Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Karen Olson about 4 years ago

    To allow BLM the chance to paint our streets, you are telling taxpayers that as long as you have the power we don't matter. If BLM had done anything beside cause destruction this might be a different story, but they haven't. They've destroyed cities and you are saying lets give them a forum to make Phoenix into another Portland. I for one am against giving them that forum.

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    Brandy Roberts about 4 years ago

    All this will do is make the racial divide larger.

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    Rene Lewandowski about 4 years ago

    The Phoenix city council needs to STOP and look at how this has hurt other cities like Chicago, NYC, Seattle, Portland. I’m Arizona resident and I am opposing this, you are spending our tax payer money. We need money for schools, better roads and bridges not this. This will bring more controversial issues and possible unrest in our City. Our country needs to be united not divided by color of our skin. Respect each other and stop with this race card.

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    Crystal Burge about 4 years ago

    We can not allow graffiti like this on our Phoenix streets! Why on earth would anyone think it is okay to spend tax payer dollars to make our community look like garbage? Please do not destroy our city with trash like this!

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    Lois Delahuerta about 4 years ago

    we are all human beings we don't need to be reminded with a slogan painted on our streets, i find it racist that one race is more important than others! Our beautiful Phoenix is a well run city with diversity that we celebrate all that live here. Bringing BLM will only bring rioting to our city from those that don't even live here or know what we are about. I say no to painting BLM near our capital!

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    Darcy Meyer about 4 years ago

    Absolutely opposed to BLM propaganda on our streets.

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    Denise Fackrell about 4 years ago

    This is an entire sleep in the face to our Law enforcement! Not to mention other minorities. This is absurd... Especially when you see all the violent protesting they are responsible for!! She has lost her mind!!

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    Tony Zo about 4 years ago

    BLM is an acronym for a political organization, and as such we don't put DNC or RNC slogans and propaganda, especially such a divisive logo such as BLM on our city streets.

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    Dane Buchanan about 4 years ago

    I would like nothing more than to deface a BLM mural. It would be very convenient if there were one in Phoenix. If the Marxist mural isn’t open to defacing then I don’t want it.

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    Micah Tatafu about 4 years ago

    All Lives Matter

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    Kate Bickmore about 4 years ago

    BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist organization that is anything but inclusive. Their intent is to defund the police, destroy the nuclear family and create even more divisiveness in our community. As a taxpayer and Phoenix resident I oppose the use of our public streets for graffiti masquerading as a "street mural". Please vote NO on this item.

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    Sarai Richter about 4 years ago

    I suppose the use of funds to pay for a mural to support BLM, as long as the artist is a BIPOCA who is paid to design and put the mural up. However, this is a small token of what the council CNA actually do for the Black Community and other oppressed peoples.

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    David Worthen about 4 years ago

    Not in OUR town!

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    Daniel Valeev about 4 years ago

    I do not support this !

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    Christine Kellar about 4 years ago

    No way. As a tax paying citizen, I do not want a self proclaimed Marxist Organization mural anywhere in my state. And as a registered voter, I oppose this 100% .

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    Laura Chickering about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this mural. BLM is a Marxist organization tearing apart our nation, sewing hate and division. The City should never promote one political movement another. You will forever divide our community at a time when we badly need unity and healing.

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    Sheri Grove about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose a Black Lives Matter (BLM) in Phoenix. An appropriate mural would be All Lives Matter.

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    Cecil Sbandi about 4 years ago

    Please do not allow a BLM sign or mural on the streets of Phoenix. This is not what the majority of people want. BLM creates more division. It is a terrorist organization that has done nothing but harm. We do not want this in Phoenix or anywhere for that matter. We are all humans trying to survive each day, and the concept of BLM is tearing people apart. Please do not allow this. Thank you.

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    Jocelyn Abyad about 4 years ago

    As an Arizona native, I strongly oppose this measure. BLM is an extremely divisive group and we need unity more than ever right now.

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    Traci Mullaney about 4 years ago

    I oppose what you are doing