Meeting Time: December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

1 Discussion of Presidential Executive Order 14042

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    Doug Williams over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose. How can you mandate only one treatment/vaccine when you don’t allow or promote for other treatments? That is not ethical.

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    Christa L over 3 years ago

    Strongly Oppose mandating any medical procedure upon workers. The covid vaccine does not prevent someone from catching Covid nor prevent someone from spreading Covid. What is the purpose of mandating a vaccine that does not prevent the spread? In addition, there hasn't been any exception for those who have naturally recovered from Covid when natural immunity has been proven to be more effective and longer lasting. I support each individual making their own medical decisions.

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    heather zeller over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose. This is not a good option for anyone. We have therapeutics that should be first line.

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    Ashley Simmons over 3 years ago

    Despite any of my personal opinions, I do not support and vehemently oppose ANY bill, mandate, or law that would strip Americans of their right to make their own medical choices with their doctors.

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    Bonnie Wilson over 3 years ago

    This “vaccine” doesn’t prevent a person from getting COVID or spreading it. There is no guarantee that people won’t get injured from these vaccines. When their is a risk, there must be a choice.

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    Jess Mayer over 3 years ago

    STRONGLY OPPOSE! COVID injuries are real! They have a name: Kyle Warner-29 year old professional mountain bike racer's career is now over!!! He suffers from pericarditis, post orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS) and arthritis following his second dose of the Phizer COVID vaccine. To quote Kyle: "I believe where there is risk, there needs to be choice".

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    APRIL SMITH over 3 years ago

    This needs to be stopped immediately. Why do some think it is ok to force others to inject something into their bodies? This is unconstitutional and should be ended stat. The USA is about freedom and liberty. And another thing, why is natural immunity not allowed in the discussion? This is abhorrent and disgusting. Do you not see what is happening around the country? The police and firefighters are there to protect the citizens of Phoenix. Stop trying to usurp power and control.

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    LeAnn Boles over 3 years ago

    We have a right to chose our own medical choices. Not the government who in turn is forcing companies to fire employees because the government told them too.

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    Vanetta Esperum over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this experimental vaccine. Many have already had adverse effects from this. If you want to get rid of our freedom to choose for our own health than you must be held liable for any adverse effects. Every body is different and we should have the right to make decisions for our own health. This is beyond discusting and anyone who votes for this must be found guilty for breaking Nuremberg code.

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    Carla Logan over 3 years ago

    Following the Science and Medical experts and in the interest of public safety I support this mandate. I am a business owner and parent. Vaccines have been critical in keeping our community safe and to keep the doors of our schools, and businesses open.

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    Samantha LaFollette over 3 years ago

    We should have a choice

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    David Arustamian over 3 years ago


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    Phillip Bayus over 3 years ago

    If the flu kills people every year and has been around why is that not a mandated vaccine. But instead we want to push a vaccination on people on a virus and a vaccine that is brand new and the risk or still unknown and has a 99.84% survival rate

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    Carmichael Blankenship over 3 years ago

    The COVID-19 vaccines do not prevent contraction or transmission of this virus. There are also other treatments besides the vaccines that have been proven to be safe and effective both in clinical trials and in actual use throughout the world.

    Therefore there is no sound reason, medical or otherwise, to violate the US Constitution and our individual rights by instituting a mandate for these vaccines, which are just one of many ways to combat COVID-19.

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    Sean Murphy over 3 years ago

    An absolute mandate effectively removes city employees' control over their body is an illiberal action which jeopardizes city staffing levels during an already challenging time. The pandemic is a serious risk to risk to public health and our local economy which requires nuanced steps and alternatives for our citizen's who may not be comfortable with the current vaccine options. I oppose the blanket mandate.

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    Cecilia Marie over 3 years ago

    NO ONE, ESPECIALLY GOVERNMENT, should be allowed to dictate what each individual puts into their bodies. There are many who choose alternatives that are way better & more effective than vaccines. If vaccines work, why are the vaccinated still contracting covid? And by the time the government shoves God knows what of how many different vaccines into our bodies, heck, that alone will kill the average person. I say NO to the vaccine mandate. Don't tell me what to do with my body.

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    Stephanie Seifert over 3 years ago

    As more evidence is presented from experts around the world, it is becoming quite clear this is a bio weapon, not a vaccine. The question is, are you going to promote and participate in the murdering of people? At a date in the near future, anyone who forced unnecessary medical procedures that were unapproved could be held liable, once that happens, your life will change forever, and not for the better.

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    Brett Blankenship over 3 years ago

    One-size-fits-all mandates with experimental injections are a violation of our human rights. We have a right to say No when the state wants to play vaccination roulette with our bodies... this is about profit and control. Oppose these mandates!

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    Nicki Connelly over 3 years ago

    Mandates have NO place in a FREE society!!! Those who give up liberty for safety deserve neither. The great Benjamin Franklin said this and the words can not be truer today. We live in a free country where we decided what. East for ourselves and our children. There is an inherent risk to being human it should not involve government intervention.

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    Branden Van Valkenburg over 3 years ago

    Government does NOT have the right to tell me what I can put into my body. It’s my body my choice! These mandates for my employment are a direct attack on my freedoms and liberties as an American. BACK OFF BIG GOV!!

    I’ve had COVID and my antibodies are 127. If this was about protection against COVID they would allow antibodies as an accepted level of employment. But it’s not being discussed. This is about profit for big Pharma and power grab control by Democrats. It’s disgusting.