Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Jackie Von Bank about 4 years ago

    This is a political statement and should not be on public property or paid for by tax payers!

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    Kathleen Everett about 4 years ago

    This movement is more divisive than they claim to be. They have led to major destruction in our cities. Putting this on our streets is a political statement and a slap in the face to our officers and citizens who have suffered greatly at the hands of this movement. I oppose this 100%

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    Michael Jakus about 4 years ago

    Phoenix has been a safe haven against all the death and distruction that has been going on across our nation, why would you even consider changing that with a BLM mural that is clearly a politically motivated bias statement rather than a mural. If you allow this are you going to allow a blue strip painted in front of the police stations, are you going to allow folks to paint Biden 2020 or Trump 2020 on the streets in front of their homes? This can stop right here and now with you.

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    Sheyenne Fred about 4 years ago

    ALL lives matter. We will not be a racist city/state and choose by the color of someone's skin if their lives matter. How atrocious, dehumanizing and degrading is that? We need to be leaders in our community and stand up for the unity of all people, skin colors, and above all, the sacredness of all life. I oppose choosing a segregating side which is racist by pure definition.

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    John Tilson about 4 years ago

    I DO NOT APPROVE OF THE STREET MURAL PILOT PROGRAM NOR IT'S GOAL OF PAINTING A STREET MURAL OF THE PARTISAN, LEFT BIASED, POLITICALLY CHARGED SLOGAN: Black lives Matter. It's time to let this ridiculous, shameful indulgence die a merciful death!!

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    Sylvia Iodice about 4 years ago

    I oppose this decision of putting a BLM mural on our City of Phoenix streets. I am wondering what purpose it serves other than to continue with dividing our communities and neighborhoods. Wouldn't this be considered racist also?

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    KT Smith about 4 years ago

    Absolutely oppose this. As a citizen of Phoenix, I do not support the political agenda and propaganda BLM is spreading. Painting this graffiti on the street and attempting to disguise it as a “mural” is complete insanity. The City of Phoenix should 100% reject this proposal as the group continues to make statements breeding hate in this country. There is no place for this in the City of Phoenix.

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    Tom Thomas about 4 years ago

    BLM is not a mural. It is a political statement. As such, all other political statements must be allowed to deface our streets too.
    As seen in other cities the results of this graffiti could be "protests" gone wild--looting, vandalism, arson, assaults, even shootings.
    Don't allow this travesty to happen in Phoenix. Or, if you must submit to the BLM movement, paint the slogan on the street in front of the mayor's house.

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    Gregory Wilson about 4 years ago

    I believe that the BLM movement is political instead of being a civil rights organization. Just the term "Black Lives Matter" implies that all black lives matter, yet the organization never speaks out about black on black homicides in cities like Chicago. Instead the blame for black homicides is placed placed solely on the current administration. NO political statement should be placed on or in public areas. The citizenry should vote on such matters!

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    Marcia Dougherty about 4 years ago


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    Jeremy Ecks about 4 years ago

    Those that have set out to divide us have surely won. We are Americans, part of a nation that was built by people coming together and working side by side. We have let history and our ancestors down surely. Putting up a mural that showcases one of us should make us all proud, not disdainful. Some people would rather stare at blank walls than art they disagree with, and to go to such lengths to make sure it does not happen is un-American. We can be open minded and civil; this is not who we are.

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    Kimberly Miller about 4 years ago

    Please BE WISE. BLM is only USING Blacks to gain power & to intimidate. That's RACIST. We see this in their website and in cities where weak Councils & Mayors do nothing to keep protests peaceful, while average people are beaten & businesses burned.The MOVEMENT is NOT THE SAME as the MESSAGE. The MESSAGE "Black lives matter" is undisputed. This MOVEMENT is Marxist.... Don't be bullied into "tagging" our City to support this racist movement. This is NOT a Mural. It's the tag of a violent gang.

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    Neil Benson about 4 years ago

    Please do NOT do this. This is not a smart use of taxpayer funds. Speaking as a 14 year resident and home owner in Phoenix: If you bring this divisive rhetoric to our streets then good people like me are leaving, and it will be vandalized constantly until you remove it. Oppose.

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    Kim Ammerman about 4 years ago

    I am not in support of any Murals with group messages. It only serves to further divide our community. BLM is a terrorist group and should not be supported period.

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    Stacy Campo about 4 years ago

    I dont want my streets to be painted anything unless it pertains to Arizona and what this state stands for. As native Zonie this is wrong to do. All lives matter and if you allow this we will have people going after each other like they are doing in the streets of NY. If you approve it Red will be spilled on it as soon as its laid down. Either from paint or someone's blood. Just say No! No more Violence!

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    Sherry Miller about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this mural. All lives matter. And Black Lives Matter is a fascist socialist anti-American group.

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    carol wagman about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to the painting of initials of BLM on the street. If you allow this group to do so then you would have to allow others groups to do the same thing. It's like wearing colors for gangs! This doesn't help to unify us as a country. It has only caused more problems in other cities that have done this.

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    Crystal Bazarnic about 4 years ago

    This is a beautiful action to show support for our black community! Please do this. Thank you.

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    Jefffrey McCoy about 4 years ago

    I do not approve of "Black Lives Matter" being painted on the streets of Phoenix. BLM should be label as terrorist as all they do is spread hate and terror. They are better ways to address the issues at hand.

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    Daniel Johnson about 4 years ago

    I adamantly oppose this proposal. I spent 26 years defending the Constitution of this Nation. While I support the right to peaceful protest, there is nothing peaceful about this movement. Their very leaders call for more violence, riots, looting, and destruction of property and publicly call themselves “trained marxists.” I’ve seen nothing they’ve done to bring about positive change; to the contrary. I will not support any group of this nature. I strongly urge everyone to oppose this mural.