Meeting Time: October 12, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

*96 ***REQUEST TO ADD-ON (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Phoenix Park Ranger Program

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    Bill Morlan about 2 years ago

    I strongly believe our unsheltered neighbors need more support, in terms of shelter beds, alternative housing options, mental health and other supportive services. At the same time, our failure to provide these does not mean our parks should become ground zero for drug use, public indecency and other unsafe activities. Being homeless is NOT a crime, but many of the activities happening in our parks are. We need to keep all of our neighbors safe, housed and unhoused. I support this proposal.

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    christy pylman about 2 years ago

    Support! Please add additional security to keep homeless out of our parks. Not safe for the homeowners and children in the neighborhood.

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    Dan Penton about 2 years ago

    I would like to know why the safety of Laveen residents never seems to be a priority. It's is out of control, homelessness, and drug use, right I broad daylight at the bus stops, and the Laveen Conveyance Channel. A Park Ranger would be a fantastic resource for the channel. But I have to ask why private security guards? Regardless, I can't help but see nothing but exposure to liability, and the city having to payout claims for God knows what.

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    Nancy Engstrom about 2 years ago

    I support providing additional police coverage to our parks. As a person with a disability it is important for me to be able to walk around and feel safe.
    I do not want the homeless to feel they can camp in our beautiful parks.

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    Carson Flanders about 2 years ago

    I strongly oppose this and urge you to vote no. Parks are meant to be a safe pubblic space for everyone, including the unhoused community. I believe this budget proposal will only bring intimidation and violence

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    Laura Hudson about 2 years ago

    Paying $400,000 to a private company to criminalize and “move along” your unsheltered constituents from public spaces is not only fiscally irresponsible but counterproductive to actually helping folks get back on their feet.

    It is up to each one of you to ensure that your unsheltered constituents are not being further criminalized and that Phoenix tax dollars are spent wisely to solve the issue, not criminalize people.

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    Annalisa Cardon about 2 years ago

    Spend the money on solving the issue NOT criminalizing people.

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    Crystal Carrillo about 2 years ago

    I stand in opposition to this agenda item because I feel it misuses taxpayer dollars to hire a private security company to police a public park. My tax payer dollars paid for these parks and they should be allowed to be used by residents all around the neighborhood. I don’t understand why I received an email from Ann O’Brien saying to support this, I feel that is a conflict of interest and I’m very disappointed with this misuse of an email list. We need more housing in our communities.

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    Michael Rodgers about 2 years ago

    Phoenix City Council,
    I respectfully, but somewhat skeptically, ask the Councilmembers to consider approving this request based on the facts, not on politics or emotions.
    Our parks are nothing more than open-air drug markets, caches for stolen goods, and areas for human trafficking and prostitution. Police cannot help due to diminished resources. Regardless of living homeless or not, the RULE OF LAW HAS NO ECONOMIC THRESHOLD.

    We need assistance to return law and order to our public parks.

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    Emmett Dicken about 2 years ago

    This will only move homeless people around the city and into ally ways and under bridges and other public owned properties. this is not a solution.
    use this money to hire more phoenix patrol officers.

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    Jennifer Gonzalez about 2 years ago

    This is another unnecessary budget expense that will hurt our community with private security being able to act separate from the state as they choose. This will inevitably lead to more violence against citizens and unsheltered folks. Police already have more than half our budget yet they arent adequately protecting anyone or reducing crime.

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    JoAnn LowneyCoplin about 2 years ago

    This is a great idea! It is so important for the safety of our community to have additional law enforcement in our parks and public spaces.
    I see the open use of drugs, including the smoking of crack and fentinol every day. This makes families with children, especially, but all the citizens of this city feel afraid to use our parks. There is no downside to having more Park Rangers in our parks.

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    Allison Lambert about 2 years ago

    I live at 33rd Dr & Alice Ave, and I support this program to add security systems to Cortez and other parks. I want to go to Cortez Park more often, but it is getting so dangerous. Please make these parks safe spaces for families again. Someone has to set up, monitor, etc. the camera footage, so surely this will also create jobs. This will also make the restrooms cleaner. This should be done WITH measures to help root causes of homelessness (rent control, rehab, etc.), not one or the other.

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    John Curfman about 2 years ago

    I fully support this item. Cortez Park has for years been over-run by those with a criminal background looking for a home. I feel for all folks who are experiencing difficulties in life, but our parks are not and were never intended to fulfull the need of providing an overnight space for those people. The park needs this protection. I urge you to pass this item.

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    Julie Young about 2 years ago

    Our parks are at risk for safety and the agenda item to add security to those locations that have been identified as a safety risk require full discussion and vote by the council to add security.

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    Sarah Bosch about 2 years ago

    The City of Phoenix MUST stop criminalizing substance use and homelessness and invest the $400,000 in resources for these communities, not the police. The police will not "solve these problems," they will respond to and then disappear them. We need to invest this money into services like affordable, peer-run recovery programs and affordable housing, not more cops.

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    Jennifer Burgess about 2 years ago

    Yes - I support adding security to enforce city codes in our parks.

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    Sydnie Gonella about 2 years ago

    This is blatant misuse of taxpayers dollars I stand in opposition here simply because we don’t need more “policing” from privatized security we want funds like that go towards assistance programs and resources that can improve the lives of those being negatively impacted by our cities housing crisis!

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    Massimo Sommacampagna about 2 years ago

    My family and I support this item. As a father of 3 children, my wife and I worry about the safety of the parks in our community. In the past, we enjoyed taking our children to the parks in the early morning with the temperate weather. Unfortunately, we have had to postpone this enjoyment until the City solves this problem of public safety at our parks. This agenda item is a step in the right direction for our community. Thank you.

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    Chelsea Hassler about 2 years ago

    Drug use and homeless encampments are not ok in parks.