Meeting Time: December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

1 Discussion of Presidential Executive Order 14042

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    Maddi El over 3 years ago

    Will move to Florida or other state that upholds medical freedom of AZ chooses this path and will take my tax revenue with. Everyone has the right to medical freedom.

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    Noel Storer over 3 years ago

    A person should have a choice whether or not they receive the Covid shot. A choice between him/her and their doctor. We need to have the freedom of choice. It will hurt small businesses and the AZ economy!

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    Alison Robinson over 3 years ago

    This vaccine has been available for awhile. Those that want to get it have! There is no consideration for those who have had covid and have antibodies. No employer should be able to mandate a PERSONAL health decision, leave that up to their doctors.

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    Tiff Goff over 3 years ago

    Our children deserve to grow up in a world where they will always have medical freedom and bodily autonomy! We will no longer be free if we cannot make our own medical decisions.

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    Admira Avila over 3 years ago

    Please do NOT mandate this experimental pharmaceutical which we have no idea what the long term affects are. Please think of our children. If you mandate this, you take away our rights, our children’s rights and our ability to feed ourselves. This vaccine cannot be treated like a one size fits all. People have adverse reactions to these shots. Some get hospitalized and suffer and others die. This is UnAmerican, our constitution needs to be protected.

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    debra ogledzinski over 3 years ago

    Any discussion should occur btw a dr and patient so a well informed decision, informed by risk factors, health conditions, etc, not a mandate by a policy maker.

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    Asuzena Villarreal over 3 years ago


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    Nicole Ramsay over 3 years ago

    Everyone is entitled to medical freedom and it should not cost them their jobs. This will hurt AZ and hurt businesses. Please protect AZ jobs.

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    Ionel Repta over 3 years ago

    Each individual human body has different medical needs, immune systems, and side effects pertaining to medical treatments, including adverse effects; each human must retain the right to do what is best and right for their body based upon their knowledge of its needs, their research, and their choice. We must not force medical treatments as if one size fits all. We must not turn into the very people and tyrants that allowed this kind of egregiously unethical behavior in past times and regimes!

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    Dorothy Merrill over 3 years ago

    No one should be forced or coerced to give out their private medical information or be forced or coerced to inject anything into their bodies, especially a medical procedure with known side effects and risks. This goes again the Nuremberg Code as well as HIPPA laws and the freedoms we have in this country.

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    Sharon Moore over 3 years ago

    The "vaccine" wasn't fully tested. VAERS confirms thousands of deaths & long-term adverse reactions to Covid-19 "vaccines" (though only a fraction, due to general ignorance of the agency's existence or doctors' lack of time for paperwork). We know the "vaccine" does not prevent infection (recent Norwegian cruise ship) but can result in severe injury or death. The proposed mandate is an assault on both freedom & sound reason. It has no place in our city, state or nation.

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    Matt Siefker over 3 years ago

    The studies find that the vaccines are far worst than the virus itself. They have absolutely no reason to be blindly implemented upon all ages. A 5 year old with no symptoms should not receive the same treatment as a 65 year old. It is absurd and threatens our way of life as we know it. I strongly oppose this mandate and I strongly advise parents and others to Consider the repercussions. Most symptoms in healthy adults are mild and no evidence of vaccine proficiency is evident. It does not work.

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    Trish TH over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose vaccination mandates, *especially* within our first responders. I believe that this can cause issues with response times for emergencies, and deeper staffing shortages. I also believe persons medical choices should remain theirs, and kept private. I believe Medical choices should not interfere with being able to work in a career, especially one that serves the public.

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    Jana Ward over 3 years ago

    Strongly opposed based on current scientific findings surrounding vaccine efficacy and natural antibodies. If this were about health, as opposed to government overreach, proof natural antibodies would be accepted in lieu of vaccination certificate. Forced medical procedures are unethical.

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    Jane Bader over 3 years ago

    One size does not fit all when it comes to medical procedures. Vaccine injuries and adverse reactions are real consequences for several people and a viable reason to forego this particular procedure. Why should anyone be punished or treated like a second class citizen when they are simply making a decision that best suits their health? We haven’t previously been required to disclose so much information about our health history and there are ethical concerns about where we’re heading.

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    Celestina Nunez over 3 years ago

    No one should be FORCED by mandate or otherwise to take a poisonous vaccine they don't want or believe in!

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    Micah Akinpetide over 3 years ago

    We are Americans and humans.America is built on freedom & everyone has the right to choose what they do or do not put in their body. We are not communists , we are not Nazi Germany-we are the Land of the FREE .

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    Terah Stewart over 3 years ago

    As someone who worked through Covid to ensure service to COP customers as well as ensure work continued,being flexible&thinking outside the box,I feel dishearten because of this mandate there is a potential to lose my job.I believe everyone should be able to choose what is best for their health.Everyone reacts differently to meds,I hope that as you consider this decision you consider those of us that come to work daily serving the mission of the COP and look out for us as we look out for the COP

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    Terah Stewart over 3 years ago

    As someone who worked through Covid to ensure service to COP customers as well as ensure work continued,being flexible&thinking outside the box,I feel dishearten because of this mandate there is a potential to lose my job.I believe everyone should be able to choose what is best for their health.Everyone reacts differently to meds,I hope that as you consider this decision you consider those of us that come to work daily serving the mission of the COP and look out for us as we look out for the COP

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    Naomi Brand over 3 years ago

    I oppose this mandate. Medical Freedom is a basic human right and must be respected and prospected. Any mandate in this area is government overreach and must not be allowed. Health is a personal choice and unique to each individual. Forcing people to take in injection to work or get an education is unacceptable in a free country and these mandates need to stop.