Meeting Time: June 03, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

44 Adoption of the Tentative 2020-21 Annual Budget (Ordinance S-46650)

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    Claire Richardson over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose this budget proposal. It is dangerous and irresponsible, and it's time to support the community with what they need (adequate affordable housing, mental health care, etc).

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    Gisselle Gregorio over 4 years ago

    I believe the budget would be better allocated to healthcare, education, or employment opportunities to list a few.

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    Eva Valencia over 4 years ago

    defund the police!

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    Brianna Eason over 4 years ago

    I oppose the $944,680,555 budget for PPD/Public Safety. We need to allocate these funds to other services that will protect our citizens through: the Cilivian review board, mental health services, trauma services, community development, education, affordable and adequate housing, healthcare,

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    Keith Terry over 4 years ago

    I don’t support a budget that heavily funds the police and doesn’t adequately fund civilian oversight. This budget doesn’t contain the previously allocated money that was approved for civilian oversight - we need that back now more than ever. $745M for a violent police force is NOT necessary! We need more money allocated to mental health care and other social services. Not more $ to further militarize the police force.

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    Duane Mullen over 4 years ago

    I oppose the Phoenix Police Department to receive more budget money. Instead, I wish for the money to spend on social programs and mental health programs.

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    Moses Kang over 4 years ago

    Please use this money to fund education

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    Brianna Seykora over 4 years ago

    I oppose the proposed budget amounts for the 2020-2021 year. The proposed budgets for the police department and Public Safety need to be decreased by a minimum of 25% and reallocated to Community Enrichment and Community Development. Adequate funding for healthcare (including mental health and trauma services), education, childcare, housing, and employment opportunities for City of Phoenix residents will greatly reduce the need for police interventions. Thank you.

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    Nancy Lara over 4 years ago

    I oppose funding Phx Pd. These funds are better used elsewhere.

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    Taylor Woods over 4 years ago

    Defund the police

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    Elizabeth Swanson over 4 years ago

    Hello yes name is Elizabeth, I wanted to express my concern about finding—our community asks that you redirect funds from Phoenix Police to programs that heal and educate our Communtiy

    (Mental health, trauma services, education, affordable housing, healthcare, environmental programs)

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    Ron Stewart over 4 years ago

    I oppose this budget how it currently stands. We demand that funding proposed for the Phoenix Police Department is allocated toward the City Review Board - so the board can properly do the jobs they were appointed to do (hold officers accountable, make timely decisions, use funding for data/research, etc.).

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    Tom Coffeen over 4 years ago

    I am a Phoenix resident. I oppose the allocation of this fund. Please fully fund the OAT and CRB for the full $3 million instead. Stop the violence and killings by Phoenix PD.

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    Alexandria Parran over 4 years ago

    The PPD is ranked the highest in the nation for cases of police killing civilians. Further funding this institution that has targeted the Black, Hispanic and Indigenous communities will only fuel there fight againt minorities. It would be in the best interest for the of this city to fund community outreach programs, specifically in the minority communities this institution has failed.

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    Sam Sydnor over 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the $944,680,555 allocated to our Public Safety Department for the 2020-21 fiscal year; these funds should be directed to enrich the community and provide programs that support that community.

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    Matthew Tanner over 4 years ago

    Divest from and de-fund the Police Department at this critical juncture. Send a message loud and clear to the world that the city of Phoenix will not condone (or reward!!!) the behavior of this department. Allocate 3 million dollars to the civilian review board and breed a culture of accountability where one has been severely lacking for decades. Give our communities a chance. BLACK LIVES MATTER. JUSTICE FOR DION JOHNSON AND PEACE AND LOVE TO HIS FAMILY.

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    Jamie Bonnell over 4 years ago

    We demand you redirect 25% of the Phx PD budget to programs that heal, educate, and provide for the needs of our city. Reform has proven to be the false promise of change. It only creates bloated police budgets and departments. More culturally diverse police depts, cultural competence trainings, bias trainings, and other efforts of reform have proven unsuccessful and dangerous. The community has lived this. As our representatives, hear us, believe us. Defund the police.

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    Mackenzie Moore over 4 years ago

    I ask that the funds from the Phoenix Police are redirected to programs that heal and educate our community. The City of Phoenix needs and deserves policing alternatives and investments in services that will positively impact our community, not perpetuate the violent police brutality committed by the Phoenix Police.

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    Linda Payan over 4 years ago

    I oppose funding Phx PD. These funds could be used to improve our community . There is a way to decrease crime without excessive force, and it is through providing the community with the resources it needs. Funding additional police force serves as a dilatory "solution" that merely attempts to clean a mess already made . Let's be proactive and encourage health and wellbeing in our city.

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    Melissa Ma over 4 years ago

    I support funding for phx pd.