Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Rhonda Mathis about 4 years ago

    I am adamantly opposed to a BLM Street Mural on any of our City of Phoenix streets.

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    Dana Reed about 4 years ago

    Strongly support a BLM mural in Phoenix!!!

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    Christy Anderson about 4 years ago

    This is bad policy to politicize our public streets. Opening pandora's box to political messages is short sighted. If you allow this BLM mural in front of my property I will immediately be bringing the same request for #ENDABORTIONNOW and #BLACKUNBORNBABIESMATTER right next to it. You cannot have one without the other.

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    Tim Smith about 4 years ago

    Keep these terrorist messages out of AZ. All lives matter!

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    Laura Crawford about 4 years ago

    I am vehemently opposed to subjecting Phoenix to the same rhetoric that other cities and states have subjected themselves to and opening up a Pandora's box of controversy. It has done nothing to improve the situation as a whole. ALL LIVES MATTER and to segregate one group from another will only prove that we haven't moved forward but to regress back into the era before the civil rights movements that DE-segragated the race. This is NOT a good move for AZ! NO, NO, NO!!

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    Chelsea Henrickson about 4 years ago

    I oppose spending taxpayer dollars to promote the BLM organization. They are by their own definition a Marxist organization, not in alignment with the values of America or Arizona. City Council is entrusted to use our tax dollars wisely; support businesses, safety for residents and provide a thriving city for all Phoenicians, not for divisive speech and a trophy for agitated activists to gather around and promote their socialist agenda.

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    Je Wh about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is divisive by name. All Lives Matter would be inclusive.

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    Dawn Ruotolo about 4 years ago

    BLM is vandalizing public property that they do not pay taxes. They back de-funding police which I oppose. They also back violence against innocent civilians.

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    Terri Rosko about 4 years ago

    I oppose spending taxpayer dollars to promote the BLM organization. They are by their own definition a Marxist organization, not in alignment with the values of Arizona. City Council should not support political agendas of any organization. City Council is entrusted to use our tax dollars wisely; support businesses, safety for residents and provide a thriving city for all Phoenicians. City Council should focus on creating a unifying platform for our community.

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    Ronald Boldizar about 4 years ago

    I totally disagree with any proposal or effort to promote the Black Lives Matter movement. I believe the BLM is a marxist, for left-wing radical group that disseminates and funds radical groups to disrupt the peace and calm of our neighborhoods. As a taxpayer, I will not support using taxpayer-funded properties to promote the BLM movement. Additionally, The BLM wants to defund our police departments, which will, if implemented, will increase their chaotic efforts. NO, NO, NO to this proposal!

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    Barbara Hagel about 4 years ago

    ALL lives matter. Do NOT do this in our city. It will result in many more lines lost and more senseless violence . And YOU will be held responsible. We will vote you ALL out in next election!!!

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    William Hagel about 4 years ago

    I am against BLM murals painted anywhere in Arizona.

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    Jenny Hagel about 4 years ago

    First, ALL LIVES MATTER. Second, the cities who have allowed these murals have seen major upticks in violence. BLM has proven to be a hate-filled, Marxist organization. We do not need this in Phoenix. I strongly oppose the painting of this mural.

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    Andrew Edelstein about 4 years ago


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    Eleanor Johnson about 4 years ago

    If black people think that their lives matter then why do they kill 33% of their population through abortion-- the greatest killer of black people? Another inconsistency lies the fact that over 70% of black homes are lead by single women. Where are their fathers?This is tragic and painting a BLM logo on the pavement is not going to change anything. I strongly oppose any action by Phoenix city Council that would show support of this organization.

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    Graham Johnson about 4 years ago

    We all believe Black Lives matter. However, I strongly oppose any action by City Council that would show support for the BLM organization. BLM has clearly shown itself to be anti-democratic and anti-police by inciting its supporters to civil disobedience and criminal activity. We should in no way be associated with that. Furthermore, taking this action will show a lack of support for our police. Let us seek justice for all through proper civil discourse and maintaining law and order.

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    Edward Dougherty about 4 years ago

    Phoenix needs to stop being followers and start being leaders. Who wants to be like L.A. or New York City for that matter?? This is a lame attempt to placate the terrorists, AKA Black Lives Matter. Don't reward them or negotiate with them. Son't be cowards like them. Reward instead those who sacrificed for Phoenix, Blue Lives. Don't waste tax payers money on this!!

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    Joe Kunze about 4 years ago

    As per a recent Zoom call, co-founder Patrisse Cullors stated that the founders & organization is Marxist. Their mission is the COMPLETE destruction of our current gov't, law enforcement, judicial system, prisons & the traditional family. They intend to install a communist gov't & demand complete black sovereignty by burning down the "system" using any means needed. By their own definition, the statement #Black Lives Matters is pure systemic racism. STOP THEM NOW, or lose our support & respect.

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    Richard Iodice about 4 years ago

    Please do not permit the street mural. Painting BLM on a street accomplishes nothing toward fixing the basic problems of poor behavior. But if you decide to permit the BLM mural, I hereby request permission to create a “SUPPORT OUR POLICE” street mural.

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    B L Perkey about 4 years ago

    We oppose the painting of black lives matter on the City of Phoenix public streets or buildings.This is an organization that has been extremely destructive to several major American cities over the past four months. It is an organization representing socialist, Marxist ideology contrary to the Constitution of Arizona and the United States of America.We have always been of state of acceptance of all people&work together This proposed painting would be a nuisance and distraction to Phoenicians.