Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Jonathan Hohn about 4 years ago

    I fully support the mural project and believe it would be a great addition to the city streets.

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    Barbara Gerber about 4 years ago

    I oppose anything to do with the Marxist group that calls themselves "Black Lives Matters". This organization could do good for black communities by providing feeding programs, recreation facilities, school scholarships and so many other things. NO Mural in my beloved city of Phoenix.

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    delila shaw about 4 years ago

    We the people do not condone using our tax paid streets for political statements. We will not be Portland and will not stand for our officials to use (our ) City’s to make political statements! It is not an organization that brings people together but divides and brings violence!!

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    Wendy Markus about 4 years ago

    Absolutely NO to a BLM Mural on the streets of Phoenix. I am asking that you do not spend one dollar on this. I am not in support of an anti American organization being honored on our streets. Just say no!

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    Ty Turner about 4 years ago

    Tax dollars cannot be used for political statements. NO BLM MURAL.

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    Anita Gerulis about 4 years ago

    All Lives Matter. Our tax dollars are not to be used for Political Statements. You allow this, you will be asking for us to be like Portland.

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    Briana Thompson about 4 years ago

    Phoenix needs to take a strong anti-racism stance and support the black citizens that are a large, and integral, part of this city. I urge the council to approve the mural. I would love to see it here, my family and friends would love to see it here. It's about time Phoenix stands in solidarity with the Black community. Let's get it done.

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    John Domrzalski about 4 years ago

    I fully support the black community as well as the diversity of culture in Arizona, however I cannot support the current BLM movement and what it has become. Please DO NOT allow murals on our city streets. The streets are for transportation, not political statements. Keep our infrastructure neutral from politics. Thank you.

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    Paige Coomans about 4 years ago

    Although this is an empty gesture with no material change concurrent with BLM's demands, I believe visualizing public support of Black lives in our community is a positive addition to the city of Phoenix. All Black Phoenicians deserve a community that listens to and uplifts their voices. Asserting that their lives matter is the bare minimum. Black Lives Matter and it is high time we act like it.

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    Bjorn Peterson about 4 years ago

    Using tax dollars to put a racist slogan on public property is the antithesis of what the United States of America was founded on

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    Rep Dr Gerae Peten about 4 years ago

    Creating the Black Lives Matter mural on the specified street in downtown Phoenix Arizona represents the ambitious goals of improving racial justice, unity, and demonstrating our values for honoring diversity for all Arizonans. It also supports the urgency of stopping the unprecedented demise of people of color in brutal and unlawful ways. We all want to live in peace and harmony and this is a vibrate expression of that need.

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    Duke Silver about 4 years ago

    Not only are these useless, political & divisive murals a distraction & unsafe on our tax payer funded roadways, but Phoenix City Code §18-4(B) prohibits public accommodations from discriminating against persons. So unless you plan to allow a Trump mural opposite this, an LGBTQ one around the corner, a Back the Blue across from that, and an All lives Matter down the road then I strongly urge a NO vote! These murals are not only a waste of money but also bring rioting & violence. Please, vote no!

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    Dawn Scheidemandel about 4 years ago

    Against this because every city that has had this organization paint on their streets has turned into destructive riots.

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    Adam Wa about 4 years ago

    This BLM movement & these murals have brought nothing but rioting, looting & violence! Please, we beg you, do not turn Phoenix into the likes of Portland!! BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist group. Tax payer dollars should NOT be used for political & divisive things. And who is going to pay to clean it up from inevitable vandalism? Unless it says “ALL lives matter” are we then going to allow murals be painted on streets for everyone; Native Americans, Hispanics, Christians, Jews, Italian, etc.?

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    Starla Barrett about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not!! A blue lives matter would never be supported and BLM has nothing to do with traffic, roadways or such legal signage and does not belong on a street.

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    Sarah Walker about 4 years ago

    Not only is BLM a self-proclaimed Marxist group but this movement & these murals have incited nothing but rioting/looting/violence. Phoenix is better than the likes of Portland. Don’t ruin it! Furthermore, if we’re gonna paint such useless things it SHOULD say “ALL lives matter”. Otherwise, are we going to allow murals be painted on our streets for everyone; Native Americans, Hispanics, Christians, Jews, Italian, etc.? Tax payer dollars should NOT be used for such political & divisive things.

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    Hidin from Biden about 4 years ago

    So, black lives matter ONLY matter when a black guy is killed by a white guy? What about the shootings that happen daily in Chicago? Oh, wait it won’t fit the narrative of the left. Blacks kill blacks in the streets of Chicago, however we still don’t see this on the news and I don’t see BLM protesters running around, and why does people keep saying ‘peaceful protesters’?

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    Karla Thomas about 4 years ago

    I am against this action. I support All lives. I support the blue. BLM Has proven to not be an organization that represents all black lives and will bring destruction and coas to our communities#portland #chicago #kenosha

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    Bridget Cavanaugh about 4 years ago

    Painting this on our city street will cause that to be the meeting point of riots. It will bring more people in to Phoenix to cause MORE destruction.
    Put money towards actually helping black lives by helping the community rather than spending money on a painting that does nothing for the community.

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    Anesia Groves about 4 years ago

    If this mural is created by BIPOC artists, and is accompanied by meaningful movement forward on the demands of local organizers to end police violence and hold police accountable for the ongoing senseless killings of Black people, then I support this mural as a symbol of the city's commitment to anti-racism. If the mural goes forward, we expect to see real change at the same time. And don't be fooled by naysayers' baseless vilification of BLM. This is just how white supremacy reasserts itself.