Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
Note: The online Request to Speak window has expired.
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Agenda Item

1 Request for Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting

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    Kelli Crawford almost 5 years ago

    This is an urgent public safety crisis. There is no excuse to delay. Reallocation of funds to the community must happen swiftly.

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    Katherine Screws almost 5 years ago

    Please reallocate these funds to support the community. Investing in mental health care, shelters, and education will decrease crime and decrease the amount of police involvement in our communities. I do not want my tax money to go towards the militarization of a corrupt system.

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    Cecilia Nguyen almost 5 years ago

    I strongly oppose the funds allocated the Phoenix PD and demand that you allocate those funds to civilian oversight. We need our Phoenix PD to be held accountable for their actions, we need funds for our education system, health care (including mental health care), aid for the homeless, those who are unemployed, those who need help with housing. Please give back to the community and cut back on the funding of the police who continue to terrorize our black and brown communities. Listen to us.

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    Glaiza Boccelli almost 5 years ago

    I oppose increasing funding the Phoenix PD. Please invest money back into the community via health, housing and mental wellness initiatives.

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    Rev Dr Lydia GonzalezDross almost 5 years ago

    I pray that the City Council and the Mayor to do the right thing. Today is World Civility Day, a proclamation signed by the City of Phoenix Mayor. We need our 9-1-1, EMSA, Fire, and Police. We need the rule of law- defunding only will increase more violence and more deaths. Last night fire downtown is an example. Had they not responded, more buildings would have been burned down. Is that the fate of our City- we need the Police Academy to be reformed. Look at how you are training your officers.

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    Ayesha Vohra almost 5 years ago

    I demand the Phoenix City Council fully fund the CRB and OAT with the full $3 million required. Our PD is one of the deadliest in the nation and has a long history of inappropriate and violent police misconduct. This has gone unchecked and it needs to stop now. Dion Johnson and Muhammad Muhaymin, along with the countless other unarmed citizens, may their souls Rest In Peace, should have never been killed by the Phoenix PD. Addressing police misconduct needs to be a priority.

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    Michelle Ponce almost 5 years ago

    Reallocate funds into rebuilding the community... To begin to heal from all the atrocities the PHX police department has committed against the people of Phoenix.
    It's a start.

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    Eve Golding almost 5 years ago

    I live in Tempe and work in Phoenix. We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Ian Hoffman almost 5 years ago

    Please reallocate the $25 million to support the community! There is no sense in violently, over-policing an underfunded community. Real change and real growth start within the community. Invest in education, housing, mental health, youth programs, etc rather than increasing the budget and salaries of the Phoenix PD.

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    Jocelyn Refermat almost 5 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Ted Myers almost 5 years ago

    The proposed budget should be modified. The CRB and OAT should be fully funded to at least 3 million dollars in this budget. This is not anti-police, most officers welcome accountability and want a better relationship with the community. This will reduce crime.
    The 25 million dollar increase for the police budget is totally unreasonable. This funding should be directed to programs that reduce crime by directly helping vulnerable communities.

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    Wesley Parks almost 5 years ago

    It is time to invest in communities that have been neglected for far too long.

    Please reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

    Please allocate $3 million to fund the Phoenix Citizen Review Board.

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    Mariel Milkie almost 5 years ago

    Increasing the Phoenix Police Department’s budget will not create thriving communities. Instead, it will continue to put those most impacted by police violence at a higher risk. The city must redirect these funds to emergency response programs that don’t kill or harm Black people. The city cannot claim to care about our community while giving MORE money to the very institution that harms and terrorizes.

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    Camille Johnson almost 5 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Hannah Sydiongco almost 5 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    John B almost 5 years ago

    This progressive nonsense needs to be stopped right now. Do not bend the knee to the outrage mob and do not negotiate with terrorists, who are basically torching buildings and ruining small businesses as a threat to make us cave-in. Newsflash, these people will be back next year asking for more. But no one will want to live here, property values will plummet and people will leave. The government's role is to enforce law and order, not to give handouts. Keep the police fully funded.

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    Judith Dauncey almost 5 years ago

    This item absolutely needs to be reconsidered. I request that the Phoenix City Council fully funds OAT and CRB with $3 million! The City of Phoenix should also reallocate their $25 million budget increase for the Public Safety Department to Community Development and Enrichment programs. The gross disparity between the $944 million budget for public safety vs. the $51 million for community development says it all.

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    Katherine Del Rosario almost 5 years ago

    The money does not need to go to Police to criminalize more people in Arizona. This is a misuse of funds when this money can be allocated to increase to mental health and youth programs and also back into education. Arizona is 49 in education and this money can enrich our people and communities. The Phoenix Police department was one of the most deadly police in 2018. The police does not need this money to fuel more terror and harm to our communities.

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    Eliada Israel almost 5 years ago

    I support the Phoenix Police Dept. We need them well-trained & funded. This is the BEGINNING of demands of defunders. Civil unrest will increase & well-funded agitators/rioters will too. Police went from peacekeepers to militarized. Efficient, but lost some public trust bec. we're all suspects. Some tactics, questionable. More emphasis on helpfulness & caring. Not into 'politically correct.' Need more screening for PTSD, racism, burn out. God bless police. A difficult job, & walk a razor's edge.

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    Samantha Vo almost 5 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.