Meeting Time: June 08, 2020 at 11:00am MST
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Agenda Item

1 Request for Reconsideration of Item 44 from the June 3, 2020 Formal Council Meeting

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    Jason DeGrado over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Diandra Adamczyk over 4 years ago

    Members of the council, you can't continue to use civilian tax dollars to fund the corruption within Phx PD. It's clear that we must defund the Phx PD and redistribute those funds to programs/infrastructure that heal and support our community. It's a slap in the face that after having your server broken out of overwhelming opposition to the near 1 billion dollar budget to public safety last week, that a 25 million dollar raise to the Phx PD is being proposed. This is not okay! Who do you serve?

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    Briana Burroughs over 4 years ago

    I demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Tim Adamczyk over 4 years ago

    Spend one day as an Uber driver and you'll see- The police do nothing to prevent Child trafficking. Indigenous communities look like third world countries. Teachers are in poverty. Homelessness is as bad as California. you can't walk down the sidewalk in Phx. Police are brutal towards women and children. Independent upward mobility is non-existent. If you are poor in phoenix you may as well die. The Police are not helping, they are hurting.

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    Marisa Pieper over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries. Wonderfully put: "The Phoenix PD is one of the most lethal in the country and priority should be given to community development and education over militarization, police brutality, and racism. Our community is asking that you instead use move the funds to affordable housing, education, and social service programs."

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    Jacob Harvey over 4 years ago

    Fully fund the OAT now!

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Ashley AcostaSerrano over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Amanda Roundtree over 4 years ago

    Phoenix must do better. Follow Minniepolis's lead. Change is on the horizon, we need to make our city better for the future. We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department.

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    Nanda Vann over 4 years ago

    I support a fully funded Civilian Review Board and reallocating the $25 million budget increase for police department salaries to mental health and youth programs.

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    Harrison Ambrose over 4 years ago

    "We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries."

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    Timara Crichlow over 4 years ago

    The act of policing is and always has been based on the racist intent to control people of color. The best way to rectify this is to defund the police. I strongly oppose the proposed budget and demand that the budget for police be decreased.

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    Kayla Mager over 4 years ago

    We the citizens of PHX demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries. The police have shown that they cannot be trusted to descalate and will become violent and lethal with the slightest provocation.

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    Andy McCoy over 4 years ago

    "We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries."

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    Laura Darnell over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Katie Giel over 4 years ago

    We demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    Murphy Bannerman over 4 years ago

    I demand the city reallocate $25 million to mental health and youth programs instead of giving the Phoenix Police Department a $25 million increase for salaries.

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    David Ruck over 4 years ago

    I don't support reducing the police budget at this time. This push to relocate funds from the police force has come up very recently. Those who support cutting the police budget have been extremely vocal, but they are a loud minority, and I do not believe they are representative of the general views of the citizens of the city of Phoenix. I have only had to urgently call the police a couple of times in my life, but when I did, they couldn't come fast enough, and this will surely slow them down.

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    Jason Silberschlag over 4 years ago

    While my businesses on 1st St. in downtown and at sky harbor will see only 50% of last years sales, the proposed budget for public safety has gone up. If I understand correctly, sales taxes fund part of this budget. Now is the best time to defund the police responsibly and carefully, without emotion, to better serve our communities with the resources we all need.

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    Judy Munz over 4 years ago

    we must address systemic racism in our police force.

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    Ciara Vc over 4 years ago

    Phoenix needs to reconsider its priorities. Other critical governmental agencies are getting squeezed while the Phoenix PD is offered a buffet on the taxpayer's dime with no oversight. To establish civilian oversight and NOT FUND it actually working, is a slap in the face. Only a corrupt system would cry about being held accountable. You work for US, not the other way around. Defund the bloated police budget, and invest in your community. They are the ones in need of help not officer pensions.