Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Gr Ba about 4 years ago

    NO on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program. The PUBLIC STREETS of OUR City should not have any markings other than common traffic lanes, crosswalks, and bike paths.

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    Grant Ballard about 4 years ago

    NO on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program. Our city should not support a group that is known for arson, riots, chaos, assaulting innocent citizens, attacking police and tearing up our cities.

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    Catherine Brown about 4 years ago

    This is an openly Marxist group that incites hate and violence.

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    Anita Terlizzi about 4 years ago

    BLM is a radical marxist movement. They will destrky our beautiful city. Do sometbing more productive. Food drive, school supply donations, gtesh coat of paint on inner city schools and churches.

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    Brenda Arthur about 4 years ago

    Instead do American hero’s or Covid 19 heros

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    Kl An about 4 years ago

    An absolute NO vote on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program. Our city is known for our graffiti less streets, beautiful highways, & our beautiful Arizona sunsets is our mural for ALL to enjoy.

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    Cory Garrett about 4 years ago

    Black lives do matter but this mural will only be a hazard for the community. There are other ways to show solidarity.

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    Ruby Martinez about 4 years ago

    As a citizen of Phoenix, I strongly oppose the placing of a mural supporting such a hateful group like BLM on our city streets. They have condoned violence across our nation. Violence against anyone who disagrees with their narrative, violence against innocent people and police.
    I do however support positive changes and groups willing to do the work to make Phoenix a better place for ALL.

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    THERESE VEREEN about 4 years ago

    With every fiber of my being, I am absolutely opposed to this. BLM is a Marxist group, by their own definition. This should not even by considered by any responsible government entity. NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO NO

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    Tammy Rodgers about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose having a mural which is causing racial divide on our city streets. We are not wanting another Portland in Arizona. If you give them an inch they will take a mile.

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    Kelly Anderson about 4 years ago

    I am a NO vote on #19 Street Mural Pilot Program.

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    bd mann about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Do you not see what is happening in other cities when you allow this? BLM is a hate group. Open your eyes and look at what comes after a mural is painted. We do not need or want this damage to our city. Please do not allow this to take place. And if you allow it, shame on you for bringing this into our cities. And I will take my hard earned money to other cities.

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    Patrick Stahlnecker about 4 years ago

    Start using logic Mayor Gallego. To allow Black Lives Matter to come into our city and stir the pot is utterly irresponsible of you and the Phoenix City Council

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    JESSICA Johnson about 4 years ago

    Mayor Gallego, your first proclamation was, " a mayors compact to combat hate, extremism, and bigotry. Everything the BLM stands for. We should not allow these extremists to cause unrest in our city and state. The citizens and cities that have are burning to the ground. I implore you to vote No and protect the citizens of this Great State.

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    Justin McKay about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose.

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    Susan Lombardi about 4 years ago

    I am totally against the BLM Street mural! This is graffiti on our public street at OUR capital. If you approve this then you have to approve every special interest group’s right to their mural. I implore you to vote NO! Don’t ruin our state! Don’t bring more division to our people. That is NOT what our roads are for. VOTE NO! We the people say NO! Thank you!

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    Susan Parrish about 4 years ago

    Political or personal statements from organizations should not be allowed on our streets. As a taxpayer, it is my right to strongly oppose this suggestion. If someone feels strongly about communicating a statement, then use a Billboard. At the very least, a vote by the people of Arizona on any painting on our streets other than transportation/pedestrian should be put in place.
    Thank you,
    Susan Parrish

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    BILL AND INGENERI about 4 years ago

    Opposed to this Mural. This focuses on a myopic agenda. All lives matter in this world whether you are Black, White, Hispanic, Asian or any other ethnicity we are all important and should be recognized and respected. This mural has a myopic perspective and fuels more segregation in our, city, state and individual municipalities.

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    Shellsea Gilmore about 4 years ago

    The organization behind BLM has made their REAL agenda clear. I stand with all people. Just NOT this corrupt, dishonest, destructive organization and we should NOT honor any group that is more focused on destruction and division.

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    Tom Thompson about 4 years ago

    This is divisive, and I strongly oppose it. One hundred seventy-three police officers have been killed in the line of duty this year. Where is the Blue Live Matter mural? I am sure you get my point.