Mis hijos han ido siempre a la escuela Granada puesto que es una gran escuela todos los dias tengo que pasar por la 27 y la camelback y me ha tocado presensiar varios incidentes la violencia cada vez es mas grave y este plan es el comienzo para parar tanta violencia que ultimamente esta cada vez peor. ESTOY DE ACUERDO CON EL PLAN
Mi nombre es Guadalupe Enriquez y he vivido en esta área pir mas de 10 años y he sido testigo de como los actos criminales han ido en aumento de manera alarmante en los ultimos años, es hora de tomar acción pero no podemos hacerlo sin su ayuda. Gracias.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en este plan mi hija va a ATS y no puedo explicarle la situacion de la prostitucion puesto que es aun muy chica. Este plan es el comienzo para poder limpiar nuestras calles
Muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta nuestro vecindarios despues de tantos gritos fallidos estoy TOTALMENTE DE ACUERDO en este plan para frenar la violencia, prostitucion, drogas y demas que esta acabando con la seguridad de nuestra familia.
I’m the owner of a business and home. I fully support this plan so that our community will be secure. Individuals have fear towards leaving their homes because of the violence that is committed in this area. Our neighborhood is full of drugs, homelessness, and prostitution which only lead to robbery and vandalism to our businesses and homes; to which I have been victim multiple occasions. I have found on my property syringes, foil, feces, urine, clothes, and trash. I appreciate your help.
I totally support this plan. Our Community has been taken over violence and we do definitely need this help. I have seen so many homeless doing drugs, our alley have been on fire several times and our street needs bumps cause cars over speed even when kids are getting out of class. Please support this plan.
Mi nombre es Blanca vivo enfrente de la GCU University estos ultimos anos ha sido terrible para nuestros vecinos necesitamos mas vigilancia tanto de la ciudad como de la universidad.
Please support this critical crime prevention plan. I appreciate the flexibility to move the technology as needed to areas experiencing escalating crime, such as 19th Avenue & Glendale. We know that fentanyl overdose is the leading cause of death in adults 18 - 45, and this intersection appears to be a central point for distribution and use. The neighborhood leaders that volunteer tirelessly, do so in order to preserve not only their quality of life, but that of others in the community.
I am A homeowner at 27 avenue and Luke, a mother to 2 boys age 8 & 4. My son attends Synergy at 27 avenue Bethany home, my son has to see prostitution every single day before and after school. My sons can’t even play in their front yards riding their bikes because theirs always a naked prostitute soliciting right in front of their eyes. We cannot even go into our own driveways because of the traffic it acumúlates every single day. We are being thereatened and we live with fear.
While I support bringing services to the geographic area, there is no mention of a plan to address the affordable housing shortage in the area. Pouring money towards outreach does not resolve someone's homelessness or housing insecurity. Putting/keeping people in the criminal justice system does not help them out of poverty or secure stable, affordable housing. Please consider a revision that would include implementing a plan to acquire/rehab affordable housing in the area.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este plan tengo ninas en la escuela Granada y cada dia nuestro vecindario esta poniendose peor necesitamos mas seguridad para nuestra jueventud.
As 23 year residents in the North Glen Square neighborhood, my husband and I support this plan for additional technical and human resources for the Police and Prosecutors. We work closely with Phoenix PD and have witnessed and been victim to the increased crime in this corridor which has seen drugs, prostitution, property crime and assults increase. As Project Haven opens as a model program to support our vulnerable elder homeless population, we need this area to be safe for them.
As a neighborhood leader and member of the VIP Leadership Team, I fully support the 27th Ave safety plan. I am delighted to see this city finally thinking "outside the box" when it comes to critical issues we face. 100% great idea and KUDOS!!!
Como padre de familia y miembro de la comuidad apoyo este plan para que nuestro vecinadario sea mas seguro para nuestros hijos. Es frustrante ver que cada dia esta empeorando y no poder hacer nada. Seria facil solo movernos del area pero ese no es el ejemplo que quiero darle a mis hijos quiero que ellos sepan que podemos peliar por nuestra seguridad ya que es nuestro derecho como ciudadanos de esta ciudad. Gracias por el efuerzo de todos los lideres y con su apoyo este plan pasara.
Estoy de acuerdo con el plan para parar la violencia en nuestro vecindario ha llegado a un nivel donde hasta miedo da estar en la calle. Nuestros ninos necesitan mejor seguridad.
I have lived in the neighborhood for 38 years. We are currently raising two children who attend school at ATS who by the way, cannot walk to school because it is so unsafe. The blight, the derelicts, the open use of drugs & drug deals, prostitution, mental health crisis/lack of resources, indecency & crime is horrific. We MUST turn this around before it becomes Skid Row, Seattle, Portland San Francisco. This is a crisis of the highest order and we have do this for our kids & future generations.
The extra support is critically needed in the 27th ave corridor. As a teacher at a school within the area, I constantly worry about what our students will be exposed to on a daily basis- prostitution, drugs, crime, etc. Our staff, students, parents, and community members should feel safe coming to school. Our students deserve to be shielded from the illicit activities that are running rampant throughout the 27th ave corridor.
Thanks for taking action on 27th Ave. Can you do something similar for the Madison Pioneer Neighborhood around the Human Service Campus on 11th Ave? Crime has skyrocketed in the area. The HSC is encouraging people to live on the streets, blocking sidewalks, use the streets, even the Pioneers Cemetery to defecate, urinate and trash. Please, just find an empty lot to relocate the individuals living in tents, away for neighborhoods, schools, businesses. How about relocating to Papago Park???
