Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Michelle Alexander about 4 years ago

    I do Not support painting a BLM mural on the street in Phoenix. This is what starts the unrest and anarchy. We do not want our city to have rioting, looting and burning businesses. No thanks.

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    Andrea Phelps about 4 years ago

    I do not support this Marxist organization known as BLM to graffiti our streets with their mural. I will not bring my business to Phoenix. If they really valued black lives then they wouldn't support/promote murdering black babies in the womb or defunding the police that protects the black community. Wake up, read their statement on their website, they're against nuclear family structure, Christianity, America. It's not about black lives but about their Marxist/communist agenda!

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    Carol Brown about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose painting a BLM mural on the street. It’s a total waste of tax payers dollars and will do nothing but divide this great city.

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    Helen Morgan about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose allowing a BLM “mural” on any Phoenix city streets. We will end up like Portland, Chicago, New York, Baltimore and Kenosha. This just gives these Marxist and Antifa organizations the opportunity to stir up chaos, violence, destruction, vandalism, looting, cop killing, and murder. Goodbye Tourist business. Vote NO! On the “murals”. We want a Safe place to raise our children and to be safe on our own City streets.

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    Mary Long about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose. The streets of Phoenix are not a place for political statements. If you allow this you must then allow organizations or individuals with differing view the same opportunity under the First Amendment.

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    Erica Wager about 4 years ago

    Strongly support. IN ADDITION to this mural, city council should also sponsor an investigation into the murder of Dion Johnson and begin exploring the viability of investing in other community resources than the Phx PD in order to help those most in need.

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    Joe Wille about 4 years ago

    Anarchist graffiti!

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    M Po about 4 years ago

    I'm opposed to the use of tax payer money for this purpose.

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    Michelle Daye about 4 years ago

    I adamantly oppose a Black Lives Matter Mural! BLM is an organization that promotes violence against police. The police that put their lives on the line every day to protect us deserve more respect than to have BLM on city property!

    Any organization that thinks violence and looting are okay is not one that the city should honor.

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    Ken Albelli about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural in Phoenix. BLM is a hate group that focuses on anyone that doesn't comply with their cause just look at all the innocent people that have lost their lives and business burned to the ground across America.

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    John Gray about 4 years ago

    I adamantly oppose the CIty's funding or participation of any kind in this proposed BLM Street Mural. This proposal does not serve the publics interest and does not support unification of Citizens, but rather division between races.

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    Bret Ryan about 4 years ago

    I oppose this issue. The use of monies in any way shape or form to push somebody's agenda for any reason should not be used. Regardless of what BLM stands for period.

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    Randy Long about 4 years ago

    You are setting the city up for a lawsuit if this proposal is passed.
    In DC Judicial Watch went to court demanding access to paint the streets of Washington with its own political message after the city wrote “Black Lives Matter” on one street. the city has effectively turned its roadways into a public forum, and so it must allow those with differing viewpoints than BLM to have the same access, or else it’s violating the First Amendment.

    Phoenix streets are no place for political statements.

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    Betty McCormack about 4 years ago

    I want to OPPOSE the BLM street mural

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    Annapurna Chitnavis about 4 years ago

    Human rights should NOT be controversial. Black Lives Matter.

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    Kara Mcallister about 4 years ago

    I oppose any paintings or signage promoting BLM. Our country needs unity and not division. By painting this message we are supporting violence and hate towards other minority groups.

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    Michael Galloway about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural.

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    Adam Linger about 4 years ago

    The BLM is a marxist based organization that aims to destroy the nuclear family and should not be supported. Of course the lives of black people matter but the marxist organization BLM is horrible and does not support all black lives and are pro aborting black babies. Please say no to a BLM mural, it doesn’t represent Arizona, Phoenix, or America

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    Liz Enter about 4 years ago

    I oppose. This. Marxist trained organization is ruining our cities. If it really valued life then it wouldn't support & promote murdering black babies in the womb at Planned Parenthood . Black babies are the largest ethnicity group being killed through abortion. It is a violent group that is looking to destroy America , Christianity, & freedom .

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    Eveline Avina about 4 years ago

    NO to painting Black Lives Matters on any of our city streets in Phoenix. Painting BLM Is a divisive and political statement which will Incite Chaos and Violence in our already crime ridden city. Let’s work toward unity, not division! No Taxpayer Funds should be used to pay for Political and Controversial Messages that will only serve to Create More Hate.