Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Diane Christensen about 4 years ago

    No BLM mural! I do not want my tax dollars going toward supporting violence and terrorism. Allowing this kind of graffiti only gives BLM and Antifa permission to turn Phoenix into the next Portland. By saying no to the defacement, you are saying no to the rioting and looting that will occur if this is allowed.

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    Sungano Siyavora about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is not a Communist or Marxist organization -- it is a simple statement that BLACK LIVES MATTER. It is VITAL to acknowledge that Black lives matter when this country was built on the exploitation of Black lives for centuries. Symbolic gestures, such as street murals, will not end systemic racism plaguing this country, but they are an important step in the right direction to acknowledge and uplift those who have been marginalized. Arizona needs to do better. Justice for Dion.

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    Jennifer Savage about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not! It is a waste of my tax dollars when I can't even drive on the streets without bouncing use our money for something useful not something for pandering we all know this to be true we need not drive over it to know!

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    Rich Lamarco about 4 years ago

    I’m surprised by all the opposition to this movement. A movement to recognize the fear a black person faces when going outside to live an American life. A street mural to say that Phoenix honors all its citizens despite their color. A quote that symbolizes our human horror to ignore cries of “I can’t breathe.” As an older white guy and together, we make up our Phoenix demographic - I’m not sure we should be so offended by that. I thank Nicole Garcia for her efforts to publicize this event.

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    David Levin about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Any sane person agrees with the sentiment that black lives matter. However, the group “BLM” is something different altogether. It is, by their own words, a Marxist organization whose stated goal is to dismantle the American family unit. They use violence and intimidation to achieve political change, the very definition of terrorism. They hide behind the phrase “black lived matter” to call any dissenter a racist. I love Phoenix, and this group does not represent us.

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    William Reilly about 4 years ago

    I firmly object to any Mural on our streets that support an Organization such as Black Lives Matter or does not support our Police Department. I have lived in Phoenix since 1948 and have been proud of our city government. The mural idea does not represent all Phoenix residents and is pandering to one small group. What are you thinking? Who are you guys?

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    Andrea Orozco about 4 years ago

    I support the BLM mural.

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    Donna Wells about 4 years ago

    I am adamantly opposed to a mural or any reference to BLM. The BLM movement has proven to be aligned with radical, leftist Marxism. Anarchy, domestic terrorism and destruction follows in its wake. This fans the flame of racism and the majority of Arizonans do not approve of this radical ideology. Please keep all references to BLM OFF Our Streets and OUT of Arizona! If anything, I would welcome Blue Lives Matter. We support our Law Enforcement!

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    Jeri Bullins about 4 years ago

    I am strongly against this Mural! It is highly controversial and will promote violence and division in our communities. We should never use our AZ public streets as a bulletin board for any organization or cause period! It is imperative that our Cities remain unbiased and look out for the well-being and safety of ALL citizens first and foremost. This empty symbol (and that all it is) is nothing but a dangerous political stunt.

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    Allyson Wood about 4 years ago

    Oppose. City and Public property and resources (including money) should not be used for any political issue. Furthermore, Black Lives Matter is controversial in itself, and in BLM's own words, press releases, and website, promote positions and opinions that contradict the values of very many - possibly a majority of - citizens.

    Allyson Wood, Phoenix (85044)

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    Janet Ruckel about 4 years ago

    Our elected officials should not be bullied by BLM into voting for murals, defunding police or other special interest resolutions that don’t speak for the city’s entire citizenry.

    This mural would represent an ALLEGIANCE by our ELECTED officials to violence, riots and the ugly smearing of our brave and noble police officers.

    Supporters say "This mural is about inclusiveness and unity" but it can't be when BLM is anti-police; anti-blue lives matter.

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    Katie Kasl about 4 years ago

    While I support the movement and appreciate the sentiment behind this mural, I think the time, money, and energy used to create it would be better spent on programs that benefit the black community and/or police training focused primarily on de-escalation tactics. Artwork is great, but actual change is even better.

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    Michael Coulter about 4 years ago

    Oppose. City and Public property and resources (including money) should not be used for any political issue. Furthermore, Black Lives Matter is controversial in itself, and in BLM's own words, press releases, and website, promote positions and opinions that contradict the values of very many - possibly a majority of - citizens.

    Michael Coulter, Phoenix (85044)

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    Sandi Reilly about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM signage in downtown Phoenix as BLM is a terrorist organization that perpetuates racism. It should say
    ALL LIVES MATTER because they DO, as well as our Police Force which we value and need !

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    Laura Medina about 4 years ago

    I strongly support the Black Lives Matter mural in PHX. This will show the nation and state of AZ that we do not tolerate racism or hate in our communities. The Black Lives Matter is a movement that is changing our world and we do not want to be on the wrong side of history. Those with common sense know that NO lives matter until BLACK lives matter.

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    Lauren Pruett about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose any reference to Black Lives Matter on our streets of Phoenix. They have proven to be a violent, Marxist, terrorist organization that leaves a wake of devastation and destruction in our cities. Keep them out of Phoenix!!!

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    Kevin Penney about 4 years ago

    If you permit BLM to paint their mural we will sue to paint TRUMP 202! Stop making bad decisions for our cities and state!

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    Mel Geer about 4 years ago

    They are a Marxist activist group that falsely uses the name "Black Lives Matter". Do not bring this to our city.

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    Karen Mahoney about 4 years ago

    NO BLM painting on the streets! When you allow this is to grow and perpetuate racism. Look at the liberal cities and what is happening. We do not want this here in Arizona--our city burned and destroyed--no one deserves to take things that are not theirs and the BLM agenda promotes this rhetoric. If you allow this, you are stating that you think it is ok for Marxist terrorists to paint their violent agenda on our city streets. We need to take back our country from thugs not hand it over.

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    L W about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose!! BLM is a Marxists organization set on destroying our families & nation. They have divided, terrorizied & destroyed every community that let them in. ALL lives matter, ALL lives are precious. Your proposal divides & jeopardizes the safety of officers & the public.