Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Debbie Merrick about 4 years ago

    Please use taxpayers money right now to help the most vulnerable in our community. We don't need this mural to remind us of pain and suffering that is trying to divide our city, state and country. We need unity of all people of all backgrounds. Please please please do not bring this to our city.

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    Shelby Hoffman about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is not a Communist or Marxist organization -- it is a simple statement that BLACK LIVES MATTER. It is VITAL to acknowledge that Black lives matter when this country was built on the exploitation of Black lives for centuries. Symbolic gestures, such as street murals, will not end systemic racism plaguing this country, but they are an important step in the right direction to acknowledge and uplift those who have been marginalized. Arizona needs to do better. Justice for Dion.

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    Deborah Cannistra about 4 years ago


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    Julie Brewer about 4 years ago

    Do not want this! Will cause more problems! No hate!

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    Anonymous Voter about 4 years ago

    Its racist NO MATTER what race you put. All lives matter or nothing.

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    Janis Forch about 4 years ago

    Most divisive suggestion...ever! This organization is Marxist and has done nothing to help black lives!! You push this ,we'll petition for Blue LivesMatter. See what you do with that!!!

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    Tina Luna about 4 years ago

    I support this item if it is accompanied with concrete measures to defund the police and invest in Black lives. Don't waste the money on empty gestures.

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    James Martinez about 4 years ago

    I think this is a great idea. We need to show solidarity with the peaceful Black Lives Matter movement (which is not Antifa and not about rioting no matter how much crazy right wingers want you to believe it). I'm tired of the overt and closeted racists at the federal and local level (looking at you Sal DiCiccio) who use thinly veiled racist attacks on people of color to justify their actions. We need to send a message that we support this important movement.

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    Lauren Wyke about 4 years ago

    This is a racisist and terrorist organization. It has recently been recognized as such by Homeland Security. OPPOSE ANY SUPPORT OF THEM OR ALLOWING THEM TO PROTEST IN OUR AREA!!!

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    Sharon Visor about 4 years ago

    I strongly support a BLM mural and its demonstration for Human Rights. It will also serve to decry the confederate statutes and flags that have so long plaqued Americans who ignored that these statues represented, racism, treason, abuse, death and rape. Whereas, BLM murals will serve to proudly reflect America as a country of inclusion, equality and civil/human rights.

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    C Kerr about 4 years ago

    During this unprecedented time of unrest, it has been shown in cities across America, that allowing murals to be painted on public streets is a divisive way to show support for ANY cause. Mural locations have become epicenters for violence perpetrated by both the mural supporters and those against the murals. The city needs a 100 % moratorium for the foreseeable future for ANY proposed street murals in Phoenix. Keep Phoenix roadways safe, only allow traffic flow makings on our streets, period.

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    Erik Lyewski about 4 years ago


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    Co Sw about 4 years ago

    NO WAY...

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    Edward Knoell about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM mural. They are a trojan horse for hate and rioting. Please vote against this. They do nothing for black lives, they clearly say who they are on their website in the "what we believe" tab. The entire BLM cause has been taken over by extreme left groups. Please keep them from the City of Phoenix.

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    Jennifer Moyer about 4 years ago

    BLM is a violent, domestic terrorist organization, and I don’t want my tax dollars paying for this crap!

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    JoAnn Rizzo about 4 years ago

    As a citizen of Arizona I am OPPOSED of painting the BLM mural in front of our state capital. I feel that the mural will be promoting racism because it insinuates that only Black Lives Matter when In fact ALL LIVES MATTER. Be part of the solution and not the problem. OPPOSE OPPOSE OPPOSE OPPOSE

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    D Schmidt about 4 years ago

    No!!!!! That group does NOT represent all blacks, therefore should NOT be granted a mural. They are a hate group against police. If they were for all blacks, they would've cared about the black cops that were killed or the black youth that are killed by rioters and on the streets. Arizonans dont want their violence represented on our streets AT ALL or ANYWHERE!

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    Sirrena Griego about 4 years ago

    Fully support this mural. Black Lives Matter.

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    Vince Thrill about 4 years ago

    As a resident and registered voter for over 51 years who was born and raised here in the great state of Arizona I find this mural to be devisive, offensive and distracting.
    We have enough division in out Country without fueling and stoking that fire anymore. I would be very ashamed of our state if we were to let this happen.

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    Ken Elrod about 4 years ago

    Oppose the BLM Mural. They are a divisionary group. It will cause problems.