Meeting Time: July 01, 2020 at 10:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

28 (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 2020) - Request Authorization to Enter Into a Contract with Crisis Response Network, Inc. for a Web-Based Emergency Shelter Availability Portal Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (Ordinance S-46798)

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    Amanda Leach over 4 years ago

    The database is a great tool that is needed for providers to help people access available beds/resources BUT police MUST NOT be involved in it. It's counterproductive and harmful that they have an obligation to ticket/fine /arrest these citizens. Forcing people to another city is coercive displacement! Tasking police w/ calls for homelessness that they are not equipped to handle put the city at risk for lawsuits. We need trauma informed care workers responding to calls for homelessness NOW!

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    Ashley Moseley over 4 years ago

    I oppose this item. While this database is a valuable resource, police officers should not be involved. They are trained to arrest and fine individuals who experience homelessness, which is counterproductive to a measure that is attempting to provide shelter. Police officers will only perpetuate trauma. Trauma-informed case workers must be involved, NOT police officers. Vote no.

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    Elena Pierson over 4 years ago

    Homelessness should not be criminalized. By approving Phoenix PD to access this database you are approving the notion of creating an environment of trauma for unsheltered folx. I am speaking on this because I deeply care for our state, and I deeply care for the people who inhabit it. Show that you care, show that you are invested in positive change, not negative. Stop criminalizing homelessness.

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    Rai Baker over 4 years ago

    Bad policy!

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    David Machbitz over 4 years ago

    I oppose this item as it is currently written. Giving police sole access of this technology will make it easier for them to criminalize homelessness. Instead provide additional resources that help those who are homeless instead of criminalize them for having to sleep outside.

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    Samantha Vo over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the involvement of Phoenix pd having access, primary access to the portal. This will further allow phoenix pd to criminalize homeless. Reallocate the contract funds for more shelter beds and better communication between people directly helping and the unsheltered.

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    Corey Caulkins over 4 years ago

    The database itself is a great tool, but it makes absolutely no sense to give Phoenix PD sole access to it. In fact, Phoenix PD should not be involved at all with the database - instead, trauma informed care workers who are knowledgeable and equipped to help unsheltered folks should be. Stop criminalizing homelessness.

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    Angela MayGraham over 4 years ago

    We need crisis and trauma informed care workers attending to the homeless. Not police. This would put the police in a position they are not properly trained for and could open up the city for lawsuits and harm the homeless individuals. We need more outreach workers doing this!

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    Joshua Hontz over 4 years ago

    I oppose this contract as written. The police should not be granted access the portal. People lacking a home are frequently cited/arrested for loitering or sleeping outside due to a lack of shelter beds. If the police are able to access information regarding the availability of beds, they could use it as evidence to cite or displace people who aren't able to access the limited available beds. I urge you to vote no on this issue.

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    Eva Jannotta over 4 years ago

    Do not grant police access to this database!! It's part of their job to ticket and fine people, and that is IN NO WAY how to support unsheltered people.

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    Katie Sample over 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD have a record of making things WORSE for unsheltered folks by criminalizing their survival and causing trauma. Trained case workers ought to be the ones responding to unsheltered folks and using this database. People will NOT tolerate Phoenix trying to sneak around the Boise Supreme Court decision to profit off of terrorizing vulnerable people, and there will be lawsuits if this passes. Instead, please hurry up on providing more shelter beds!

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    George Sharp over 4 years ago

    I stand in opposition of this item and ask that my representatives vote no. Utilizing technology to improve access is a commendable endeavor, but this can not and should not be involved. They are not the right institution to ensure unhoused are treated correctly and fairly. Please invest in and utilize the best resources to make this a success.

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    KatieLee Faulkner over 4 years ago

    A database is a great idea, but the police cannot be involved in this process. It's a gross overstep and not necessary for the job to be done.

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    Mel Harmann over 4 years ago

    Please, I urge the city ensure proper healthcare professionals are also involved in the process.

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    Elise Ortega over 4 years ago

    Police should NOT be involved in a crisis response network. They are not equipped to handle these types of requests as it would be counterproductive. Police have an obligation to arrest the unhoused due to them "breaking the law" so this would just give them more access to information about an already struggling people group. Also, we need MORE shelter beds! Can you imagine sleeping outside in 110 degree weather??

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    Mike Cassidy over 4 years ago

    I oppose Item 28 the way it is currently written. Providers of homeless services and the homeless community in Phoenix should have every tool they need to help people survive, but allowing Phoenix Police to have access to this tool is a way to further criminalize homeless people. We need funding for resources and solutions for homelessness, but Phoenix police must not have access to this tool because criminalization is not the answer.

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    Benjamin Lewis over 4 years ago

    Folks who have been abandoned by our employment system have enough on their plate trying to stay on top of their health, finding a place to live and a place to work. We can’t allow police to peruse the portal hunting for folks down on their luck who are just trying to get back on their feet. Police CANNOT be given access to this portal

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    Isabel Garcia over 4 years ago

    I oppose Item 28 the way it is currently written. Providers of homeless services and the homeless community in Phoenix should have every tool they need to help people survive, but allowing Phoenix Police to have access to this tool is a way to further criminalize homeless people. We need funding for resources and solutions for homelessness, but Phoenix police must not have access to this tool because criminalization is not the answer.

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    Amber Packer over 4 years ago

    I oppose any motion to give police access to a shelter bed portal. Giving the police this access will only further displace, criminalize and harm our unsheltered folks.

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    Jill Wynne Kitkowski over 4 years ago

    I oppose this item & requesting that you vote no. The database/portal is a great tool that is needed for providers to help people access available beds & resources, but police cannot be involved in it. Displacing this population should not be done by force. Providing housing, mental health services, and harm reduction is the only ethical way to have people relocate, but on their terms.