Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    RN LMT Giannaro about 4 years ago

    As a proud resident of Phoenix I strongly oppose entertaining such rhetoric in our city. Let the past few months of burning and looting in the cities that allow this “movement” be the guide to your consideration. Shame on you Kate for even entertaining this proposal. We the citizens of Phoenix refuse to allow destruction into our city we will stand against this notion should it pass. If it passes, it is not because the residents wanted this and you will be investigated, I promise,

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    TL Dittbrenner about 4 years ago

    NO WAY! It will only cause violence in the streets of Phoenix.

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    Carol Kliewer about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose a BLM mural on our city streets. Your own reports outline the safety concerns, risks, liability, already established federal guidelines and potential legal challenges. BLM is a marxist organization. STOP bowing to a radical group intent on divisiveness and hate. Mayor Gallego and those councilmembers who support this organization and also wish to defund the police, take your politics elsewhere. We will not allow Phoenix to become Seattle, Portland, Minneapolis or NYC.

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    TheNewMovement org about 4 years ago

    I do not think this will be good for Phoenix we do not need BLM activist to terrorize Phoenix, the city will be taken over just as NY, Portland, Chicago. Let do a more positive campaign #AllLivesMatter. I have never heard or seen any black/brown person get killed by police when they obey the officer’s commands and do not resist arrest. Its pretty simple when the police pull you over you listen and do not fight back with them, if you have a warrant you will go to jail but you will not be harmed

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    Roselyn Springer about 4 years ago

    I oppose

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    kelly gemmell about 4 years ago

    strongly oppose the commission of a hate mural representing a Marxist organization. You are encouraging the same call to violence and lawlessness that BLM openly stands for.

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    Carey Broadwater about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to painting murals on our streets (re: BLM mural). Our streets are formed & built to provide safe passage for motorists & pedestrians alike and should never be turned into political or social agendas, thus allowing for the opportunity to cause one harm. Our streets & roadways are not to be billboards that will incite controversy.

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    Lanna Leach about 4 years ago

    I can’t believe Arizona is even entertaining the idea of supporting a domestic terrorist group.

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    Remy Carpenter about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose #19 street mural program

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    Jennifer Purdon about 4 years ago

    I vehemently oppose this idea. BLM is a terrorist organization and has no place in our city.

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    Lorraine Sergent about 4 years ago

    I Oppose BLM Street mural/Frontline! BLM is a marxist Hate group who uses Violence to push their agenda which is Open Racism against anyone who has a different opinion!
    Democrat cities are experiencing Violence, Murder & Arson. BLM wants to defund the police, I Oppose that too! NO Taxpayer funds for Any Hate Group! Help Homeless or low income communities, Not BLM! They have raised Billions for their war on America! Vote NO on this or Phoenix & surrounding cities/suburbs will suffer! Vote No!

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    Ivonne Bonetto about 4 years ago

    NO vote on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program. As previously said - Please redirect the funds to establishing a program to rehabilitate the those who are homeless get back into the workplace by providing temporary housing, job training, and job opportunities through the city of Phoenix.

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    Ian OConnor about 4 years ago

    Why are you attempting to support a racist, terrorist organization?? We don't want Phoenix to be anywhere like Portales or Seattle. This is absolutely disgusting and a disgrace. NO TO THE MURAL. STOP VORTUE SIGNALING OUR TAX DOLLARS AWAY. HIRE MORE POLICE TO PROTECT US.

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    Mario Lombardi about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM Street Mural. I believe black lives do matter however, no more or less than any other human life born or unborn. I believe the BLM movement is biased toward a very narrow view of black lives and not ALL black lives.

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    Joseph Whitley about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not!!

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    Lauren Poling about 4 years ago

    NO vote on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program. Please redirect the funds to establishing a program to rehabilitate the those who are homeless get back into the workplace by providing temporary housing, job training, and job opportunities through the city of Phoenix.

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    Chris Boone about 4 years ago

    The values of this organization are appalling and do not represent the values of Phoenix, AZ.

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    Daniel Friday about 4 years ago

    I am adamantly opposed to the installation of a BLM mural in Phoenix. The BLM movement is a Marxist hate group in my opinion. They are actively calling to defund and abolish the police. This mural would send the wrong message that Phoenix supports defunding the police. We support our Law Enforcement.

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    Grayson McCrary about 4 years ago

    This is a marxist/communist organization that seeks an end to America and you wish to fund them with our money. This is not California, the people who advocate for this should head back to their failed state that they voted for and fled.

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    Vanessa Cunningham about 4 years ago

    Arizona is NOT Washington, Seattle, NYC. There is no need to fund, with OUR money, a mural of anything on a street, except maybe the American Flag. Please understand this could cause riots and destroy our city. Take the money and help those in actual need like one of the homeless people that sits near or on that street.