Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Joe Gadzik about 4 years ago

    BLM, according to their web site is a political organization that advocates civil disobedience, the disruption of the western prescribed
    nuclear family and the defunding of police. Two of the three founders are followers of Marxism. Are these the ideals that you want to
    represent the city of Phoenix? If the city is going to advocate political views, would you also allow a mural stating 'MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN'?

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    Edward Hibbert about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural. BLM has shown to be divisive using intimidation to force their agenda, calling anyone who does not conform and support them a racist. I believe that Black Lives Matter, Unfortunately this organization, which hides their financials and is in fact a for profit organization is about power and greed. Non of the recent victims they claim to support has received any assistance from they over $300M. that this organization has collected in the name of these very people.

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    Kim Walden about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural. I don’t believe glorifying one race over the others is beneficial to our community. We are in the middle of a crisis and we should be trying to unify our city, state and country, not cause more division by painting something so one sided.

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    Janet Daoud about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to this mural as it's not for the benefit of this entire community. The objective of a CITY council isn't to decide what is good for one portion of our community but instead the community as a whole. Continuing to support an organization who's original principals were pure but whom has allowed detractors to come in and damage the brand to a point of being unrecognizable is not a proper action for a city council. Please appropriate the funds to a better cause.

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    Jeremy Besse about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to this mural as it's not for the benefit of this entire community. The objective of a CITY council isn't to decide what is good for one portion of our community but instead the community as a whole. Continuing to support an organization who's original principals were pure but whom has allowed detractors to come in and damage the brand to a point of being unrecognizable is not a proper action for a city council. Please appropriate the funds to a better cause.

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    Susan Rubin about 4 years ago

    I support this mural that says Black Lives Matter and features portraits of MLK, César Chávez, and John Lewis. I endorse Transpo Dept's suggestion that it be on a less busy street to avoid closures during installation and maint. but would like it to be some place easily viewable by the public and in an area busy enough to avoid vandalism. Also, recalling controversies about artists that led to private murals being removed this summer, please choose artists thoughtfully.

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    Mary Vasgird about 4 years ago

    I absolutely oppose a BLM mural. That organization is not a unifying force in any way and only seeks to divide and destroy. We don't need to support that with our tax dollars.

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    David Jacobsen about 4 years ago

    This proposal will only divide our city, our streets are no place to recognize this organization..

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    Sharon Hume about 4 years ago

    Sharon Hume SERIOIUSLY? I insist on a WHITE CITY STREET MURAL AS WELL! What don't you council member's get? WE ARE ALL ONE PEOPLE! Treat us like that! I can't come to the meeting for fear my opinion would get me killed, but I can voice my opinion, it still is a free nation, isn't it? BOTH BLACK OR WHITE MURALS WOULD BE RACIST! NO ONE HUNDERED TIMES NO!

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    James Alcantara about 4 years ago

    BLM is a MARXIST Organization and should not be supported with my tax dollars in any way. This is NOT a free speach issue. Stop this madness now! This will encourage violence in our city!

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    William Ulbrandt about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to allowing BLM signage in any form. Over the past several months, often on a daily basis, BLM protests have resulted in riots that have destroyed businesses, caused significant damage and expenses to cities. People have been hurt and or killed. Cities imagines have been damaged. This is not a first amendment right, just as yelling fire in a movie theater isn’t because it causes panic and possible injuries knowingly allowing BLM protests/riots here is the same.

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    Karissa Brnak about 4 years ago

    Other murals Have not caused such division as Black Lives Matter has. The riots, the destruction, the lack of understanding and information behind the slogan versus the political organization.The political organization should not be allowed to have their slogan or name in any facet on our city. I understand the implications that may not be tied to the organization but also the implications that are and those are not one we want in our city. This is not how you bring our community togethe.

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    barbara Ulbrandt about 4 years ago

    NO to BLM mural!

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    m e yourick about 4 years ago

    My awareness of cities allowing this same group to emblazon this message on city streets have been the recipients of negative activities. Rioting, looting, mayhem even deaths have ensued, nothing unifying. Other groups with different agendas will be vying for equal time. I do not want my streets used in this manner for signaling political, social, religious or commercial messaging. Please do not use this divisive act to divide our residents. No life is more important than another. Vote No

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    Trilese DiLeo about 4 years ago

    NO to the BLM Mural. I am requesting that you stop and prevent anything allowing the BLM recognition in our city, including painting our streets. The BLM is a group dividing our country, harming our community, and should not be allowed or recognized as anything else. This group’s violence and talking points are destructive and distracting our nation and community from finding peaceful and effective ways to come together. Honor those that unite and protect us, not those who divide and harm us!

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    Tammy Hanson about 4 years ago

    NO ON THE BLM MURAL!! A race specific acknowledgement like this keeps racism alive. We are all equal! As a white female, I'm offended that this is even being considered. Does my life not matter? My children's lives not matter? My native American neighbor's, the Hispanic police officer that patrols my neighborhood, the Asian nurse that treats people at Urgent Care lives not matter? Also, we are currently in a financial crisis and spending money for this is unacceptable!

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    Beth Gadzik about 4 years ago

    Our city streets or buildings should not be used as political posters. They should not be used to send a message of divisiveness and disruption as is associated with BLM. Our government should not be promoting any one race or ethnicity over another; they are to be impartial!

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    Jessica Thomas about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to using public funds or property to promote private or personal ideology or agendas

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    Valorie lund about 4 years ago

    I oppose the mural.

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    Anne Craig about 4 years ago

    I agree with all the points made so far. This is an agenda that causes riots and division. All lives matter, including our police officers. We do not need this here. We have a beautiful city and we do not need this kind of political narrative graphically painted like graffiti on streets. The vast majority of Phoenicians would be against this and angered. Is this really something we need to worry about right now?