Meeting Time: December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

1 Discussion of Presidential Executive Order 14042

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    Julie Schlaiss over 3 years ago

    Vaccinations are a personal choice, not an employers

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    AE EE over 3 years ago

    We will not comply. You do not decide what goes in someone’s body. This is experimental gene therapy. WE DO NOT CONSENT.

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    Whitney Houk over 3 years ago

    Opposed to mandated Covid vaccines. A vaccine mandate would be a detriment to emergency response teams that are already stretched thin and understaffed. My husband, who is a firefighter, would be forced to work more overtime. The consequences of forcing this vaccine are not worth the supposed benefits. This would negatively impact the health and overall moral of the Fire Department. We should be supporting those who stepped up during the pandemic, not taking away their personal freedoms.

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    Tiffany Smith over 3 years ago

    The vaccine has been available to everyone for a year. Those that want it have gotten it. Those that choose to stay healthy can do that. Vaccines are a CHOICE and should stay that way, period.

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    Kalie Ferch over 3 years ago

    You absolutely cannot continue down this path. What a dangerous precedent to set that we no longer have medical freedom of choice over our own bodies. This is a PERMANENT solution to a temporary problem and you cannot force people out of a job who are no more a threat to society than a fully vaccinated person. People are being forced to choose between permanent side effects/death or providing for their family. This must not proceed!

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    Bryan Lane over 3 years ago

    I oppose based on religious beliefs and scientific evidence. It’s against the Nuremberg Code (1947) and the first and the tenth amendment of the constitution of the United States of America.

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    Domenico Robustelli over 3 years ago

    If this elected body really wanted to be transparent, there would be more than one meeting held. How transparent is a weekday afternoon meeting and also reminding employees to speak on their own time. More meetings should be held so residents that work M-F 8:00 to 5:00 can speak. You held more than one budget meeting to listen to the "defund police" people last spring, why not on this issue. The Biden administration took another major court loss today about vaccines, better read before you vote.

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    Michelle Peninger over 3 years ago

    I have an ongoing adverse event from the Pfizer shots. I have had to have several diagnostic tests to determine why I still have swelling and it has interfered with my mammogram. One stop shop medicine is not good medicine. Please do not force a new treatment on people. I have been vaccinated and have had covid. Please do not mandate this. The WHO advises against this too.

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    Nicole Elaine over 3 years ago

    Forcing medical procedures is a violation of human rights. If we force this it will never end.

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    Martin Viramontes over 3 years ago

    I vehemently oppose mandatory vaccines. Free citizens should have a choice on what is injected into their bodies. Our immune systems should be good enough for healthy people. If I do not have a choice over what is injected into my body, then I am enslaved. As a free citizen, I want informed consent and I do not consent. Lots of good people are going to lose their jobs over this.

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    Dani Cordova over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this mandate. As a spouse of a City of Phoenix employee and being one myself, it is a direct threat to our livelihood. I can personally attest to the public safety staffing shortage and this will only cripple it further. I shouldn’t have to choose between something I don’t believe in and my career. This mandate is unconstitutional and unethical.

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    Emily Gipper over 3 years ago

    Please respect my freedom to choose what I allow into my body. Long-term studies have not been done on the Covid vaccine. I refuse to be an experiment and hope my freedoms are upheld. I have been a resident here in Arizona for 36 years. I should be able to choose what’s best for my health with ramifications.

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    Chelsea Kirkland over 3 years ago


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    Sara Taylor over 3 years ago

    Next week, the COVID shot will have been available for an entire year. People who want the shot already have it. Let city employees make personal health decisions with the help of their medical professionals, not a one size fits 14,000.

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    Ethel Lisa Blankenship over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this mandate. Medical Freedom!!!

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    Ken Crane over 3 years ago

    STRONGLY OPPOSE! Mandates of this type are nothing but a form of medical tyranny. As a now retired city employee that served for three decades, I can't believe what our City leaders are attempting to do. Many Federal employees and contractors have already been given blanket exemptions which makes these mandates even more suspect. These shots never were about public health. When in doubt, follow the money.

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    S Phillips over 3 years ago

    These shots cannot be mandatory under authorization of emergency use. All of the COVID-19 shots (Pfizer/BioNTech, Moderna, Johnson & Johnson) have received only EAU authorization, not full FDA approval. BioNTech received FDA approval under the name Comirnaty, but there are no Comirnaty doses available in the United States, thus currently NO FDA approved COVID-19 injection available anywhere in the US. Every COVID shot remains under the EUA law. We have the option to accept or refuse them.

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    Iris Chiago over 3 years ago

    I vehemently oppose mandatory vaccines. Free citizens should have a choice on what is injected into their bodies. Our immune systems should be good enough for healthy people. If I do not have a choice over what is injected into my body, then I am enslaved. As a free citizen, I want informed consent and I do not consent. Lots of good people are going to lose their jobs over this, myself included.

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    Art Kudla over 3 years ago

    Informed adults must have the Constitutional/God-given right to decide on their own. No, on the mandate. Yes, on freedom of choice. Thank You, 23 year resident of Phoenix.

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    Wynter Kruger over 3 years ago

    No government entity should force experimental medical processes on any individual--especially shots that have so many risks and adverse reactions. Vaccine mandates are all about government control not health and wellness. Propaganda regarding Covid-19 is being used to generate fear and to usher in socialistic/communistic control (The Great Reset).