Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Jerimiah Cuevas about 4 years ago

    I believe it would be in bad judgement to fund this project with tax payers money as they are an organization and are free to freedom of speech and have the right to spend their own funds to place this info they want to display on a billboard. I believe if we allow tax payers money to fund this it discredits our respect for law enforcement.

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    NALM Party about 4 years ago

    Black Lives are Owed the Respect of this Country! This Country was Built by the Hands of Slaves but Governed by the Minds of White Capitalists. Our Culture was Taken from us and sacrificed for this Country and our Lives still don't matter! It is time for that to Change!

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    Fred Wahlstrom about 4 years ago

    I Oppose this Agenda Item - Messages of any sort, NOT related to traffic, should NOT be painted on our city streets. Our streets are not Billboards, there is a whole other industry for getting messages out there, BILLBOARDS, tell them to rent one of those instead. This just starts a precedent for painting all kinds of adverts on our city streets, making our fine city look trashy. Regardless of your view of BLM, it just doesn't belong PAINTED on our city streets, there are other ways!

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    FeLa iniko about 4 years ago

    it is Time that Arizona Respect Black Lives. Arizona is slower than some Southern states when it comes to African American Acceptence !

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    Lorraine Reeves about 4 years ago

    BLM is a violent Marxist organization that wants to destroy our democracy. There leaders have stated that if they don't get what they want they will "burn it all". There actions ... the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of their political aims is the very definition of terrorism. So why are we even here?
    Do not put Phoenix and its citizens in their crosshairs by giving them a foot hold. Vote no to the violence, vote no to the mural

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    Dee Hewitt about 4 years ago

    Murals are NOT APPROPRIATE to be painted on city roadways. It is a hazzard and dangerous.

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    Alexandra Leguire about 4 years ago

    The BLM movement does not stand for the interests of Phoenicians, and the only black lives they care about are those highlighted by the media that they use to push their Marxist interests.

    I oppose this mural because it breeds division and the organization it stands for remains silent on the black (but all) lives destroyed by abortion, the black lives destroyed by crime, and supports destroying more black lives by defunding the police that protect them.
    Not in PHX-here we love ALL black lives.

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    Zen Kit about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is not only an organization but a truth we need to embrace. AZ has many misgivings in it's racist history and we can see this illustrated in the comments section of this discussion item. We need to show our support for our Black loved ones & stand with them. The city council needs to progress with it's people. History is being written this moment & we need to be on the right side. It's not political, this is about humanity and sanctity of life.

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    S M about 4 years ago

    I oppose murals of any kind on city streets/structures. This particular mural, BLM, as seen in other cities across America creates unrest. I believe in "All American Lives Matter", however, even if that were a slogan , I oppose painting it as well. Phoenix is a great western city where fortunately we have not had significant violence. Let Phoenix continue to be a beautiful, clean, safe, majestic city that it is!! Thank you.

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    LaDonna Milliner about 4 years ago

    This is an awful idea that would only serve to empower, BLM, a money-laundering corp who doesn't do one single thing for one single black person. A review of their own website will show you what they are about and it is NOT peace or inclusion. It's quite the opposite. Let's keep the murals on walls - not our streets.

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    STEVEN Mc about 4 years ago

    Streets are for traffic devices and signals. Painting messages will open it as a public forum for other messages. We do not want our tax dollars to support this project. Painting and touch ups will cause unnecessary traffic congestion and delay. Vote no for any messages on any of our public streets.

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    Katelyn Treichel about 4 years ago

    I am in strong support of this mural and for the city of Phoenix to stand in solidarity with the African American community. This is one small thing the city can do to make a statement that denounces the racism and hatred in our diverse community.

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    Anna Spiegel about 4 years ago

    No. We don't support a terrorist organization.

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    Mary King about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not! BLM is a terrorist organization. We don’t need the violence in Phoenix. This would be an insult to our hard working, dedicated police officers.

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    Jennifer McDaniel about 4 years ago

    A “BLM” mural is not a good idea at all as this group is causing division and MAJOR unrest throughout the United States! They don’t actually help black lives!

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    Gilbert Gutierrez about 4 years ago

    The City of Phoenix should NOT install a BLM Mural. Unfortunately, BLM is tied with the organization by the same name which is divisive and full of destructive voices, not the movement that attempts to highlight injustice. If you are going to build a mural, it should be inclusive, not exclusive. Any time the GOVERNMENT singles out a group above others, it builds resentment for those not provided the same support therefor leading to the opposite of the desired result. DO NOT BUILD A BLM MURAL.

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    Patricia ONeil about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose spending tax dollars on this. All lives matter.

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    Deborah Tiffany about 4 years ago

    I haven't seen one BLM street mural across America bring peace harmony or a sence of unity. Those are the things we are striving for yes?

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    Marcus Tork about 4 years ago

    I urge a no vote on the street mural. Our city is an integrated, united one. The proposed mural would polarize & divide by including a phrase...also the name of a prominent marxist political group.

    If street murals are done; equal time & space for other important issues - Baby Lives Matter, Back the Blue, etc...

    I urge a no vote on street murals, & strongly oppose any that would work against the unity & integration that we have worked to build & maintain. Thanks for your consideration.

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    Wayne Phillips about 4 years ago

    I see no reason to promote a known Marxist organization in Phoenix. This would surely separate the people more in already troubled times. Thanks