Meeting Time: December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

1 Discussion of Presidential Executive Order 14042

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    Shaun Settle over 3 years ago

    Oppose. The government does not have the right to force people to put things in their body, that they don’t want to do. We are born with rights, and the constitution protects these rights. The government does. It have any authority that is. It specifically given to them. Mandating any vaccine or treatment or forced compliance is Not Constitutional and against the rights of the individual. We need to be reminded that as a free people, we have the right to choose for ourselves.

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    Elaine Kobrzynski over 3 years ago

    US citizens have God-given rights to choose what goes into ours & our children’s bodies and any violation of these rights goes against the constitution. You pledged an oath to all the citizens of Arizona to protect our constitution when you took office. Ask yourself “What is the penalty if I go against my oath to protect the constitution?” You made that oath and now it’s up to you to uphold it.

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    Melody Moss over 3 years ago

    The my body, my choice argument is invalid. My mother went to the emergency room for routine gallstones and almost died because it was clogged with covid patients. Did she choose that? What about her rights? This is an issue for society, not the individual. You have to get vaccinated from Mumps before you can enroll in college. Nobody ever complained about that. All of you quit whining and get the vaccine so we can get back to normal.

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    Libby Settle over 3 years ago

    I OPPOSE unconstitutional mandates on the City of Phoenix employees. Americans turn to our constitution for guidance and mandating thy the employees give up their medical freedoms is unconstitutional.

    We trust our City of Phoenix employees with our lives and to make split second decisions. We must trust them to make their own health decisions. The CIty of Phoenix council members MUST also oppose implementing this mandate. We must keep our city safe.

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    edward leftwich over 3 years ago

    There is NOT a single sample of a supposed COVID virus that has been isolated, grown, and reproduced in a host. Fast forward to NOW - people are dying. Information is being suppressed. And you want our VITAL emergency workforce to have this injected? Does my body, my choice count only in the abortion issue? No forced jabs for anyone. A GOD given right to freedom cannot be taken away by anyone. Our team of firstline responders is already stressed and stretched. And they protect all of You and US

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    audrey leftwich over 3 years ago

    The jab is still experimental under EUA and mandated. It seems this is not enough said as it is being forced. There is a mountain of evidence that this jab kills. New Pfizer information yesterday. Mandate is not law. All this is based on fake science. The PCR inventor says not to use as a diagnostic. Fauci says anything over 25 cycles is replicating dead cells. Many vaccinated people are dying. Stand up for our first line defenders. WE NEED THEM !!!!!!!

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    Marta Mac over 3 years ago

    It is completely unconstitutional and unjust for the City of Phoenix to mandate anyone inject themselves with anything. People’s healthcare decisions are personal & should not be regulated by the Federal nor State governments. Mandates of this sort are tyrannical & would have a tremendous negative impact on our city.

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    Valerie Grosso over 3 years ago

    I'm the wife of a Phx Officer who has proudly served for 16 yrs. Your families sleep peacefully because he is ready to die for your safety. This city is in crisis and YOU are making it worse. Phx employees have served proudly and without regard for their own safety during the Covid pandemic.

    I do NOT support mandating medical interventions for Phx employees. Medical decisions are a personal choice and should not be a condition of employment. You must support freedom and American Values.

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    Todd Schlinglof over 3 years ago

    As a Fire 911 dispatcher, you have to remember that we dispatch for 26 other cities that pay for our services. By mandating this, we will lose employees that choose not to get the shot. This will not only negatively impact the City of Phoenix but ALL surrounding cities.

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    Ronald Parker over 3 years ago

    Mandating an experimental drug is extremely dangerous. Cominarity is the only approved vaccine and it is not in the country yet. You are playing with the lives of not only city workers, like myself, you are risking the residents of the City of Phoenix. Why are we pushing a vax that has been scientifically proven NOT to protect you from catching or spreading covid? Council has stated it is only following the mandate and not the health and safety of its employees. You will be judged..

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    Mike Liddick over 3 years ago

    94% of Covid deaths had 4+ comorbidities. Thousands of scientists have spoken out against this shot. VAERS has reported more adverse events and deaths than ever before. Chemicals in the vaccine are “not intended for human or veterinary use” and “for research purposes only.” You can still get and transmit Covid when vaccinated as data from highly vaccinated areas detail. This is not about our safety, this is about money and you are taking our Constitutional right of freedom of choice away from us

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    Justin McKay over 3 years ago

    Oppose. It's unlawful and unethical to mandate an experimental drug. Also, it's reckless enact something that will cause so many officers to quit. Stop screwing around with public safety.

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    Alexis Butler over 3 years ago

    Biden’s mandate is getting knocked down by courts all over the US, it is wrong and unconstitutional. Arizona city workers deserve to make their own choice without this mess of a city council attempting to enforce an unenforceable mandate. NO TO VACCINATION mandates!! This is NOT good for PHOENIX!!