Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Steven Michael about 4 years ago

    Do not allow this mural on our streets. BLM's agenda is not about equal justice, if it ever was. They are all about anarchy and revolution - just read their website, they don't hide this fact. Don't follow the sheep-like progressive/marxist cities who have allowed riots, injury and death on their streets. We want order for citizens and businesses. Show some backbone for once and defeat this divisive and dangerous proposal.

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    Roxane Rudick about 4 years ago

    NO, NO, NO, NO, NO. We must not give the BLM a foothold in our state, which will happen if we grant permission for their racist murals in our communities. To give them the green light will bring chaos to our Valley, as we have witnessed in other parts of our country. All lives matter. To celebrate one race above others is truly racism in its purest form. Stand strong and VOTE NO.

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    Nancy Sippe about 4 years ago

    I don't feel we should use taxpayers money for BLM mural. This organization has proved to be disrespectful and dangerous! If you need to follow mainstream and have a mural, I would suggest Blue Lives Matter, they fight for us daily without protest! I hope that with this election we can elect more conservative council members who wouldn't even consider a BLM mural! Please research who backs the BLM! Thanks.

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    Cathy Scarla about 4 years ago

    No on BLM MURIAL!! Tax $ shouldn’t be spent on political agenda’s especially against Police! Where would we be without law and order!

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    Tonya Whiting about 4 years ago

    Laura Pastor, Mayor Kate, Carlos Garcia
    I oppose of having BLM plastered anywhere in the cities of Arizona! You look around at other cities and states they have been destroyed because of this terrorist group we don’t need that here in Arizona!

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    Barbra Heller about 4 years ago

    Per Phoenix City Code 3-6 Prohibiting distribution of posters, cards, signs, handbills, placards and other notices generally; criminal penalty; civil sanction.
    A. & E. Except as provided in Subsection F, any person who violates any of the provisions of this section shall be guilty of a Class One Misdemeanor.
    The PUBLIC STREETS of Phoenix should not have any markings other than LEGAL, common traffic lanes, crosswalks and bike paths!
    PLEASE VOTE NO and stop it right here ! STOP THE POLITICS

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    Gerre Heron about 4 years ago

    Mayor Gallego proving again too weak and too petrified by a lawless mob to be Mayor. Residents of Phoenix want law and order. Want safe streets. Want successful businesses. Not a virtue signal to riotous mobs intent on destroying the USA. BLM=Burn/Loot/Murder. They are a Marxist organisation, meaning they hate America. Does PHX Council hate America too. As a LEGAL IMMIGRANT, I OPPOSE this insult and waste of tax payers money.

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    Mike MacDonald about 4 years ago

    The fact i have to do this proves to me we need a new Mayor and some council member replaced. To Condon this is to Condon violence. I not only say NO, I SAY H%$$ NO!!

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    Teresa Wardeen about 4 years ago

    I do NOT support a BLM mural. It is nothing that taxpayers need to pay for. It also has so much controversy around it. With a BLM mural you'd have to paint a Blue Lives Matter mural and it never stops. It would become a site of activism and destruction which would require it to be barricaded off (more funding) and now traffic has been impeded.

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    Alisha Walters about 4 years ago

    Being born and raised in Phoenix I don't believe this is a movement that we want to bring here!!! BLM only brings with it violence and destruction we love our city to much to let that happen!! I oppose the mural 100%

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    Veteran Sissy about 4 years ago

    I'm a senior disabled Veteran who had been in combat, and I'm disgusted that this would even be considered. Laura Pastor, Mayor Kate, Carlos Garcia, you are all a disgrace to Phoenix & the United States of American. Shame on you. None of you should be in a Political Position and need to be removed from office immediately due to your Disrespect to your community, Veterans, Seniors and the United States of America!
    I'm horrified that you even considered this BLM BullCrap!
    NO Mural! Ban BLM now!

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    Daryl Handler about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM. Mural. It's racist! I don't want my streets shut down either.
    All Lives Matter!
    Why does BLM go pick up trash in Phoenix, and do volunteer work!
    Lazy loosers. Get a job, go to college. Go to the Police Academy if you don't like what Police are doing! Do something productive instead of cause chaos drama violence and destruction. You rule with hate and fear. Where is God in all of this?

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    Lee Oliver about 4 years ago

    DO NOT ALLOW PHOENIX TO BE HIJACKED BY MARXISTS. BLM is a violent, destructive group aimed at destroying America, beginning with its cities. By placing this on the City Council’s agenda, Kate Gallego has begun to slowly open the door for BLM brutality to ooze into the streets of Phoenix. It won’t be limited to downtown. If this is allowed, watch your neighborhood become Portland, NYC, and even Venezuela. Vote this council out if this is approved.

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    Angela Terry about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not! They are a Marxist organization who clearly hates America and its values. They use black communities as pawns in their agenda. They do not stand for peace, only create more division.

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    Sandie Zerilli about 4 years ago

    No to the BLM mural. Strongly opposed to this. The BLM organization does not represent the values of Phoenix.

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    Julie Ciulla about 4 years ago

    Strongly opposed to the BLM mural. It is wrong. It is biased. It is not representing our great city

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    Dawn Martin about 4 years ago

    The BLM is an organization that is focused on causing division and hatred in America. They clearly have a Marxist agenda and cause tyranny and spew blasphemy. They leave nothing but chaos and destruction in their wake.

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    Ralph Ting about 4 years ago

    BLM is for defunding the police. They are an anti Christian organization.

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    Nalene Gene about 4 years ago

    As an Indigenous womxn, I support the BLM movement.

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    Nicole Garcia about 4 years ago

    The BLM organization’s website literally says they want to “disrupt the nuclear family structure” the mayor should have never allowed this in the agenda. It only brings more divisiveness when our city needs to cone together. She keeps doing this. Also the founder and leader of BLM says they are all trained Marxists. This is not who Phoenix is or what they stand for.