Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Hope Smith about 4 years ago

    No, this is a slippery slope that has no bottom and before you know it we will have every street or wall covered with things like this. How about we don’t become the movie Idiocracy.

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    Henry Krize about 4 years ago

    Are other street going to available for similar murals? Perhaps "ALL LIVES MATTER", "UNBORN LIVES MATTER" or "BLUE LIVES MATTER".

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    Samantha Hindman about 4 years ago

    If you do this, you ensure that Phoenix will be the next city to fall. It's not about race, it not about police brutality. These people are domestic terrorist who are trying to get a foothold in our city. No murals, at all, for anyone. Citizens will protect our businesses and neighbors, armed and out in force, this will end badly for everyone. Pandering to the Marxist, communists, and facists is a one way ticket to utter chaos and anarchy. You want that? Move to Portland. Do what's right.

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    Kevin Crank about 4 years ago

    A street is a street... for cars. Paint it with lines to guide people through not blur the lines.

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    Mike Wazowski about 4 years ago

    Nobody wants this domestic terrorist organization
    to pollute our beautiful city. This organization spreads hatred and tyranny. All lives matter or none at all.

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    Kristen McClue about 4 years ago

    Strongly oppose! We don’t need violence and riots in our city!!

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    Jason Stuart about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not! Keep your racist, marxists, violent, despicable bull crap out of AZ!!

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    Teresa Ryan about 4 years ago

    Absolutely NOT! Not in my city, Not in my state!

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    George Love about 4 years ago

    Absolutely do not do this, unless your are prepared to accommodate similar requests for "White Lives Matter", "Blue Lives Matter", "All Lives Matter", or any other non-PC positions that will certainly follow this blunder. Do you not see the irony in this - government-funded promotion of one race over others is racist?

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    Laura Albers about 4 years ago

    I do not support this domestic terrorist organization known as BLM. We do not want this in our city of phoenix or anywhere in Arizona. 🇺🇲

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    Kathryn Hammond about 4 years ago

    The mural would cover the stop legends, obstruct a disabled parking location, drastically obscure the narrow 11-foot lane markings, and encourage people to congregate in the street. All evidence points to a DECREASE IN PUBLIC SAFETY with the installation of street murals, and an INCREASE IN LIABILITY for the City of Phoenix. This mural would effectively POLITICIZE the PUBLIC RIGHT OF WAY, paid for by citizens of Phoenix, making our streets more akin to billboards than a means of transportation.

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    Kevin Pop about 4 years ago

    Please don’t

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    Lance Macgregor about 4 years ago

    If this is done I will make it my mission that a TRUMP2020 mural gets painted right next to it, if you want to make a public roadway the public square with tax dollars than we can do that.

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    Katherine Cadgene about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to having a BLM mural in Phoenix - we don't need Phoenix to become the next Portland or Kenosha.

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    Joe Parker about 4 years ago

    Recall DUCEY!! Instead

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    Lisa Scheinkopf about 4 years ago

    Black Lives Matter means exactly what it says, nothing more and nothing less. It is not Marxist, it is not violent, it does not mean black lives matter more than anyone else’s. Please do not let the racists block this. Funds were raised to make it happen. Volunteers are ready to do the painting. This is not much to ask for at all. Please do not let racist voices be louder than those seeking peace and mutual respect among fellow human beings.

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    Robert Rine about 4 years ago

    This is a public street. Not an advertisement mural for communistic - Marxists philosophies. To allow this will cause great division and outrage in our society. if you intend to let this pass as reasonable, you must also allow other groups to paint streets. To do that would further divide and inflame irrational passions across our city and state. Do NOT allow BLM or any group to paint murals on our streets.

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    Ivan Tullao about 4 years ago

    As a former californian who tried to get away with all the ridiculousness of the left, I strongly oppose the BLM street mural. The failed state of California, with all its tolerated vandalism and hypocrisy, is not something to model this beautiful state at. Please, for the sake of everyone in the city (including you), that these people are not going to be pleased no matter how much pandering is given to them.


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    Shawn Curbello about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not!!! This is not Portland!! BLM is nothing More than a domestic terrorist organization. They are also a fund raising machine for The Democratic Party.

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    Dale Benson about 4 years ago

    No BLM socialist graffiti.