Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Nathan Zigler about 4 years ago

    And type of mural painted on a street is a clear violation of The Manual for Uniform Traffic Control Devices. It is a clear public safety hazard as it poses a severe distraction to drivers, which opens up the City to liability for being justifiably sued. Furthermore, as the MUTCD is regulated by the FHWA, violations may be met with the City losing federal funding for transportation projects (including light rail). I personally will be reaching out and filing complaints to the FHWA if this passes

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    Kenneth Smith about 4 years ago

    Good Morning,
    I support the creation and upkeep of the Black Lives Matter Unity Mural. I believe this symbolizes our American Heroes, just so happens these American Heroes are of color. When you say no to the Mural you will essentially be saying "NO" to MLK, Cesar Chavez, and John Lewis our American Heroes. I am with the Community Organizer Gizette Knight in the creation of this mural to symbol Unity among all people in Phoenix, Arizona.

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    Janelle Wood about 4 years ago

    I am in support of this mural because it is a reflection of our beautiful culture. The motivation behind this mural is not to promote division or any message against the police. The motivation behind this mural is to celebrate Black Lives and demonstrate the City of Phoenix' commitment to honoring and making sure policies/practices are in place to protect and preserve Black lives in the City of Phoenix. This mural is a symbolic step in that direction.

    Janelle Wood
    A Concerned Black Mother

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    Tommy Drye about 4 years ago

    all lives matter

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    Susan Erikson about 4 years ago

    Why should we give them a foothold? Why do we only allow one viewpoint and disdain all others? I say no.

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    Jennifer White about 4 years ago

    I am in enthusiastic support of a Black Lives Matter mural in Phoenix. It will be a source of pride for our city, and it's time we stand up to show our support of black folks' long struggle for equality. There is a lot of misinformation about the BLM movement. We must educate ourselves to understand the history of oppression and we can't stand for it anymore. It is impossible for all lives to matter until black lives matter. I am excited about the mural. It's good for Phoenix. Please approve.

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    Jan Turner about 4 years ago

    No to this. It will only cause more divide.

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    Angelina Rob about 4 years ago

    Please do not make a mural in Phoenix for BLM. This is not a organization that is worthy of our support. It doesn’t support American values or our hard working police officers. Please do not do this mural it doesn’t reflect the what we as Phoenix stand for. Hard working and loyal Americans who support good causes who build and encourage each other not tear one another down.

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    Barbara Toombs about 4 years ago

    I STRONGLY oppose the painting of a BLM street mural (or any OTHER street mural, for that matter) on the streets of the city of Phoenix. The BLM organization has become quite controversial and has been the subject of much scrutiny and criticism. Putting a mural such as this on the city streets could only lead to more divisiveness in the Valley! This would only open the door to any messaging and should not set a precedent. The only paintings allowed on the city streets should be traffic markings!

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    Karrington Valenzuela about 4 years ago

    I support the mural for "Black Lives Matter." As a consistent participant of the marches and protests, I have experienced black men & women cry at even the slightest hint of compassion from their fellow brothers and sisters. We are a nation that has used symbols to guide us in making the righteous choices that move our journey forward (The Constitution, Bible, Art, etc.) Why is this mural any different? All Lives cannot matter, until All Lives are Protected.

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    Gina Godewyn about 4 years ago

    I highly oppose the BLM steer mural. I can not support a Marxist organization That stands for arson, murder, assault, rioting and looting. Please do not give this organization recognition and praise.

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    James Monroe about 4 years ago

    I am a military veteran. Many of my fellow veterans and I have put our lives on the line in defense of our nation and way of life; a democracy which might be unique in the world and revered by many nations. BLM is clearly opposed to our society and has an agenda to radically change us. It is a radical group interested in radical change and its actions are inflammatory for many of us. All Lives Matter... If you must replace ALL with BLACK, it would clearly be a racist opinion. OPPOSED.

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    Michelle Sweeney about 4 years ago

    If you have to put a color in front of lives matter you are the racist one ! blm is a racist terrorist organization which has not done one good thing for any community! To paint this is doing more harm and is pure pandering!! Please do not do this!

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    Mary Bliss about 4 years ago

    I oppose BLM because it causes division and not unity.

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    Tom Fellers about 4 years ago

    Absolutely NOT. The BLM organizations are the most racist, disrespectful, hate-filled, and destructive groups currently. I don't disagree with the phrase "black lives matter" but the organization is not helping black lives and is something people need to research before they get behind it.

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    Chris Mueller about 4 years ago

    I oppose any use of BLM on streets, buildings or any other city controlled media. BLM is a terrorist organization that needs to be defunded and criminalized.

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    Sue Cavness about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose my tax dollars going to support an organization that states Marxism as part of their agenda and has stridently and overtly promote revolutionary tactics to accomplish their goals which are antithetical to everything we stand, They will use whatever tactics that will advance their cause with low regard to anyone's safety. Cease and desist. There are political consequences for your actions on this matter. Please reconsider going forward with this!

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    Sarah Schweiger about 4 years ago

    The only reason the statement “Black Lives Matter” could be a controversial one, is if they didn’t matter to some. And that is the issue that needs to be addressed, on every level.
    I value Black Lives, and want our City to do more to support our BIPOC community. So I want to see this mural happen, along with the reallocation of City monies.
    Let this mural be a declaration to the rest of the State, and to everyone else, that the City Council is listening, and changes will be coming. <3

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    Ramon Islas about 4 years ago

    Please do not get things worst by taking a political position on something that everybody knows.
    Yes, black lives matter, but so white, brown, blue, etc. As a Hispanic US citizen I strongly oppose that mural, it is not going to help anyone spending all that money and it’s going to hurt all of us.

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    Eluisa Piccillo about 4 years ago

    I represent one of many who belong to the highest bracketed tax payers in Arizona. I am in favor of supporting injustice and standing for what is true but at what cost? If we as a state stand for one we automaticity are denying the other. My hard working tax money needs to be used for a generational impact. Educate, equipt and create unity. I’m willing to make myself part of the solution. This means more than my hefty contribution in state taxes, property taxes and additional community giving.