Meeting Time: October 12, 2022 at 2:30pm MST
The online Comment window has expired

Agenda Item

*96 ***REQUEST TO ADD-ON (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Phoenix Park Ranger Program

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    Brooks Sneed almost 2 years ago

    For everyone that lives near one of these parks, I feel your pain. we are constantly dealing with druggies and crime that bleeds into our neighborhoods from people that use these parks as a “hub”. This is meant to protect the communities that surround them and make it safe for everyone to use the parks. This is not intended to add police or hurt the homeless population but to protect the public. We are tired of protection our properly from problems stemming from these parks!

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    Amanda Branum almost 2 years ago

    Children and families deserve a safe clean place to gather and have fun. I've heard and seen people disagree with this item because they want the funding to go to the homeless population, but there are already resources available to that population that are not being utilized by them. Phoenix PD doesn't have near enough resources to answer these calls timely enough to be effective. Approval of this item can only benefit the resident areas and help preserve the safety of their neighborhoods.

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    Tom Argiro almost 2 years ago

    Having safe neighborhoods and the parks within our neighborhoods are critical for the economic development of North Phoenix. Our small businesses cannot attract and retain talent when our neighborhoods aren't worth living in. I urge city council to consider the economic impact, the very tax base we need to run our city, and the vitality of our local economy when casting their vote. If you oppose this needed security measure, you are opposing a vibrant economy.

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    Amanda Chlan almost 2 years ago

    Strongly oppose voting on this item. We do not need to spend more money on policing. The 400k can be spent on shelters, the unhoused, and training peer support. City council I strongly urge you to vote against this measure.

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    Greer Palmer almost 2 years ago

    There is a fine line between policing homelessness and policing blatant drug use and sale in areas our children play. The drug use is out of control and slowly seeping into our houses youth. In the 14 months I've lived adjacent to this park I've had my home burglarized twice with the second occasion causing thousands in damages- well beyond what my family and I could comfortably cover.

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    Daniel Langmade almost 2 years ago

    Please protect our children from crime, unsanitary conditions, dirty needles. Let the citizens and children use our parks in safety. The people who are against don't realize if a crime is not committed no one is arrested. Smart people realize law enforcement does not criminalize homelessness, it criminalize criminals. Help the Police, Park Rangers, Security Officers do their job

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    Sushil Rao almost 2 years ago

    This is more money to criminalize the unsheltered from the “fiscal conservatives” while the “representatives” that say they’re for the people sit idle and watch this mismanagement of resources continue. Shame on all y’all. Trash.

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    Erin Cochran almost 2 years ago

    Criminalization of survival of those with no where else to go only further exacerbates issues with service connection meant to resolve root causes of homelessness. There is also great concern about the lack of oversight and accountability in utilizing private contractors to police marginalized populations, leaving the city liable to a multitude of possible legal action. These funds should be used to invest in resources and solutions, not continued policing of basic human survival.

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    Olive Rich almost 2 years ago

    As a housed trans woman, the overwhelming police presence in our city already makes me feel unsafe every time I’m out in public. Now you want to expand the reach of phx pd and hire even more troops for your state sponsored death squads? Please, don’t. We don’t need more people executed in the streets by the dogs under your thumb. We need real public services.

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    Marlaina Larsen Thorslev almost 2 years ago

    We do not need further policing of houseless people in Phoenix. We should use our resources for providing houseless people with medical care, housing stability, substance abuse care, and safety. The violence enacted upon these extremely vulnerable groups is inexcusable and cannot be perpetuated by this measure. Build a stronger city with support and care, not hatred and violence.

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    Jessica Spencer almost 2 years ago

    Stop killing my neighbors with resources that should be going to help them. City of Phoenix is governed by state sanctioned murderers and I'm over it.

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    Veronica Wollenzier almost 2 years ago

    There is ALWAYS money for new forms of policing, but never any to put towards housing. We don’t want funds to be spent criminalizing our unsheltered neighbors who are just trying to survive outside. Public parks should always be open to EVERYONE- and the proposal of this spending treats human beings as if they are blight.

    Jim, Sal, Debra and Ann- your elitism is showing.

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    Tina Luna almost 2 years ago

    It is truly appalling that after years of Black and directly impacted leadership demanding real solutions to community health issues and help for the houseless community Council members Jim, Ann, Sal, and Debra want to further criminalize our neighbors who are in need. It is up to you, Carlos, Betty, Laura, Yass, and Kate to vote NO and make sure that being unsheltered isn't further criminalized. Spend the money on solving the issue NOT criminalizing people.

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    Joya Scott almost 2 years ago

    We should not be spending more money criminalizing people without shelter in Phoenix. This initiative is the opposite of what we should be investing in. I urge the council to vote against this measure.

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    Johanna Haygood almost 2 years ago

    Strongly oppose this item, we do not need more spending on police/security. period.

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    Anna Hernandez almost 2 years ago

    I strongly urge the council to vote no on this item. Spending $400K on private security does nothing to address the root cause of the issues. The parks in this pilot program are located in already highly policed and criminalized neighborhoods. The council should be looking to invest these funds into housing solutions or other critical resources that would be actually beneficial to our communities.

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    Melissa Hicks almost 2 years ago

    It is truly appalling that after years of Black and directly impacted leadership demanding LESS police and real solutions to community health that Council members Jim, Ann, Sal, and Debra actually put this on the agenda. It is up to you, Carlos, Betty, Laura, Yass, and Kate to vote NO and make sure that being unsheltered isn't further criminalized. Spend the money on solving the issue NOT criminalizing people

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    Rachel Parker almost 2 years ago

    i recognize concerns for park safety and i oppose funds being used for security. you create financial liability if/when security incorrectly assesses a threat + you have a lawsuit on your hands. if someone is in a park with a shopping cart, they’re simply trying to exist on public land, one of the last places they have. their presence is a symptom of your failure to provide affordable housing. please redirect funds to provide affordable housing, not security in already overpoliced neighborhoods.

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    Davina Griego almost 2 years ago

    This program blatantly targets and will negatively impact our houseless community. The memo states the program's objectives include maintaining safe and welcoming parks for all residents and visitors, that rangers are there to enforce guest satisfaction, safety, attractiveness, usability. These are double standards. The monies need go to programs helping the houseless, not to a private contractor who will, no doubt, use their authority to further criminalize those who have nowhere else to go.

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    Kharli Mandeville almost 2 years ago

    I oppose item 96. This is going to be dangerous for people who are unhoused and have nowhere else to be. It’s an absolute disgrace that the City would choose to spend money on added policing when there aren’t enough shelter beds for people who need them, not to mention the lack of affordable housing here. To choose funds for private security over housing security is just plain cruel. Please redirect these funds to essential services that will actually help people instead of criminalizing them.