Meeting Time: December 07, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

1 Discussion of Presidential Executive Order 14042

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    Evan Wahlstrom over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose any vaccine mandate for these employees. There’s is a personal medical decision. This is not what we voted for

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    linda ryan over 3 years ago

    I OPPOSE unconstitutional mandates on the City of Phoenix employees. Medical directives have never and should never be a part of employment requirements. Are you ready to lose 40 - 50% of the PHX city employees just to follow an unethical mandate?

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    Eric Lovelis over 3 years ago

    As a native Phoenician, I am appalled that this is even under consideration! The city employees have been given the chance to get the vaccine and by THEIR CHOICE have not. The news is full of fully vaccinated people still getting covid and spreading it! This action by the city will only add to staffing issues we already are facing. The city employees have had our backs it is time we have theirs!

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    Brandon Franklin over 3 years ago

    -The Government is meant to protect the peoples freedoms, including personal choice medical freedom. Now, the Federal Government is using force and threats to control you (local municipalities) to get what it wants.
    -Vaccines are not the saving answer. That is clear.
    -The lie that is spreading is that the Un-vaccinated are a Danger to the vaccinated. This dividing spirit is devastating to the culture.
    -Since when does the Government have the right to use force to control a non-violent people?

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    David Genge over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose this unconstitutional, tyrannical mandate to vaccinate employees/citizens against their will. This vaccine has no proven effectiveness to protect the public against C19, let alone slow the spread or protect the individual himself/herself. This is nothing more than a power grab - city of Phoenix has no right!

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    Jim Flavin over 3 years ago

    You do not have the right to force people to take an experimental vaccine that may damage their health. This unconstitutional mandate is being fought in the courts as we speak. If you approve this, you are putting lives at risk by compromising emergency services in the Phoenix Metro area, as well as taking away medical freedom from your employees. This looks like tyranny to me!

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    Marla Neely over 3 years ago

    I oppose this mandate. The government has no right to force anyone to take an experimental injection. The VAERS reporting system indicates it is not safe. Early testing and treatments of this virus have been very successful, just look at Sweden, Japan, India and Florida. It is shameful that are Government is not flooding the market with these highly effective therapeutic options.

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    Matt Dobbins over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose a vaccination mandate for hard-working city employees.

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    Palmyre Zele over 3 years ago

    The federal government does NOT have authority to issue mandates such as this. I oppose 100%.

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    Janis Flavin over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose the unconstitutional order that will mandate Covid 19 vaccines for all City Employees. This policy will have a devastating impact on the Phoenix Metropolitan area by sharply impacting emergency services as well as other vital government functions. It does not take into account an individual’s medical history which may include previous Covid infection, allergies, a history of blood clots, etc. and could force people to take a vaccine that ends up damaging their health.

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    Gramm Settle over 3 years ago

    Forced Vaccinations are wrong for America, Arizona, and Phoenix. Why do we need to force our employees when we trust them with all other aspects of their work? Taking away an Americans right to chose is sending the wrong message to the City Employees. We need to abide by the US Constitution and stop the governmental overreach. Do NOT vote for mandatory vaccinations.

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    Asher Settle over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose a vaccine mandate for the City of Phoenix employees. We need our local fire and police officers to continue to feel safe and create a safe city. We are already in a crisis with our public safety workers and we do not need to create a bigger crisis. This is about personal choice in medical freedom. Please OPPOSE the mandate.

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    Asher Settle over 3 years ago

    I strongly oppose a vaccine mandate for the City of Phoenix employees. We need our local fire and police officers to continue to feel safe and create a safe city. We are already in a crisis with our public safety workers and we do not need to create a bigger crisis. This is about personal choice in medical freedom. Please OPPOSE the mandate.

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    Sundance Houk over 3 years ago

    Strongly oppose. Fully vaccinated still contract and spread Covid, as we all know. This mandate will decimate staffing in police, fire, and dispatch causing bigger problems. This is irresponsible and short-sighted. Covid is not going away with a vaccine. If Phoenix is a progressive city, prove it. Early testing and treatment OPTIONS, like every other disease or illness.

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    Jonathan Rhinehart over 3 years ago

    This mandate is a violation of the Nuremberg code. Mandating participation in a medical experiment in Arizona may create additional legal exposure: A.R.S. § 13-1105 in relation to Homicide (all forms, degrees and intent levels); A.R.S. § 13-1001 in relation to Attempted Homicide; A.R.S. § 13-1203 in relation to Criminal Assault; A.R.S. § 44-1522 in relation to Aggravated Assault ; A.R.S. § 13-1201 in relation to Endangerment ; A.R.S. § 13-1202 in relation to Threatening or intimidating;

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    Sheila Rubio over 3 years ago

    As a city employee I support the vaccine mandate. Our state has a very low vaccination rate and cases are rising daily. The vaccine is safe, effective, and NOT experimental. Vaccines unfortunately have become political and we are all paying the price. Protect and serve. Protect your fellow co-workers and those you serve by getting vaccinated. Unfortunately, it has come to mandates because people don't want to consider others. Mandates work.

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    Matthew Hayward over 3 years ago

    The issue is not Pro-Vax vs Anti-Vax. The issue is about government over reach vs. The freedoms of the American people. Look at the facts:
    -vaccine does not prevent transmission
    -all people spread the virus
    -other treatments do exist to combat covid
    -many have natural antibodies from previous infection
    -access is available to all who want the Vax already
    -a segregated society is many steps backwards in a progressive society
    -states have power


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    Natalie Stewart over 3 years ago

    Oppose vaccine mandate

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    Brian Ference over 3 years ago

    Has critical thinking died? How about basic observation? The vaxx is useless against covid, delta, omnicron, all of it. Natural immunity is the answer. Thats why no unvaxxed get omnicron. Meanwhile peak physical condition soccer players are falling over dead from the vax at 400% increase, soon our children will be falling over dead in schools and the nuremberg 2 trials will come for the government officials pushing this FAKE science genocide. End this insanity now!

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    Anthony Melin over 3 years ago

    I oppose this mandate for city employees