Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    KRISTIN ZENK about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM street mural.This political organization has demonstrated bad behavior in every city it occupies. Criminal rioting, looting, arson, assault, murder and vandalism, should not be condoned. This group should not be rewarded with a mural.

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    Ga OC about 4 years ago

    I do not support this. I don’t think any mural should go up for several reasons but the main are: safety( think of the riots that could come from this), cost, potential vandalism are the 3 main reasons I oppose it. Please don’t do this to our city.

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    Tracey Adams about 4 years ago

    I support "all" lives matter, not this racist statement that does nothing but further promote division and strife. We are all members of the "human race". Our differences are in how we look on the outside. We are the same on the inside. If you want to promote anything, promote love and unity! Do not validate this evil organization, the BLM organization, by painting them a big welcome sign in the center of our city. ALL lives matter!

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    Sara AA about 4 years ago

    The BLM movement strognly opposes police officers, who need our support right now. I support black lives and oppose racism, but the BLM movement should not be supported.

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    Erik Ve about 4 years ago

    I will not support an oranization that opposes our police, family structure and that supports looting and destroying small businesses.

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    Serena Smith about 4 years ago

    BLM seeks to cause a divide in this country and they are succeeding. The last thing we need is their message of division painted in the city. Please vote NO on this project. Our streets are for travel, not for political statements. Billboards are much more appropriate for that although I don’t think the city should be paying any money to support a divisive cause.

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    Rhoda Gore about 4 years ago

    Please do not vote yes on this. BLM is a Marxist organization that only spreads violence and division. They want to defund the police and create havoc. Putting their slogan on our city streets will only create more division, hate and fear. Please stop with this nonsense.

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    Gene Zigler about 4 years ago

    I find it unconscionable that our City Council is considering promoting the "Black Lives Matter" movement, by allowing the painting of a BLM mural on the streets of Phoenix. As an organization is committed to defunding the police, is subversive, being rooted in and promoting Marxist ideology with clear political motives. Hear it straight from the horses mouth - one of the founders, Patrisse Cullors ( Please DON'T DO THIS! With respect.

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    Janine Rodriguez about 4 years ago

    I do not support any mural on our city roads no mater the content. Safety, cost, potential vandalism are the 3 main reasons I oppose this item. Downtown Phoenix can be difficult for those not familiar already with driving downtown, adding a mural can cause confusion to drivers. The cost of closing roads and paying an artist plus supplies should not be funded by tax payers. Many companies allow beautiful murals on their walls to support causes, that is the appropriate place for this agenda item.

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    Colleen Netzel about 4 years ago

    Please stop this from being done.

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    Susan Barn about 4 years ago

    Please don’t use our streets as billboards for any group. Let’s put our money and effort into keeping our streets safe for all!

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    Joy Morrison about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose BLM mural. I strongly I strongly believe all lives matter including police.

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    Dusty Willis about 4 years ago

    Please do not allow this to be painted in Phoenix. In every city where one of these murals have been painted it seems that riots in the streets have shortly followed. As if the mural is a sign that the city will allow the rioting to occur. I'm afraid of rioting came to Phoenix it would become extremely violent because of the number of patriots in this state that would not tolerate the behavior. VOTE NO!

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    Steph Perez about 4 years ago

    Phoenix would not support Thugs and rioters that are able to go around and shoot people in the head. That money could be used for much much better good in the world and Arizona

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    Jerome Combs about 4 years ago

    Painting this mural will cause nothing but violence and unrest. What about the Hispanic community? The Asian community? They don’t get a street mural? If you want a huge center point of controversy in Phoenix, then see what happens when you paint this BLM mural. It will be a monumental mistake.

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    Barbara Brewer about 4 years ago

    I think creating a mural is further dividing this country. We do not need to specify which lives matter. We are all Americans and need to act like it. We have removed historical figures and now we want to put up something else to divide the people. Bad idea!

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    Sherry Pigg about 4 years ago

    As a native Arizonan, I am deeply concerned at the thought of painting a racist slogan on our city streets. The BLM group is a racist, polarizing, Marxist group that has done nothing but spread violence and anger everywhere they go. Arizona is not Portland, Seattle or California and if this slogan is painted on our streets, you will do nothing but create more anger and division.

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    Carolyn Boyd about 4 years ago

    BLM is an political organization. We should not use state tax dollars to support political organizations. Painting the streets with a saying that confuses a movement with a political organization is not productive, and will only cause more division.

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    Teresa Oldenkamp about 4 years ago

    As a concerned citizen I do not want our streets used for political messages.BLM leader has said they are Marxist.If you let one message painted then you must let other messages.Taxpayers money can be better used elsewhere.

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    Steve Raible about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is nothing but a political slogan. If the Phoenix City Council allows a BLM mural to be painted on any city street, then you must also approve of a MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN mural for equal access for alternate political slogans. BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist group. Their movement and these murals have brought nothing but rioting, looting & violence! No city council can claim to equally represent their whole constituency by ever taking sides in this heated political debate.