Meeting Time: July 01, 2020 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

28 (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 2020) - Request Authorization to Enter Into a Contract with Crisis Response Network, Inc. for a Web-Based Emergency Shelter Availability Portal Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (Ordinance S-46798)

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    Gregory Peck about 4 years ago

    To put this information in the hands of PHX PD is a crime against the humanity of our homeless population. Partner instead with mental health professionals and start funneling money into orgs and shelters that can actually assist with this issue. Homelessness should not be labeled a crime in any capacity. Absolutely do not give this power to the PD. They are in no way qualified to handle this.

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    Liv Ruiz about 4 years ago

    Phx PD does NOT deserve any further control over our community. Their ongoing harassment of our homeless neighbors is unacceptable, inhumane, and must be stopped. Handing them another tool to mistreat the most vulnerable members of our community would be a serious mistake and would only give the police another avenue to criminalize people with nowhere to go. Vote instead to increase the available shelter beds and expand other services that directly benefit those who are experiencing homelessness

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    Andrea Golfen about 4 years ago

    I oppose this. Giving Phoenix PD access to this portal only furthers the criminalization of homelessness. People experiencing homelessness deserve to be treated with respect, just like all citizens. The primary responders to people experiencing homelessness should be social workers, mental health professionals and other such community support workers. I urge the council to vote this down.

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    Alexandra Lesnik about 4 years ago

    I have seen Phoenix PD abuse their power when interacting with people experiencing homelessness time and time again. It is naive and harmful to suggest that this request, whatever the intention, will not lead to worsening of this abuse. People experiencing homelessness are just that- PEOPLE. They are unheard and underrepresented and it is time to address the needs of these community members, these human beings. I am tired of the City Council criminalizing their existence instead of serving them.

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    Alexis Campbell about 4 years ago

    I oppose this, I believe Phx PD should not have access to this portal and it should instead be in the hands of mental health professionals and those directly involved with the homeless population in Phoenix in order to get them the help and resources they need. They are Phoenicians who need the support of community resources and not to be criminalized because of their situation.

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    Laura Perez about 4 years ago

    Don't give any more power to phx pd. Start funding more shelters, housing, and services instead

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    Clara Cieniawski about 4 years ago

    It is extremely dangerous that the police will have access to this portal. I fully oppose this measure. Service providers such as mental health professionals and trained social workers should be the ones providing these services, NOT the police as they will likely use this as a tool to further criminalize those without regular access to shelter/housing in our community. Information on shelter bed availability should be used by social workers to HELP people find shelter NOT by police officers.

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    Anita Nath about 4 years ago

    I oppose this, since the Phx PD will be the primary group to access the portal. This will only further criminalize our community members who are experiencing homelessness.

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    Jude Jamison about 4 years ago

    Police should not have access to this. This funding is needed but it MUST be in the hands of social workers, mental health professionals, etc. Police will use this tool to further criminalize the most vulnerable members of our community.

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    Katie Greisiger Frost about 4 years ago

    A web-based portal for helping to found beds for people without a place to sleep sounds like a step in the right direction. However, I oppose this agenda item as it terrifies me to think that the largest user would be Phx PD, seemingly without professional guidance from social workers. There is, rightfully so, large distrust and the potential for violent harm. Money should instead be used to guarantee more access to service providers that are trauma informed and mental health literate.

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    Ashley Ward about 4 years ago


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    Biplove Baral about 4 years ago

    Police being the main group to access the portal is simply insane.

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    Patricia Pagliuca about 4 years ago

    Public servants,
    Your community demands you protect our most underserved citizens. STOP supporting Phx PD terrorizing us, and instead:

    1. Immediately schedule a vote to increase shelter beds.

    2. Certified trauma informed care workers to respond to calls about folks experiencing homelessness.

    3. Create a provider portal 100% funded and NO PD access.

    These are people who need physical and mental health support, access to food, safe comfortable shelter, and jobs. STOP criminalizing them!

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    Thomas Machowicz about 4 years ago

    Police OUT, mental health professionals IN. I oppose this motion because police officers are under equipped to respond to these situations and risk further criminalizing those dealing with homelessness. This money would be better spent funding social workers, counselors and mental health professionals to support our unsheltered neighbors.

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    Alejandra Ruiz about 4 years ago

    Opposed to this funding.

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    Claire Goldberg about 4 years ago

    Please council consider that instead of providing more power to police, involve a crisis response network and other trauma/homeless service providers that could assist here.
    Police interaction will exacerbate situations preventing unsheltered individuals from getting the attention they so desperately need.
    If this hasn't worked already, it is not going to work now. Representatives from the unsheltered populations should have a say as to whom they think would best assist them.

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    Karen Olson about 4 years ago

    I oppose item 28. This agenda item would do exactly what the community of Phoenix have been demanding Phoenix City Council NOT do: give more power to the police. The council needs to create a portal that is free of police power in order to provide trauma free shelter beds for our unsheltered population. We need certified care workers and an immediate vote to increase the number of shelter beds available now.

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    Roisin McDermott about 4 years ago

    Phx PD should not have a database of beds available in shelters. Police interaction only leads to more harassment and criminalization of people experiencing homelessness

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    Xanthia Walker about 4 years ago

    PHX PD should not have access to this database. This access should only be in the hands of social workers and others committed to helping already vulnerable communities. Police interaction only leads to more harassment and criminalization people experiencing homelessness.

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    J N about 4 years ago

    PHX PD should not have access to this database. This access should only be in the hands of social workers and others committed to helping already vulnerable communities. Police interaction only leads to more harassment and criminalization people experiencing homelessness. Provide more shelter beds, more aid, more resources, not unnecessary and harmful policing.