Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Brittany McNurlin about 4 years ago

    I fully support this mural. I have seen comments discussing divisiveness stemming from this mural but what is not being discussed is the divisiveness already present in this city and state and the irreparable harm done to BIPOC. Black lives have to matter before anyone can say all lives matter. Every day BIPOC men and women go into the world and literally have to fight for their lives. When it becomes a danger for them to even breathe in the presence of a racist, a mural is the least we can do.

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    Richard Sax about 4 years ago

    I strongly OPPOSE any BLM mural anywhere in Arizona. It is public information that the founders of BLM are Marxist followers with the intent to create chaos and destroy, loot and kill any business or innocent civilian that does not agree with their corrupt agenda. Their public mission statement is a hate breeding, anti-American philosophy and in many peoples’ eyes, they are committing acts of terror across our nations cities via looting and rioting, all while promoting as Illegal reparation.

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    Mendi Davey about 4 years ago

    Our Tax dollars should NOT be used to pay for the blm agenda!!! All Lives Matter!!! You work for We the people this does not represent the people of Arizona!!! blm is a Marxist organization that wants to destroy the foundation of The United States of America. God Bless America

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    Scott Weiss Weiss about 4 years ago

    I support black lives but I don’t support the BLM incorporated. If BLM won’t denounce the senseless violence occurring around our country and their flagrant disrespect for Law Enforement they have no place in our community!

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    Meaka Escobedo about 4 years ago

    I oppose "black lives matter" mural for phoenix street. The gesture furthers division of the people of Phoenix and pushes a hateful agenda for the BLM group. No good will come from this, rather focus your attention on real solutions to real problems on the streets Phoenix! This proposal does NOTHING for equality for ALL PEOPLE of Phoenix.

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    Flora Zambakari about 4 years ago

    I STRONGLY SUPPORT ANY and ALL BLM murals. Arizona must be a leader in creating safe places for our people of color. We must stop to continue to marginalize these groups of amazing persons that are working and living in our community. This will not incite any type of violence. We must show that we care about ALL of Arizonans, not just the white and the privileged.

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    Syrena Kampa about 4 years ago

    I oppose any Black Live Matter mural being painted in Phoenix or anywhere in Arizona. We need to accept each other as God created us and LOVE each other! Everyone's different personalities and backgrounds makes this country so great. This will cause more division within the community. Do not pass this! Again I OPPOSE!!! Thank you! #Saveourchildren #Bleedthesame

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    Robert Keever about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose allowing a BLM “mural” anywhere in Phoenix or our Great State of Arizona. This mural suggests city wide support for the BLM organization and implies a lack of support for our loyal police department. We are to good and intelligent for this to the message for the populous of Phoenix. It definitely doesn’t have a positive message.There has not been any positive benefit for othe cities that allowed such a mural. Please vote NO!

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    THOMAS TROTTIER about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this action as it will incite, and attract more violence.

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    Scott Ramsey about 4 years ago

    BLM is a Marxist organization attempting to overthrow the government. Supporting them is traitorous.

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    Yvonne Schaeffer about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not ok... For many, BLM is mostly a hate-filled organization funded by anti-american bullies. This has no place in America. it will just continue to create the divisiveness in our communities and open up the gate for other political causes to insist on being supported

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    MICHAEL SALYERS about 4 years ago

    Does a mural bring value to our community?
    Does a mural bring our citizens together?
    Does a mural bring beauty to our community?
    Does a mural change anyone's quality of life?
    I do not believe you could answer yes to any of those questions.
    Because of this, I strongly oppose this program.

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    B Cardenas about 4 years ago

    The approval of this item would create a lot of unrest in our city. BLM (the organization, not the caring people) is a very controversial and political charged organization. Unless we are prepared as a city to approved all different kinds of murals (Baby lives Matter, Blue Lives Matter, or any crazy creed somebody believes needs representation in our streets,) I believe we should maintain our unbiased support on this issue. Please Vote NO on this item.

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    Tim Stone about 4 years ago

    Don’t embarrass our city. Fortunately most Phoenicians are smart enough to realize that this group is a sham. We don’t have to deface our street with this banner

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    Jimmy Mendoza about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose allowing a BLM “mural” Anywhere in our Great State of Arizona. We are to good and strong for this. It doesn’t have a Positive Message. IT HASN’T Benefit other States that have allowed the mural. I OPPOSE! OPPOSE! OPPOSE!

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    Darian Lorrain about 4 years ago

    We need to show our unequivocal support for BLM and this mural is one small way to do so. BIPOC citizens deserve to feel safe and supported as much as anyone else and if this mural can do anything to aid in that goal then it should absolutely be added without opposition.

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    andrew baird about 4 years ago

    I am a city of Phoenix resident, District 5, and I am 100% against this mural. I am a Phoenix native and I do not want to see my city destroyed by the divide that mural will cause. Please do not approve this. I will be keeping track of how the voting goes and i do vote.

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    Forrest Ashby about 4 years ago

    I absolutely support this project. What an inspiring and compassionate way to honor the cultural richness and history of the Phoenix community. The humanity and significance of the BLM movement is certainly worthy of such a tribute because it is such a human and inclusive vision of justice, tolerance, and human dignity. I look forward to seeing the mural! Thank you.

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    Angela Dade about 4 years ago

    Arizona is a diverse state. We have never had a problem living amongst each other. Anyone who tells you the Black Lives Matter organization is for black lives is lying to you. What has BLM done for black lives? The organization itself has caused nothing but destruction and called for the murders of white people and police. If you support BLM you are racist and you are the problem. If you want to make a statement why not put END RACISM. Putting a color in front of a statement will only divide us.

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    MARIA MASTERS about 4 years ago

    Private Organizations have never been supported by our Phoenix City Government and should not be promoted by our council. BLM has brought destruction and tyranny to all the cities promoting it along with Safety Concerns at a time when this organization is at the forefront of violence and destruction of property, and business. Just last week the BLM protest was cancelled in our city due to Safety concerns. Just for Safety it should not be approved. Nor does it represent Phoenix in its Entirety.