Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Robin Miller about 4 years ago

    BLM is a for profit HATE group. This is not appropriate for any kind of public art program. More importantly, they gave done NOTHING to actually help blacks, in Phoenox or anywhere else. The only awareness they raise is of division and hate. If BLM gets a mural, every political faction should, or else this is pure discrimination.

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    Amy Meglio about 4 years ago

    As the 5th most murderous police department in the nation for 2020, with killings greatly disproportionately impacting Black lives, the very least the City can do is create a beautiful piece of art like this mural as a statement of solidarity with our Black community members. It should't be the only step, but it's a good step.

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    Cynthia Garcia about 4 years ago

    Yes to this mural. BLM on our city streets will symbolize a step towards showing SOLIDARITY with black people. This will help in unity, not division.

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    Michaela Lakes about 4 years ago

    YES to this mural! Black lives matter and this is one step in the right direction.

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    Rick Hornack about 4 years ago

    Absolutely no regarding painting Black Lives Matters on any of our city streets. Please do not allow this divisive and political statement to be painted on any of our streets. Every reasonable human believes that black lives matter. Let’s work toward unity, not division!

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    Deborah Pringle about 4 years ago

    No public streets should be used like a billboard in support of any political views. These are paid for by all the public and if the entire public that pays for them do not agree on a specific view especially during a high profile election year than it should not be even legally allowed in the first place. If BLM mural could be painted onto our streets than VAXXED should be as well. This is a slippery slope that will cause more unrest. Billboards, sides of buildings w/permission not streets.

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    Itoro Elijah about 4 years ago

    A Black Lives Matter mural is a necessary statement that the city of Phoenix needs to make in order to demonstrate to it's people that it stands in solidarity with its black citizens. Such a symbol would leave no question that Phoenix is committed to enacting changes in policies to fight against police brutality and thus protect it's most vulnerable citizens.

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    Samuel Merten about 4 years ago

    I completely supported this Mural. This is a movement of equality, love, and liberation

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    Jazlyn Geiger about 4 years ago

    Yes! This mural deserves to be placed here in Phoenix, Arizona. For far too long this state has been known to be a racist state, a state that does not welcome black and brown people, a state where segregation is still alive in many cities. This will show the nation that the City of Phoenix and Maricopa County is ready for change and welcomes it. This will go down as a powerful moment in history for Phoenix, Arizona. Let’s show the rest of the nation that Phoenix, Arizona is NOT what it once was.

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    Cheryl Farrier about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not. I am opposed to BLM propaganda on our streets.

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    Roberto Rinaldo about 4 years ago

    BLM is a domestic terrorist Marxist organization and should not have any visibility in the public square. They contribute to burning our cities and killing our citizens. DO NOT ALLOW THIS TO PAINTED ANYWHERE IN OUR CITY!


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    Alice Borge about 4 years ago

    BLM is a for profit HATE group. This is not appropriate for any kind of public art program.

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    Jacob Raiford about 4 years ago

    This is a wonderful compliment to the sweeping social change and shift in policy this city is in the middle of experiencing.

    Jacob Raiford - The W.E. Rising Project

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    Fred Oliva about 4 years ago

    I oppose the BLACK LIVES MATTER BLM mural!
    Does the City of Phoenix have no other more important issues to deal with?
    Is the City of Phoenix making exceptions for some types of graffiti, but continues to make other types of graffiti illegal?
    Why are we even discussing a Mural for a Terrorist Organization?
    Is the City of Phoenix caving in to extortion tactics in order to prevent looting, rioting and general mayhem by the BLM Terrorists and Anarchists?
    I am NOT BLACK, does my LIFE NOT MATTER?

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    Eric Auxier about 4 years ago

    BLM is a for-profit organization. In other words, a sign is the equivalent of commercial advertisement. Moreover, BLM is a self-proclaimed Marxist organization, and has publicly called for violence against caucasians, and those who disagree with their radical leftist agenda.

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    Alicia Chatham about 4 years ago

    There is absolutely no way this should be allowed to occur. This is a political organization. This is not about anyone’s rights. This is not for Arizona, we will not stand for it.

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    Erin Campbell about 4 years ago

    Nooooooooo! Do not allow this to happen! BLM is a Marxist group and does NOTHING to help communities, only destroy them and make this MORE of an issue! BLM is responsible for destruction of cities across America! Do not allow this! I am an AZ Native and I will be dam**d if I allow BLM destroy our city/cities! AZ natives and true patriots WILL stand up and prevent this from happening or paint over it. MAYOR GALLEGO....YOU DO NOT APPROPRIATELY REPRESENT ARIZONANS!

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    Craig Corbin about 4 years ago

    We don;t need terrorists in Arizona. Please do not allow this madness. OPPOSE!

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    Kalie Ferch about 4 years ago

    You absolutely cannot allow the BLM movement to come here to Phoenix. They have overtaken other cities and we can’t allow thugs to do the same here. If people want to protest, they can find a way that isn’t destructive or graffiti. Shut them down now or you may never get the chance to again.

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    Hannah Coda about 4 years ago

    Ditto with all the comments that oppose this.