Meeting Time: September 02, 2020 at 9:00am MST
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Agenda Item

19 Street Mural Pilot Program

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    Patricia Callura about 4 years ago

    Vote NO! Streets should only have traffic markinhs. I do not support a Marxist organization that wants to destroy the nuclear family. If you allow one social justice cause to paint murals all over the place you'll have to allow every other social justice organization to do the same. Vote no!

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    coach Bish about 4 years ago

    ABSOLUTELY NOT! this is nothing more than hate filled racist graffiti that is proving to divide the country and cause violence and riots. I would never vote for you again if I see the city support these radical anarchists!

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    michael lesicko about 4 years ago

    BLM is a terrorist organization that promotes violence, hate, division and bigotry. It is appalling that this is even being considered.

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    Rick Seybold about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose!
    It is discriminatory and tax dollars should not be used to make a political statement that divides people. They are terrorists and everywhere they go they have created destruction and people have been hurt or killed. All lives matter. Anything else is unamerican.

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    HENDERLY RAMSEY about 4 years ago

    Absolutely not! PLEASE don't approve this. There are so many other things we can and should be doing to make improvements to our town. This will not help. This will create more divide. This group does not stand for social justice. Follow the money. They are causing a divide between us and are not making things better. NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. Just no.

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    Jane Seybold about 4 years ago

    We strongly oppose the BLM Political Mural.
    Democratic run cities NY, Chicago, Michigan & cal painted BLM on their streets. Today, those cities look like war zones. Wherever they go violence, destruction, killings and the inhumane treatment of people follows. These are not peaceful protesters.
    Taxpayer money should not be used to make a political statement for ONE race.

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    Richard DeAngelis about 4 years ago

    BLM is a terrorist organization intent upon destroying our government and taking away our freedom. They state this on their website as well as their intent upon dismantling the nuclear family. Families are the building blocks of society and must be protected. No amount of leniency will stop them. Look at the burned down businesses in other cities where big signs were posted that read, "Black Lives Matter." For them it isn't about Black Lives, but about overthrowing our government! I vote NO!

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    Jennifer Bridwell about 4 years ago

    Absolutely disgrace to even consider! BLM is a hate organization that commits hate crimes, destroys public and private property and harms innocent victims daily. Don’t you dare consider this act in my hometown!

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    Janet Cook about 4 years ago

    My vote concerning the 19 Street Mural Pilot Program is.. NO.
    We are not a city that has a problem in racial divides and unrest.
    Phoenix is a city of pride, friendliness and a place to bring up our families with safety in mind.
    Lets keep Phoenix a beautiful city to live in and be a welcoming city for people to visit.

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    Jeff Lemon about 4 years ago

    Kate, as someone who voted for you I implore you to focus on things that will begin to help struggling businesses and much less time on things that are creating divisiveness.

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    Pam Nabers about 4 years ago

    A. Any graffiti should not be allowed on our streets!!! If one can do it then all can..this would be a disgrace to our city to allow defamation anywhere!!! Please VOTE NO!!!

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    Kim Bishop about 4 years ago

    1000% OPPOSED to this divisive violent group being honored by our city in anyway! shocking the city is not familiar with their manifesto and if they are WHY would you support such a group? These 'street murals' are nothing more than hate inducing graffiti that will only succeed in more division and draw rioters to our city. GOBSMACKED that this is even up for consideration. Even if the intent is towards the phase and not the group it has caused division and violence CAN NOT SEPARATE THE 2

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    Colleen Bender about 4 years ago

    The group BLM is a Marxist group & really has nothing to do with Black lives. They announced this publicly. Our constitution does not represent this kind of governing. I believe it would cause a lot of problems w/constitutional groups. There are more people who disagree w/this stance then people that are for it. If it is going to be decided, it should be by a vote, not a few people in gov deciding it. Finally, if they have a right to their expression, so do we.

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    Jessica Riggs about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose all BLM murals and the promotion of any other anti-police movements in our city. This would only cause further division and hostility and serve as an invitation for protests, riots and destruction.
    Keep Phoenix calm by keeping BLM out!

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    Mary Russo about 4 years ago

    BLM is paying people to riot and cause destruction in our cities. We must pursue peace and the continuance of a government that serves all people and does not promote a certain group's communist/marxist agenda that is unconstitutional. Let's eliminate violence on our streets. Use the roads for driving on black pavement. As leaders in government office, I ask you to perform your responsibilities honorably by protecting the safety of all citizens in our beautiful city of Phoenix. Please OPPOSE.

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    James Reynolds about 4 years ago

    My wife and I strongly oppose this item. BLM is a Marxist org, against the nuclear family and advocates defunding Police Dept. It is a partisan org which has no place in Phoenix non partisan local government. Vote No against this item.

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    Toni Taylor about 4 years ago

    My husband and I oppose any political statement painted on our Phoenix streets. BLM has hitched their wagon to Antifa and that will not bode well for our great city.

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    Kelly Drown about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the street mural. A political statement has no business being funded by taxpayers dollars. Because this movement has proven to be violently enforced as well as defended against, allowing this mural to be painted is knowingly inciting riots. If our elected/appointed officials allow this to go through, they are personally acknowledging that their citizens safety and security, with which they had been entrusted, is of no concern to them.

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    Betty McElligott about 4 years ago

    This is a violent group, also political. I oppose.

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    Stratton Hickcox about 4 years ago

    I am opposed to any political statements being painted on city property.