Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Jackie Mesa about 4 years ago

    Please do not cater to this group, especially as they show their character as violent intimidators to terrorize communities. We cannot let them erase history and erect a symbol of a communist push in its place, and targets anyone not like them, especially Any/All police. This group is a threat to public safety if anything, should be closely watched as well as Antifa. If you wouldn't consider a BLUE LIVES MATTER mural up, please don't even think of putting this.

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    PAUL WOLFSON about 4 years ago

    This is NOT a good idea. BLM is not the peaceful group we once knew. Antifa the left wing Militant group has taken over.These Anarchists want to ruin our way of life. We can not support a mural that has BLM on it, to be painted on any buildings or streets in Phoenix. We must teach people what BLM is, and that LIVES MATTER! This idea is divisive and destructive. Phoenix is a great city and must NOT be like those of Portland, New York and others that are not well run. DO NOT APPROVE THIS!! 2=NO.

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    Nora Van Meter about 4 years ago

    If you give this platform to one group then you MUST give it all! BABY LIVES MATTER, BLUE LIVES MATTER! I moved here from OREGON because it has become like a third world county thanks to political support for anarchy, arson, violence, marxism etc. Don't start down this trail or you may be the same. I hoped to be able to have the freedom and safety to live here and do business locally. I am all for justice and reform, but BLM demonstrates a disregard for these and a hatred for America.

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    Emily Reeves about 4 years ago

    Although the sentiment of BLM is important, the organization has done nothing but cause violence & damage. We shouldn’t support an organization that has partnered with Antifa, a domestic terrorist organization. We shouldn’t support an organization that wants a revolution to overthrow our system & replace it with communism. If we want to support marginalized individuals, there are ways we can do that which doesn’t include supporting ill intentioned organizations that cause violence in our streets

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    Amy Beck about 4 years ago

    Taxpayers do NOT want this mural anywhere in our city. I am strongly opposed to ANY use of our streets in a manner that singles out a particular group of people, regardless of the cause. BLM is anti-police and our officers deserve better than this. Our hard-earned tax dollars should not be spent on this, especially given the economic environment we are currently in.

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    Roxanne Regnier about 4 years ago


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    Esteban Garza about 4 years ago

    Oppose BLM... we do not want BLM looting & burning Arizona..

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    Leonard Smith about 4 years ago

    Oppose BLM!!!

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    Michelle Shotts about 4 years ago

    Oppose BLM

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    Monique Bontrager about 4 years ago

    I am in complete opposition of any street mural program. We should spend our resources better than messaging on a road.
    As for the Black Lives Matter brand? It is undeniably anti police, anti family and is a marxist organization. That term should not ever be used on tax payers property. It is in fact divisive upon all communities.

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    Traci Frederickson about 4 years ago

    We are extremely opposed to having a BLM street mural in Phoenix. The controversial ideologies such as "We disrupt the Western-prescribed nuclear family structure..." is NOT a movement we want in Arizona. The BLM statement in and of itself is offensive to every other race. Black lives DO matter AND brown lives matter, and yellow lives matter, red lives matter, and white lives matter too. Do we really need to paint our streets with every color of life that matters to Arizonians? No.

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    Julie Young about 4 years ago

    Our city streets, property and public spaces are for the use by all citizens and for those employed by the City of Phoenix. Any use of our streets to provide a platform that would single out one group of people is setting the City up for discourse amongst all. I am against any murals on any City street or property to maintain safety for those that work, live and play within our great City.

    If the council approves this for one group, they will have to do the same for any group in the future.

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    Heather Ogden about 4 years ago

    I don’t want to see a message wrote by a bunch of marxists on our streets . I don’t want to be Portland

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    Gail Golec about 4 years ago

    All Americans should oppose this. How about a Reality Check? I would like to know how any American with American Virtues could want to Honor an admitted Marxist Organization, who openly donates to the Democratic Party and has been known for violence and death all across America.

    This is a time to Unite as Americans. This will be a breeding ground for havoc and chaos. Why would any Representative of the People think that the People would encourage and want havoc and chaos?

    We Oppose.

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    Bill Terra about 4 years ago

    Our streets are for transportation. Our taxes pay to maintain them. Do not waster our money on politics.

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    JM Cordova about 4 years ago

    My husband and I are STRONGLY opposed to the proposed painting of a BLM mural anywhere in this city. And, we strongly support our law enforcement community. Please give serious consideration to all of the ramifications before moving forward with something this divisive. This organization should not and does not represent the values of this beautiful city. Vote NO!!!

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    Denis Springer about 4 years ago

    Totally inappropriate

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    Nikcole Thompson about 4 years ago

    Unless you want to pave the way for Phoenix to look like Seattle, Portland, NYC (just to name a few major cities currently under the chokehold of domestic terrorism) please do not allow this mural to be painted. And if you do decide to allow it, be ready to also allow murals that say things like: CHILD LIVES MATTER. CONSERVATIVE BLACK LIVES ALSO MATTER. WHITE LIVES MATTER TOO.


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    Tammy Marie about 4 years ago

    We cannot allow a Marxist fascist organization to use our tax dollars to further their agenda. These people riot, loot, commit arson and verbally and physically attack people who do not agree with her views. They along with antifa and the Democratic Party are doing nothing but dividing our country. All lives matter and everyone is equal in America. We will not stand for this mural in our town. Patriots will rise. These people should be prosecuted for treason and terrorism, not celebrated.

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    Jeff Itoh about 4 years ago

    BLM is provoking violence by looting, rioting, and stealing.
    BLM is provoking violent behavior with our city officials not obeying the laws and/or officers
    BLM is killing innocent civilians
    BLM is burning down our cities
    BLM wants power and wants to overthrow our government system
    BLM wants to defund our police