Mis hijos han ido siempre a la escuela Granada puesto que es una gran escuela todos los dias tengo que pasar por la 27 y la camelback y me ha tocado presensiar varios incidentes la violencia cada vez es mas grave y este plan es el comienzo para parar tanta violencia que ultimamente esta cada vez peor. ESTOY DE ACUERDO CON EL PLAN
Mi nombre es Guadalupe Enriquez y he vivido en esta área pir mas de 10 años y he sido testigo de como los actos criminales han ido en aumento de manera alarmante en los ultimos años, es hora de tomar acción pero no podemos hacerlo sin su ayuda. Gracias.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo en este plan mi hija va a ATS y no puedo explicarle la situacion de la prostitucion puesto que es aun muy chica. Este plan es el comienzo para poder limpiar nuestras calles
I support this plan, we need this action.
Muchas gracias por tomar en cuenta nuestro vecindarios despues de tantos gritos fallidos estoy TOTALMENTE DE ACUERDO en este plan para frenar la violencia, prostitucion, drogas y demas que esta acabando con la seguridad de nuestra familia.
It’s definitely time to clean up 27th Ave. Great to see all of the support.
I’m the owner of a business and home. I fully support this plan so that our community will be secure. Individuals have fear towards leaving their homes because of the violence that is committed in this area. Our neighborhood is full of drugs, homelessness, and prostitution which only lead to robbery and vandalism to our businesses and homes; to which I have been victim multiple occasions. I have found on my property syringes, foil, feces, urine, clothes, and trash. I appreciate your help.
I totally support this plan. Our Community has been taken over violence and we do definitely need this help. I have seen so many homeless doing drugs, our alley have been on fire several times and our street needs bumps cause cars over speed even when kids are getting out of class. Please support this plan.
Mi nombre es Blanca vivo enfrente de la GCU University estos ultimos anos ha sido terrible para nuestros vecinos necesitamos mas vigilancia tanto de la ciudad como de la universidad.
Please support this critical crime prevention plan. I appreciate the flexibility to move the technology as needed to areas experiencing escalating crime, such as 19th Avenue & Glendale. We know that fentanyl overdose is the leading cause of death in adults 18 - 45, and this intersection appears to be a central point for distribution and use. The neighborhood leaders that volunteer tirelessly, do so in order to preserve not only their quality of life, but that of others in the community.
I am A homeowner at 27 avenue and Luke, a mother to 2 boys age 8 & 4. My son attends Synergy at 27 avenue Bethany home, my son has to see prostitution every single day before and after school. My sons can’t even play in their front yards riding their bikes because theirs always a naked prostitute soliciting right in front of their eyes. We cannot even go into our own driveways because of the traffic it acumúlates every single day. We are being thereatened and we live with fear.
While I support bringing services to the geographic area, there is no mention of a plan to address the affordable housing shortage in the area. Pouring money towards outreach does not resolve someone's homelessness or housing insecurity. Putting/keeping people in the criminal justice system does not help them out of poverty or secure stable, affordable housing. Please consider a revision that would include implementing a plan to acquire/rehab affordable housing in the area.
Estoy totalmente de acuerdo con este plan tengo ninas en la escuela Granada y cada dia nuestro vecindario esta poniendose peor necesitamos mas seguridad para nuestra jueventud.
As 23 year residents in the North Glen Square neighborhood, my husband and I support this plan for additional technical and human resources for the Police and Prosecutors. We work closely with Phoenix PD and have witnessed and been victim to the increased crime in this corridor which has seen drugs, prostitution, property crime and assults increase. As Project Haven opens as a model program to support our vulnerable elder homeless population, we need this area to be safe for them.
As a neighborhood leader and member of the VIP Leadership Team, I fully support the 27th Ave safety plan. I am delighted to see this city finally thinking "outside the box" when it comes to critical issues we face. 100% great idea and KUDOS!!!
Como padre de familia y miembro de la comuidad apoyo este plan para que nuestro vecinadario sea mas seguro para nuestros hijos. Es frustrante ver que cada dia esta empeorando y no poder hacer nada. Seria facil solo movernos del area pero ese no es el ejemplo que quiero darle a mis hijos quiero que ellos sepan que podemos peliar por nuestra seguridad ya que es nuestro derecho como ciudadanos de esta ciudad. Gracias por el efuerzo de todos los lideres y con su apoyo este plan pasara.
Estoy de acuerdo con el plan para parar la violencia en nuestro vecindario ha llegado a un nivel donde hasta miedo da estar en la calle. Nuestros ninos necesitan mejor seguridad.
I have lived in the neighborhood for 38 years. We are currently raising two children who attend school at ATS who by the way, cannot walk to school because it is so unsafe. The blight, the derelicts, the open use of drugs & drug deals, prostitution, mental health crisis/lack of resources, indecency & crime is horrific. We MUST turn this around before it becomes Skid Row, Seattle, Portland San Francisco. This is a crisis of the highest order and we have do this for our kids & future generations.
The extra support is critically needed in the 27th ave corridor. As a teacher at a school within the area, I constantly worry about what our students will be exposed to on a daily basis- prostitution, drugs, crime, etc. Our staff, students, parents, and community members should feel safe coming to school. Our students deserve to be shielded from the illicit activities that are running rampant throughout the 27th ave corridor.
Thanks for taking action on 27th Ave. Can you do something similar for the Madison Pioneer Neighborhood around the Human Service Campus on 11th Ave? Crime has skyrocketed in the area. The HSC is encouraging people to live on the streets, blocking sidewalks, use the streets, even the Pioneers Cemetery to defecate, urinate and trash. Please, just find an empty lot to relocate the individuals living in tents, away for neighborhoods, schools, businesses. How about relocating to Papago Park???