Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Lee Kimball about 4 years ago

    I am born and raised in this city and love the diversity of all our Phoenicians, however, there is no need to place a political groups name on our city streets or walls.This will only divide our citizens. BLM is political!!! If the council approves this, then please be prepared to approve all other political and free speech statements: Brown Lives Matter (my wife is Hispanic), Baby Lives Matter, Christian Lives Matter, BLUE Lives Matter, etc. or other crazy banners. So, please VOTE NO!!!!

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    Tessa RamirezKeough about 4 years ago

    This would be a beautiful mural to add to our city. BLM is a movement working to find equity for all people, and advocating for reform so we may have a just future for BIPOC communities and people. It is not a Marxist movement, but an important statement. We want to be a city that advocates for Black lives, and not one that silences them. However, I do believe we can do more than a symbolic gesture for BIPOC Arizonians (i.e. defund Phoenix PD, improve public transportation, etc.) in the future.

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    Jules Johnson about 4 years ago

    No! This is so incredibly inappropriate. BLM is a confirmed Marxist group, why would we want something so divisive in our town? We don't!

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    Jason Grimsman about 4 years ago

    Unless you will support murals of all forms as this makes the street appearance a public forum and thus entitled to free speech, this cannot pass. Not to mention it is likely to attract protestors of all types, which we do not need clogging our streets. If this is approved, be prepared for requests for any number of less trendy or potentially offensive statements, all of which you'll then have to allow. It's all or none.

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    Ethan Terra about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter or ACTBLUE the company that runs BLM is a Marxist Anti-American hate group and is a danger to Arizonan's safety and community! The money that ActBlue raises in the name of BLM benefits the Democratic political party and not African Americans or their communities! Equality for everyone does not need BLM's radical involvement. Lastly, BLM should be listed as a Domestic Terror Group same as Antifa and the KKK.

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    Josebeth Alexander Henderson about 4 years ago

    I highly oppose the idea of BLM on our Phx streets. Why would AZ approve of a terrorist group that attacks our officers in blue, attacks patrons eating out in public to raise their fist in unity, attacks small business owners and attacks civilians who oppose their ideology? Az IS NOT just on one side here. We stand for all lives. Don't give the satisfaction to a terrorist/Marxist group who is ran by a racist "white" man who doesn't care about the true color of ALL LIVES MATTER.

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    Scott Dames about 4 years ago

    Might you take a few minutes to read the following, regarding
    the liability and restrictions of an installation on city streets?
    Cost of maintenance and removal would be at the applicant's
    expense. Can the applicant, Gizette Knight, show evidence of
    sufficient funds to cover 2 to 3 years of maintenance, and ultimate

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    Robert Germano about 4 years ago

    No to BLM mural of any sort. All lives matter. We donโ€™t need to do this and make things worse. This will definitely cause more problems than good. Thank you ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿป

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    Julia Hammond about 4 years ago

    So proud of my community for doing this. On the right side of history with this mural. I know this mural is the right thing for our city and it speaks volumes to Black citizens letting them know that they are valued in Phoenix and matter.

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    Katie Sawyer about 4 years ago

    I am in absolute agreement with this mural. The artwork will serve as an acknowledgement of the injustices BIPOC have faced in Phoenix and in America. While acknowledgment of injustice is only the small first step on the road to equality, it is an absolutely necessary one. I support the city of Phoenix in the creation of this mural, and hope that it is only the first step in a commitment to better policing, better policy, and better infrastructure for the BIPOC members of our community.

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    Callie Forch about 4 years ago

    How can I take the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement seriously when it is allowed to be infiltrated by violent people?

    How do you expect me to give it any support when looters destroy the very neighborhoods that need help?

    How do you expect me to believe in BLM when good Black people (babies, children and adults) are being seriously injured or killed every day in their own communities and they never have a thing to say about it?

    Absolutely no to this mural, this political group is a farce.

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    Julia Pierre about 4 years ago

    As a teacher and young voter, I 100% support this proposal. It's amazing and it lets every Brown and Black citizen in Phoenix know that this community supports them and values them. ESPECIALLY during these times. Proud of this council.

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    Rick Eckles about 4 years ago

    This is a disgrace to the citizens of Phoenix. Is Kate attempting to change our city into a Portland or Seattle?

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    Sonora Rodriguez about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter is not a Communist or Marxist organization -- it is a simple statement that BLACK LIVES MATTER. It is VITAL to acknowledge that Black lives matter when this country was built on the exploitation of Black lives for centuries. Symbolic gestures, such as street murals, will not end systemic racism plaguing this country, but they are an important step in the right direction to acknowledge and uplift those who have been marginalized. Arizona needs to do better. Justice for Dion.

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    OM WA about 4 years ago

    Please DO NOT Approve the BLM street mural in Phoenix! This organization has nothing to do with caring about any lives. They're a Marxist, radical, anti-American, anti- police, anti-Semitic organization who are a driving force behind our great US cities being burned!! They are violent and destructive and have no business being praised in the same way that MLK is.This will only serve to divide a city and cause strife where there isn't any, except when stirred by outside agitators. Thank You

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    Nancy Astemborski about 4 years ago

    1000% opposed!! This phrase is undeniably a political statement. Sure, "black lives matter" can be stated for its plain meaning, but so can "make America great again". The business of the government is not to pick winners and losers in a political or ideological struggle, but to protect speakers from infringement on their rights. Favoring one side at taxpayer expense, or even appearing to do so, is completely unacceptable.

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    Fiona Lobo about 4 years ago

    The City of Phoenix has a lot of work to do. They need to show citizens that they will change to better serve brown and black lives. While a mural will not fix racism it will help show solidarity to black lives. We need unity and show support to black live. Justice for Dion. Black lives matter.

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    Jeff Berryhill about 4 years ago

    we don't need devisive groups in our community. We need unity!

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    Barbara Bowman about 4 years ago

    Please do not approve the BLM street mural in Phoenix. There is plenty of evidence on the news to show what has happened in other cities where they have painted this mural. Please do not participate in adding to the violence and ramping up emotions of the citizens of the United States in this manner. I urge you to consider the citizens of Phoenix and its surrounding cities, and the police who dutifully place their lives on the line daily, and vote against the BLM mural in Phoenix. Thank you.

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    Rebecca Lange about 4 years ago

    I did not believe that this is a peacegul organization, and it makes me feel unsafe that a mural such as this would be allowed. Unless other murals that are supportive of alternative viewpoints are allowed, I strongly oppose this