Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

27 Adoption of an Ordinance Adding a New Chapter 20 to the Phoenix City Code Establishing the Office of Accountability and Transparency (Ordinance G-6770)

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    Matthew Chrisler almost 4 years ago

    I am against any oversight that is not fully independent from PPD. The standard for oversight is community-based, non-police oversight. We have seen time and again the partisan and back-room politics of PLEA, and the incompetence and ignorance of PPD command, stand in the way of true community oversight. The council should reject this half-measure not only because it is insufficient, but because it will be held up as an example of "doing something" that prevents actual, necessary changes.

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    Emily Jespersen almost 4 years ago

    Turning the Office of Accountability and Transparency into a rubber stamp is an empty and expensive gesture that does nothing to address the root of the issue. This office needs the power of independent investigation as well as direct community leadership in order to live up to its name. Without those things, it's nothing but yet another curtain of insulation to protect police from accountability.

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    Chelsea Hickok almost 4 years ago

    I am AGAINST civilian oversight that doesn't include INDEPENDENT investigations and COMMUNITY participation. Something is NOT better than nothing when lives are on the line. We are tired of seeing half measures and compromises from City Council and Mayor Gallego. Protect your community from the unchecked power of the PHX police.

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    Katarina Martinez almost 4 years ago

    I'm against oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Lives are on the line.

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    Joel Edman almost 4 years ago

    As a Phoenix resident who has heard the calls for a truly independent, community-driven oversight of PD, I have to stand with our community now and insist that OAT that has independent investigative power and meaningful community participation. Please vote NO on today's version of the language and insist on these points in a new version.

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    Jisoo Kim almost 4 years ago

    I am very disappointed to see that the final OAT draft remains non-independent, non-community oriented, and limited in its powers to bring any semblance of justice to victims and families. It’s true: community-driven policy in the form we are demanding would be a departure from the norm. But it is critical that we do so, precisely because the norm is deadly, overfunded, and unchecked. We cannot wait around and trust that the future OAT Director will put everything into place.

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    pam fitzgerald almost 4 years ago

    This is a duplication of boards that already exist. This is a total and complete waste of taxpayer money. If it goes through, people on this board must be free of any political agenda or conflict of interest. Lawyers for OAT must not have EVER been involved in any cases against the department. Director must have some law enforcement background. Change the board you already have.

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    Stefanie Whitman almost 4 years ago

    This has been an issue for a long time. The board should know how most of the community feels about this. If there is not independent investigations or community involvement, this is not going to work. Also, trying to say organizers ARE NOT allowed to apply for this board is ridiculous. The last board meeting about this issue was maddening and hard to listen to, especially when the families (of the victims) of police brutality are pleading with the members that we need independent investigations

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    Cailin Potami almost 4 years ago

    When community backed civilian oversight in February, it was because we were promised oversight that was independent, investigative, transparent, and community driven. Seven months later we’re finding out you wrote a policy without us, and are trying to give us fake, weak investigative authority. It's a joke. Civilian oversight without the power to independently investigate the police is clearly a way for the department to continue terrorizing the community without consequences.

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    Yazmin Sagastume almost 4 years ago

    We were promised an oversight that was independent, investigative, transparent, and community driven. Now we’re finding out you wrote a policy without us, and mocking us by giving us fake, weak investigative authority. I am against a civilian oversight that doesn’t include an independent investigations. There’s literally no point to a civilian review board if in the end police are allowed to investigate themselves. They will not and have not kept themselves accountable.

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    Melissa Acevedo almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. SOMETHING is NOT better than nothing when our lives are on the line!

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    Sarah Tyree almost 4 years ago

    My name is Sarah Tyree, I am a leading member of the Unity Collective and I am here today in full support of not only the Office of Accountability and Transparency but in adoption of this ordinance. While the ordinance as it is, doesn't provide every measure we're seeking, it provides a foundation and more than we have now. We believe this measure would begin, to shift the current culture of dangerous, racist and unacceptable policing, to one of accountability and community supportive.

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    Maria Sanchez almost 4 years ago

    If the civilian oversight policy doesn’t have independent investigations and community participation, i’m against it!

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    Stephanie Gillum almost 4 years ago

    A civilian oversight committee is nearly useless without the allowance of independent investigation by the committee itself. Please vote NO on this matter.

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    Rachel Fedock almost 4 years ago

    You’re creating an office that’s a $3 million rubber stamp to the police department’s current investigative process. If civilian oversight doesn’t have the ability to do independent investigations, it’s doing more harm than good. OAT must not be established. It would be another slap in the face to the community, especially BIPOC and the LGBTQ+ community who bear the brunt of police violence.

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    Rebecca Menjivar almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that does not include independent investigations. We have one of the most violent police departments in the country, this office isn't going to be able to do anything to change our reality.

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    Luke Black almost 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD have clearly illustrated this year that they have no intention of being accountable to the people of Phoenix. They continue to kill us. They target black and brown residents that demand human rights. With their union PLEA, they undermine any effort to end their violence. They will not hold themselves accountable. The community must be given the power to hold the police accountable.

    I strongly oppose civilian oversight without independent investigation and community participation.

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    Anesia Groves almost 4 years ago

    Phx Pd is making false arrests and charges against peaceful protesters who are demanding an end to police violence. Without true oversight our community and our constitutional rights are under attack. We have been added to Arizona Counterterrorist surveillance programs for speaking out against police brutality and our community leaders are facing false charges and political prosecutions. This OAT ordinance will do nothing to address that abuse of power. We demand you vote NO.

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    Tara Laurie almost 4 years ago

    Strongly support the establishment of OAT and chapter 20 addition. This is long overdue to ensure transparency. Thank you.

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    April McCue almost 4 years ago

    If your civilian oversight policy doesn’t have independent investigations and community participation in the policy writing, we’re against it! Something is NOT better than nothing when our lives are on the line. If civilian oversight doesn’t have the ability to do independent investigations, it’s doing more harm than good, and we can’t implement that.Writing this policy behind closed doors shows us the council has no intention of increasing police transparency or accountability