Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Merle Ruso about 4 years ago

    I am writing to share my strong opposition to the Black Lives Matter (BLM) mural. If you proceed with the action, as a retired Federal Law Enforcement officer, I submit to you, BLUE LIVES MATTER and deserves the same attention. Don’t jump on the BLM train...stop pandering!

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    Matthew Wood about 4 years ago

    I absolutely OPPOSE putting anything BLM on any piece of public property! BLM is a racist, Marxist, terrorist organization that has done nothing but create problems and cause harm to our society. This will only cause more problems...we have enough problems here already!

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    David Bremson about 4 years ago

    During a time when we need unity this is not how to gain it. Allowing this is nothing more than virtue signaling, political grandstanding and drives a wedge between members of the community. This does not reduce racism, it does not bring justice, it does not unify, it does not help our communities, it does not stop violence. It does continue the intentional divisiveness that is destroying communities, friendships and lives.

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    Belinda Patrick about 4 years ago

    SAY NOOOOOO,,TO BLM. !!!!!

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    Julian Butkiewicz about 4 years ago

    No thanks. We don't want to glorify an American hating neo-marxist organization that have done absolutely nothing positive for the black community or our country since their conception over 7 years ago. I oppose 100%.

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    Kirk Deneke about 4 years ago

    I DO NOT support putting a BLM mural on our public streets. This is a Marxist organization looking for political power and money. How much money have they invested in black communities??

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    Collin Brown about 4 years ago

    100% oppose.

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    Lisa Douglass about 4 years ago

    This is a terrorist organization with no CEO or building!! As George Love says... "government funded promotion of one race over others is racist!" Phoenix has prospered the last 3 1/2 years... lets not become another Portland, Chicago, New York or Seattle!!

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    Jennifer Drake about 4 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! Black Lives Matter is a Marxist Terrorist Organization this focuses on the destruction of the nuclear family, defunding the police, abolishing prisons, abolishing cash bail and the removal of police from our schools. This organization chants phrases like: "What do we want? Dead Cops! When do we want it? Now!" We Back the Blue! I do not want this organization representing my state, city or this great country. ALL LIVES MATTER and Arizona is not systemic racist.

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    Consuela Shippy about 4 years ago

    This will cause further division in our city. Let's work to bring peace and healing

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    Kay Cornelius about 4 years ago

    MLK works have brought unity further to all races. We working to obliverate segration, not division. BLM furthers this. All Lives Matter. Don't let AZ fail into this scam.

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    Keith Ender about 4 years ago

    The streets are already confusing enough to navigate at times and adding a mural to this may result in accidents and lawsuits. Regardless, even if this were to be approved, would BLM fund this and pay a monthly lease payment to the City of Phoenix to not only maintain this, but to provide the city with ongoing revenue? Would businesses be impacted by the closing of the streets to facilitate the painting of this mural? Would BLM pay for any lost revenue from the businesses that are impacted?

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    Julie Hatch about 4 years ago

    I do not support this domestic terrorist organization known as BLM. We do not want this in our city of phoenix or anywhere in ARIZONA. Absolutely do not do this, look at Seattle, Portland, Chicago, Minneapolis, Philadelphia, Kenosha, ..I see a pattern!! we do not need or want here in Phoenix or any part of Arizona. And our Tax dollars? Like Henry says......Are other street going to available for similar murals? Perhaps "ALL LIVES MATTER", "UNBORN LIVES MATTER" or "BLUE LIVES MATTER".

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    Brad Petersen about 4 years ago

    BLM is a divisive terror driven organization. Every city that has welcomed BLM “Art” to their streets has become a war zone of riots looter and destruction, and pure mayhem. We do not invite that into our community and do not support our tax funded streets or properties being used to welcome unrest. I support Black Lives but I have zero respect for BLM which is a Democrat funded and find raising arm of destruction. Say No to this absurd idea. No one benefits with this divisive program

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    Lauren Fausthethke about 4 years ago

    Do NOT allow this Marxist based group, which is Anti nuclear family, Anti black heterosexual men, violent in it's actions to force it's Marxist ideologies in our state! ALL LIVES MATTER! SO NO! WE DON'T WANT a BLM mural NOR it's divisive ideologies in Arizona!
    Lauren Faust-Hethke

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    Ryan MartinDeVries about 4 years ago

    BLM is a Marxist and racial supremacist terrorist organization and should not be enabled or supported by the city government,

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    Carol Campbell about 4 years ago

    Absolutely opposed. Yes black live matters but allowing BLM, Inc., a Marxist organization, set up an organizing location to terrorize the city is unacceptable and I am unsure why city council is considering such a proposal. This is absolutely unacceptable. I am watching and voting and you can rest assured there are many more of us who are waiting and watching. You are abdicating your responsibility to the citizens of this city. Do not approve this!

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    Alexandra Gray about 4 years ago

    I do not support the BLM mural. BLM is a Marxist terrorist organization.

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    Thomas Glaser about 4 years ago

    Oppose - pilot should consist of a neutral subject matter

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    Dave T about 4 years ago

    I don't think anyone should support the terrorist group BLM... I'm all for supporting black people but not a hate group such as BLM...