Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Kathy Erler about 4 years ago

    No terrorist anti american activities should be approved

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    L Stanley about 4 years ago

    I support, only if other slogans from other groups are allowed to be included. This way all Phoenix citizens are being represented & not just a single group. A collage of slogans, from all groups wanting to participate would so equality & true diversity. If mural only states BLM, I oppose.

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    Tara Lakes about 4 years ago

    We should do what we can to ease the trauma the city of Phoenix has done to its BIPOC residents. We need to be welcoming to ALL our citizens.

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    Jessie Duppler about 4 years ago

    I am in support of the mural and wish to see Phoenix as a leader in this nation for equality, support of people of color, and recognizer of the need for change

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    Veronica Quinn about 4 years ago

    I oppose. This has caused huge division in other areas. Our streets should not be billboards! If you give this right to one organization than All others should have the right at equil moment of equil time. Won't be long and our streets will look like graffiti. That's what billboards are for. Let them use a billboard to advertise their hate group.

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    James Risor about 4 years ago

    BLM is a for profit HATE group. This is not appropriate for any kind of public art program.

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    Alexander Batetta about 4 years ago

    The city of Phoenix shouldn't support a racial supremacist group, and I strongly oppose the attempt gain favor with these political extremists who are using SELF-PROPOSED Marxist tactics to sow racial division. As a Phoenix resident who loves my neighbors of all backgrounds I implore our city's representatives to see through lies of these hate groups and reject them, Antifa, and all attempts to use our tax dollars for a political agenda.

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    Candace Vermillion about 4 years ago

    Absolutely No. BLM attracts violence to the Cities they have appeared in. It is wrong to allow one organization the use of public property to promote a cause, edpecially one that is not inclusive to all races and that many believe is affiliated with a political Marxist agenda.

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    Janice Attig about 4 years ago

    Why would support for a domestic terrorist group who has done nothing positive for the community even be considered? This group has plainly stated their views including hate speech along with looting, burning and terrorizing communities. Anyone who doesn't agree with them is targeted, intimidated or attacked. We don't want this in our community!

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    Brandy Merritt about 4 years ago

    Please do not allow this mural to happen. It only causes division and is being used for a political agenda

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    Rene Hifflander about 4 years ago

    While a mural will never undo the trauma that has been pushed upon bipoc residents of Arizona, it shows solidarity and is the first step towards a state that starts acting like black lives really matter. Ms. Gallego you said "It's hard to see (the murder of George Floyd) and I hope that change comes out of this so that in the future we don't have to ever ever ever see something so unacceptable again" the nation is watching. Arizona is watching. Let this be the first step to that change.

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    Joseph Hinrichsen about 4 years ago

    I oppose this mural because it does the exact thing we as Americans are supposed to be against - dividing us up as different races or colors. All lives matter, no matter what the color of your skin. Besides, the phrase is obviously confusing since it's the same as the group BLM. Their support for anarchy in cities across the nation, as well as whipping American youth into frenzied rage, hatred and violence, is disturbing to say the least. Keep their vitriol out of our city.

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    Stella Mata about 4 years ago

    Terrible idea!! Have you seen DC? NYC? You want that violence to come here? Because that’s exactly what will happen. You think all they want is a mural? They will take and take and take until they have destroyed this beautiful city and no amount of groveling or ass kissing will stop them. You tell them Phoenicians say ALL LIVES MATTER

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    Scott Wazowski about 4 years ago

    BLM is a hate group. ALL lives matter. That includes every race, every color, every creed. BLM is a political group affiliated with Antifa and they are both determined to cause civil unrest in America. They burn small businesses. They bully anyone who doesn’t agree with them. They have stated publicly that they want to see America fall. They support communism. Please do not allow such a hateful movement to infect our streets with their racist statements. We are far better than this Phoenix.

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    Dave Bue about 4 years ago

    This is political and simply racist. Pointing out that specifically BLM matters as opposed to other nationalities is race baited...why not Blue Lives Matter or Baby Lives Matter or maybe All Lives Matter....

    This will only serve to highlight racial bias amongst these who Are racist. What practical purpose will this mural provide? To stoke more emotional anger and division or do you really think it will "heal"? Most people aren't racist...were tired of hearing this.....

    This is crazy

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    Dan Olson about 4 years ago

    You must be out of your mind

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    Sean Donnelly about 4 years ago

    Bad idea, this will further polarize each side of the argument. The lack of leadership from the mayor is a major disappointment.

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    Christy Ramirez about 4 years ago

    This is not what our community needs right now! It would only widen the division and bring in more conflict downtown.

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    Robert Martin about 4 years ago

    Though I empathize with the plight of those subjected to perceived discrimination, I oppose this mural or any such statement in this politically charged environment. This action may be interpreted as an open invitation to the extremist that have hijacked the perceived empathetic intention of the phrase "Black Lives Matter". Portland, Seattle, NYC, and most recently Kenosha and Washinton DC evidence the rioting, property damage, death of "peaceful protests."

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    Dennis Temby about 4 years ago

    I am strongly opposed to the idea of having BLM painted on our streets. As a society, we strive for fairness and equality. With that belief, this mural idea does not support that and if you allow for one mural, you must allow them all. What's next, White Lives Matter, Cops Lives Matter, Criminal Lives Matter, Jewish Lives Matter, Christians Lives Matter, etc. etc. etc? I personally choose to love all people but can not support this ridiculous idea.