Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Margo Phillips about 4 years ago

    I don't feel BLM has any place in Phoenix. All they bring is violence and rioting! I cant believe we are even having this discussion.

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    Maureen E Towne about 4 years ago

    Yes to the BLM mural. Phoenix needs to say it loud and clear.

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    Gina Yanovitch about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose!!!!! Never should anything like this be done without agreement from more people than communist! NO NO NO

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    S Folk about 4 years ago

    Someone sued a city in California for doing this & not allowing all political murals. I will be reaching out to that person to figure out how to do that. I won't support a city that supports a HATE group. Of course black lives matter but, the BLM org does NOT care about all black lives.

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    Emeril Kincaid about 4 years ago

    STRONGLY OPPOSE !!! This is a ridiculous divisive idea that will bring violence and vandalism to the city. BLM is a self proclaimed Marxist organization affiliated with the Democrat party and this will constitute a political partisan measure. The banner should rather read "Orange Lives Matter" Ridiculous idea that will inflame division and anger. Want racism to end? Stop talking about it!!

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    Niko Ferguson about 4 years ago

    ALL lives matter, not just black lives. Painting BLM on the streets just divides us more and fuels the Marxist fire.

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    Crystal Dohanyos about 4 years ago

    We believe Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an organization led by self-acclaimed Marxist/Communists and has no place in our city. Some of their funding is funneled to the Democrat Party, so this is really a partisan statement by the City Council which should not be allowed. Promoting BLM could bring opposition and possible violence to Phoenix, considering what has happened in other cities. We vehemently oppose this action by the City Council.

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    Sal Martin about 4 years ago

    BLM is a self-described Marxist movement which radically opposes the American Constitution. A mural such as the one proposed would not only condone these dangerous views but bring about the same tension and unrest that we have seen in other cities. Please do not approve the mural.

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    Allan Semeit about 4 years ago

    We believe Black Lives Matter (BLM) is an organization led by self-acclaimed Marxist/Communists and has no place in our city. Some of their funding is funneled to the Democrat Party, so this is really a partisan statement by the City Council which should not be allowed. Promoting BLM could bring opposition and possible violence to Phoenix, considering what has happened in other cities. We vehemently oppose this action by the City Council.

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    Dawn Sharp about 4 years ago

    The BLM movement has proven to be divisive and has brought violence and destruction in its wake. I don't want that for Phoenix. I think we can work to better black lives without this mural.

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    Azalia Dluzen about 4 years ago

    This causes more division.
    If this is allowed we should be allowed to paint TRUMP 2020 on the other side of the street.

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    R M Hansen about 4 years ago

    We don't need government sanctioned graffiti on our public owned streets. This sets a bad example.

    If public street graffiti is approved please ensure equality for all and publish the procedure for others to select a street and gain permission to paint messages on that street.

    Will these messages also be approved; Blue Lives Matter, Fund the Police, All Lives Matter, Jesus Loves You, Make America Great Again, Trump2020, Laws Matter, and on and on and on.

    Equal rights for all.

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    Kelley Hanson about 4 years ago

    Do not support Terrorist organizations!!! Moved to AZ 15 years ago to get away from this left wing bs

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    Tonya McAndrews about 4 years ago

    I cannot believe this is even being an option! This is a safety issue and the city will be sued for accidents on the street, destruction of our city and siding politically. This will cause issues within the city and divide Arizona even more! LOOK AT WHAT THE BLM IS DOING AND WHAT THE ACTUAL CAUSE IS. THEY ARE DESTRUCTIVE!!!! Worst Case scenario, put it to a vote. - Arizona will not stand for this nonsense. Its taxpayers money, not yours!

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    Chuck Ruggiero about 4 years ago

    BLM is a terrorist for profit group that only supports blacks against police. They do not support black on black crime. ALL Lives Matter!

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    Mary Crozier about 4 years ago

    Per the email sent to the Mayor and Council members last week, personally I believe that this mural is disrespectful to the non-violent leaders depicted in the mural. Driving over them day after day could not be more demeaning. Why not put these funds into programs that might actually improve lives vs. painting a mural with a name of an organization that incites violence. Phoenix has always been a welcoming City. This is a pathetic solution to any real attempt to impact social injustice.

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    Michelle Macklin about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM mural in the City of Phoenix Streets.

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    Mark Martin about 4 years ago

    BLM has absolutely nothing to do with peaceful protests. If you open up this can of worms, you might as well kiss our tourism dollars out the window. Do you know of anyone wanting to visit Portland or Seattle? I think not. Please do not do this. It is completely unnecessary. I find race relations very good in not only in Phoenix, but all of AZ. Better ideas foe a mural: "ALL LIVES MATTER" or better yet, "BLUE LIVES MATTER"!!

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    Laura Rice about 4 years ago

    Please do not invite more violence and division to our city.

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    David Bautista about 4 years ago

    I oppose. This will waste taxpayer dollars to create and then to clean up after it is defaced as it has happened in other cities. This will create division rather than unifying people. There has to be a better way.