be delayed until a community process has happened & independent investigations have been included. The fact that you've built this policy entirely behind closed doors, while quietly trying to add cops onto the staff & excluding independent investigations shows us that you never cared about the safety & wellbeing of Black/Brown/Poor/Queer folx in this city, or the families who've had someone killed by phx police. No OAT with cops - Independent Investigations now!

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    Alex Ross about 4 years ago

    We need independent investigations and more community involvement, not more police policing themselves. We need to raise the standard of Police Accountability in Arizona and the City of Phoenix is in a position to do just that.

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    Taylor Ramirez about 4 years ago

    For Civilian Oversight to properly function there needs to be involvement with the community that are directly affected by the actions of the PHX PD and transparent investigations. This can not happen without independent investigations and community input, our Police department will continue to be unaccountable within OAT if these demands are not meet.