Meeting Time: July 01, 2020 at 10:00am MST
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Agenda Item

28 (CONTINUED FROM JUNE 24, 2020) - Request Authorization to Enter Into a Contract with Crisis Response Network, Inc. for a Web-Based Emergency Shelter Availability Portal Due to COVID-19 Pandemic (Ordinance S-46798)

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    Tina Luna about 4 years ago

    I work in Phoenix near downtown and I see the way the police interact with the homeless residents of this city. I ask the City Council to vote NO on this project. Phoenix PD should have zero involvement in this project. Those facing houselessness should be engaging with social workers. This is an unnecessary use of $200k in funds - we already know there aren't enough shelter beds.

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    Michelle Andrews about 4 years ago

    Shelter bed availability should be accessible by trained social service providers only, not the Phoenix Police. Providing this information is a social service and should be handled as such. Having this handled by the PHX PD puts people at risk of harm.

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    Kalie Virden about 4 years ago

    Our homeless population deserves help from trained service providers, such as social workers and healthcare providers. Information on shelter bed availability only needs to be accessible to these service providers. Historically, Phoenix PD has not protected our homeless population. Homelessness should not be a law enforcement issue. We need to be creative in addressing the needs of our most vulnerable population. Giving this task to Phoenix PD is irresponsible.

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    Jason Hill about 4 years ago

    Shelters have been operating at capacity for a while, so not clear what a database will tell people.
    Homelessness is not a law enforcement issue. If social work and healthcare agencies can use this database give them access to it, otherwise find a better way to use these funds.

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    Rev Dan Ponisciak about 4 years ago

    Information on shelter bed availability should be accessible by the service providers - not the police. We need more shelter beds that are accessible to those experiencing homelessness and we must lead with compassion instead of leading with judgment or criminalization. Homelessness is not a choice. We must work harder together to serve the most vulnerable in our city.

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    Catherine Heywood about 4 years ago

    People lacking a home are more likely to be put in harm's way by the Phoenix PD as it stands. It's really harmful to place another tool for criminalization in the hands of an already dangerous police department. Service providers are the ones providing services, not police officers. Individuals with backgrounds in social work or mental health are the people who provide genuine service. This money could be far better spent on making sure more people have access to the resources they really need.

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    Sophia Terry about 4 years ago

    This is an unconstitutional and unjust measure that directly targets the vulnerable Phoenix population. Get the homeless population logical and considerate help. City of Phoenix, don't cause more chaos. This proposed bill is legalized kidnapping and needs to be thrown in the trash.

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    Lauren Williams about 4 years ago

    Phoenix PD should not have access to a database of beds in homeless shelters. Social workers and community outreach groups should be working with our community in order to provide shelter and beds for displaced individuals, not the police. Homelessness should not be criminalized and this money needs to go towards finding homeless individuals shelter and mental health services.

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    Rainy Batroff about 4 years ago

    PHX PD should not have access to a database of available or filled beds in homeless shelters. This access should only be in the hands of social workers and others committed to HELPING already vulnerable communities. We don't need to punish those already suffering from houselessness. Provide more shelter beds, more aid, more resources, not unnecessary and harmful policing.

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    Helena Haber about 4 years ago

    Giving PHX PD sole access to this database shows willful ignorance of the distrust the community has (and frankly, has always had) with law enforcement. There are community-led solutions to this issue. You need to act with humanity and consider alternatives to dealing with housing insecurity.

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    James Hough about 4 years ago

    Vote no. They should not have access to this information.

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    Camille Johnson about 4 years ago

    I am a Phoenix resident and I implore the City Council to vote NO on this project. This would let Phoenix PD have sole access to a database of the unsheltered community, something they should have zero involvement in. Those facing houselessness should be engaging with social workers and mental health professionals, not police. This will further criminalize a vulnerable population. It's also an unnecessary use of $200k in funds - we already know there aren't enough shelter beds.

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    Sienna Bronson about 4 years ago

    PHX PD should not have access to a database of available or filled beds in homeless shelters. Access to a platform that tracks beds in homeless shelters should be restricted to social workers and others who have the best interests of those using the services in mind; the police department does not qualify under this category. Homeless individuals need compassion, not to be criminalized.

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    Xo McAleece about 4 years ago

    My Name is Xoë McAleece and I am a 34 year old resident of Phoenix, AZ in legislative district 4. I oppose the approval of this contract because it gives primary access to the Phoenix PD, who have demonstrated that they pose to inflict more harm than help in thier dealings with the unhoused population of Phoenix. These resources are better allocated to giving social workers and crisis workers the resources that they need to address the needs of our vulnerable unhoused communities.

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    Graham Weisse about 4 years ago

    Failing to provide permanent housing for all is a deplorable outcome of a system that prioritizes private property over the well-being of people. Homelessness is not a crime; there is no justifiable reason for police to be tasked with engaging the unsheltered. The challenges they face will only be compounded by introducing a database that will increase police monitoring, harassment and punitive sanctions. Instead, fund permanent housing and long-term support services to truly help those in need.

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    April McCue about 4 years ago

    Phoenix constituents want police to have less responsibility over public duties. At worst, use these funds for social workers to manage the tracking system. At best- contribute the $200k towards SHELTER! We know that’s what we need and we don’t have enough of it. Thank you

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    Haylee Stanage about 4 years ago

    Giving the police this access will only further displace and criminalize our homeless community members.

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    Cynthia Gonzalez about 4 years ago

    Unsheltered folk are a part of the Phoenix community and they, along with service providers who work with them, are who you should take advice from when creating new ways of combating displacement. They are calling for less police involvement, therefore, you must vote no on this item. Funds should go towards making more shelter availability.

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    Regina Reyes about 4 years ago

    Homelessness should not be addressed by law enforcement, who will mainly just criminalize it and cause further harm to this population. Instead, resources such as service workers, shelters, and mental heal services should be funded to help the homeless community.

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    Daisy Cruz about 4 years ago

    We have to stop criminalizing homelessness, and it starts with this. We need to fund beds and shelters to solve the root cause. No more funding PD and giving them tje resoirces they have demonstrated to be unable to handle.