Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Angela Thurber about 4 years ago

    NO!!!! Learn the origins of this group! They are a Marxist activist group that falsely uses the name "Black Lives Matter" so they can shout down anyone who disagrees as "racists".

    Please don’t allow Phoenix to be another news story filled with riots and violence.

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    Sarah Elrod about 4 years ago

    BLM is a racist hate group. This "mural" is vandalism. It has incited riots and major problems in other cities. WHY would we invite this kind of problem to Phoenix? Please vote no! This political correctness is getting out of control and over running common sense. Balance is what is needed. NOT reverse racism which is what BLM promotes.

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    Eric Peterson about 4 years ago

    I'm in full support of the mural. Phoenix needs police reform YESTERDAY, and showing that we as a city are capable of evolving into an anti-racist city is a good first step.

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    Tom Shouse about 4 years ago

    A BLM Street Mural will do nothing but promote hate and further divide the community. Although no one in their right mind would say any live don't matter, the organization that goes by that name is a racist, marxist, anarchist organization run by criminals that only exists to promote terror and hate. It has nothing to do with social justice of any kind. Putting this kind of mural on any street is inappropriate.

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    Harvey Wax about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural.

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    Tamra Juhl about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM Street Mural Proposal; it doesn't represent art or our diverse and accepting community in Phoenix. It seems this is more a political act which follows much violence and rioting, (although there are some peaceful protests, of course). Supporting our diverse population of brothers and sisters (black, hispanic, asian, caucasian, gay, etc) isn't represented in this street sign painted by activists with a violent political agenda. Please vote NO. Thank you.

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    Rita Bates about 4 years ago

    I am STRONGLY opposed to any BLM mural. BLM has proven to be a violent race hate group and I do not feel giving such a terrorist organization any type of recognition is appropriate. To put up such a mural is an outrage. These are NOT peaceful protesters. They show absolutely no respect for private or public property and have caused BILLIONS of dollars worth of damage that the taxpayers of this country will now be required to pay for. And you want to give them a mural?

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    Alexandra Hartigan about 4 years ago

    I fully support the city of Phoenix creating a mural for Black Lives Matter! It is important to show that Phoenix is a city that does not stand for racism in anyway and is supportive of those seeking justice and equity in this country. Opposition to this, to me, would imply that you don’t believe Black Lives Matter, so therefore all lives would not matter (to anyone in opposition to this).

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    Sharla Nelson about 4 years ago

    Arizona should not support this movement which has been full of hate and violence.

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    Leesha Willard about 4 years ago

    I strongly support any mural that gives voice to the beauty of the Black community. Phoenix has a long history of oppression BIPOC and anything we as a city can do to show our support for Black people is a good idea. We also need to fix the broken systems that have led to this moment and fully investigate the deaths of Muhammad Muhaymin Jr. and Dion Johnson! I love this city but we have to do better!

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    Kiah Young about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM mural!!! I am black and no street in Arizona should be representing a hate group as discriminatory as this!!! BLM holds political bias and a history of violence. Do not deface our streets with this nonsense.

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    Brad Gronek about 4 years ago

    THIS IS PARTISAN POLITICAL ACTIVITY. If you want street murals, you MUST allow opposing viewpoints.

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    Joe Brown about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the BLM mural. Our city’s beautiful streets should not be polluted with this self-serving message from a hate-filled group. How can they be allowed to deface our city streets, while any other political group would be arrested? Hey, ALL LIVES MATTER!!

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    Lisa Ross about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLM mural. With all the violence, rioting and looting that is going on in the democratic states I can’t believe you are even entertaining this mural that will incite the same thing in this beautiful city of Phoenix.
    I vote NO!!!!

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    Michelle Anderson about 4 years ago

    I Strongly Oppose Supporting a BLM Street Mural that gives fuel to a "Gang" who have labeled themselves an "Organization". All they bring with them is violence, rioting, looting, & division everywhere they go. The BLM is an organization led by self-acclaimed Marxists/Communists and has no place in our city or anyone else's for that matter. They should be treated like the criminals that they are and not glorified.

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    Mark Nelson about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to the BLM mural as is 90% of AZ residents. This decision should be put to a vote by the people. Allowing this mural will cause further division among the people. BLM is a domestic terrorist group. Look at what is happening throughout our country. Do we really want to promote this? This is discriminatory and shows no consideration for others. Adding this mural will bring down the perception of our wonderful city. All Lives Matter. What about all AZ citizens. Don’t we matter?

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    Scott Brown about 4 years ago

    Strongly support. Supporting the black community in no way diminishes others. Let Phoenix be a shining example of diversity and equality.

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    Robert Alexander about 4 years ago

    NO!!!! Learn the origins of this group! They are a Marxist activist group that falsely uses the name "Black Lives Matter" so they can shout down anyone who disagrees as "racists". They have NOTHING to do with "black lives", they only care about stoking black vs white racial tensions to cause disorder and anarchy, as evident in how they complete ignore the primary sources of black killings and focus only on a small subset of the black killings which are "politically useful" to Marxists.

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    Caroline Morgan about 4 years ago

    Vote No! This murderous group is violent. They loot, destroy, and murder innocent people and their goal is to destroy America one city at a time. BLM are trained Marxists. They should not be celebrated! Do you Want them to burn down the city and destroy small businesses and homes? They don't stop there. Then they will go to the Mayor's home and make demands. You are playing with fire if you think this will appease this dangerous group. Vote NO!

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    rob Wilbanks about 4 years ago

    Phoenix City Code §18-4(B) prohibits public accommodations from discriminating against persons. I am not Black and feel like you are discriminating against all other lives who are not black.