Meeting Time: November 18, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

27 Adoption of an Ordinance Adding a New Chapter 20 to the Phoenix City Code Establishing the Office of Accountability and Transparency (Ordinance G-6770)

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    Hernan Villegas almost 4 years ago

    I am 100% against the OAT 'civilian oversight board'. This Board does not include space for independent investigations nor does it involve the community the way a proper board should. This Board is another tool for the City of Phoenix to say 'look we are doing democracy' whilst allowing the Police control over investigations against them. Please vote against the adoption of the ordinance & involve local organizations/community members for full transparency and representation.

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    Monlau Kwok almost 4 years ago

    We are against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Something is NOT better than nothing when our lives are on the line.

    Vote NO on civilian oversight without investigative powers.

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    Kelly Kwok almost 4 years ago

    We are against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Something Is NOT Better than nothing when our lives are on the line.
    Conflict of interest is not permitted in other community professions. A neutral or supportive position on this is a mistake that risks lives. Make the right choice.
    Vote NO on civilian oversight without investigative powers.

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    Kimberly Stravers almost 4 years ago

    Independent investigations are impossible to fairly conduct when they are not, in fact, independent, but sourced from an office in departmental parallel with the one accused of misconduct. City employees serving at the pleasure of the city manager being tasked with investigating other city employees is itself a conflict of interest. Limiting COI to PD affiliations is not enough; we need transparency and civilian involvement (not just reporting) or this is more of the same lethal back-scratching.

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    Ted Myers almost 4 years ago

    We need a strong and independent OAT. Community involvement and independent power of investigation are the only way to hold law enforcement accountable and provide neutral oversight. Please establish the OAT as it was approved by the Council earlier this year.

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    Zach Denes almost 4 years ago

    Civilian oversight of Phoenix police officers is needed. Without independent investigations and community participation, though, the Office of Accountability and Transparency is just a further extension of police and their affiliates investigating themselves and is essentially worthless. Be brave.

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    MK Zeeb almost 4 years ago

    We are against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Please do the right thing. Lives are at stake.

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    Richard Plattner almost 4 years ago

    I apologize if this comment is accidentally a duplicate. Civilian Oversight MUST include independent investigative powers AND community involvement. Toothless oversight is no oversight.

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    Rita Esperia almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that does not include investigations and community participation! Something is not better than nothing when lives are on the line. Without civilian oversight and investigations, it's more of the same police investigating police. Citizens of this city are incredibly concerned that Phoenix Police Department are the most violent in the country, more than NYC and LA. It's high time to provide what was promised more than two years ago. Stop stalling. Thank you.

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    Allie Mahai almost 4 years ago

    Civilians need independent investigative power, and our full community should have a say in these decisions. Otherwise, this will not save the people it claims to.

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    Timothea Haider almost 4 years ago

    We need civilian oversight run by the community and organizations independent of the police force. If the police are not held accountable by the people they are meant to serve, they will continue to run rampant and terrorize the most vulnerable members of our society.

    The Phoenix city council can not expect to continue their complicitity in the crimes of the police and expect to keep their jobs and reputations. We will not turn a blind eye. We we not be silenced.

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    Jennifer Jones almost 4 years ago

    I oppose Civilian Oversight that does not include independent investigation and community involvement. Without that, this committee is a sham to give an appearance of oversight where none exists, except to concur with an already biased police investigation. This is not what we need to hold the police accountable for their actions, and instill public trust of the police. We need real oversight. We cannot continue to allow our police to get away with murder.

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    Liz Garland almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that does not include independent investigations and community participation! Something is NOT better than nothing when lives are on the line. Prove that you hear us, prove that you care about BIPOC lives.

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    Sarai Richter almost 4 years ago

    It is unacceptable that the Council removed independent investigations from OAT/CRB. Black and brown people are still being targeted, harassed, and killed by Phx police. Cutting our voices out of this process shows you never cared about our health and safety.

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    Megan Holcomb almost 4 years ago

    The stakes are far too high to not have a real community-driven process. How ironic it is that even the development of OAT is happening without accountability and transparency. Public comment and the occasional constituent meeting are not enough. Directly impacted people need a seat at the table. When we talk about community, we're talking about victims, families, friends, and loved ones whose lives could literally be saved by a proper OAT.

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    Maren Mueller almost 4 years ago

    I oppose civilian oversight that does not include independent investigation and community participation. If you’re going to do it, do it right.

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    Michael Johnson almost 4 years ago

    If the civilian oversight policy doesn’t have independent investigations and community participation, we’re against it! Cutting our voices out of this process shows you never cared about our health and safety- you only cared about your image. An office like this, especially if you allow cops on staff, will be nothing but a $3 million rubber stamp for the current process.

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    Xo McAleece almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Oversight only works if it is representative, unbiased, and resourced. This council has proven over and over that black lives don't matter to them by continuing to give power and resource to one of the most violent police forces in the country and under resourcing much needed accountability like the OAT.

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    Jose Echeverria Vega almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that doesn't include independent investigations and community participation. Not including independent investigations makes civilian oversight useless. As A.M posted, "Arizona, particularly Phoenix, has one of the deadliest police forces in the community and they cannot and should not be getting away with murder. We need civilian oversight, but something is not better than nothing when our lives are on the line." Thank you.

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    Alexis Mansanarez almost 4 years ago

    I am against civilian oversight that doesn’t include independent investigations and community participation. There needs to be transparency and accountability; without independent investigations and community engaged that will not happen. Arizona, particularly Phoenix, has one of the deadliest police forces in the community and they cannot and should not be getting away with murder. We need civilian oversight, but something is not better than nothing when our lives are on the line. Do better