Meeting Time: October 14, 2020 at 8:30am MST
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Agenda Item

3* Federal and State Law on E-Cigarettes (Vaping)

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    Arsh Bhela about 4 years ago

    The city council should not pass this ordinance and instead allow responsible retailers to continue to sell products in a law-abiding manner rather than creating an unregulated marketplace. It is unconscionable to add regulations to small businesses in the time of a pandemic. This ordinance will cause loss of job, tax revenue for the city and created black market for these products. We can not lose any more small businesses.

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    Jennifer Carusetta about 4 years ago

    The Health System Alliance of Arizona including Banner, Dignity, HonorHealth, Abrazo, Carondelet, and Northern Arizona Healthcare, urge the Subcommittee to direct the City Attorney to research all options to address the sale of flavored tobacco products. Youth who use e-cigarettes have a higher likelihood of developing lung disease and other health conditions. Eliminating the sale of these products is an important step towards safeguarding the health of our youth and our community.

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    Mimi Boublik about 4 years ago

    I am a mother of teenagers who think smoking is disgusting and never would have touched cigarettes. But flavored vapes have enticed their generation, hiding harmful chemicals and nicotine addiction behind bright colors and a fruity candy facade. Please remove flavored e-cigarettes to protect our kids now.

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    Steve Koester about 4 years ago

    As a parent of a teen, I support a full flavor ban. I see what vaping is doing in our schools.

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    Steven Parry about 4 years ago

    Vaping all together needs to be banded. There are to many things that we don’t know what it’s going to the human body and then kids get them in their teenage development stages. What harm is really going on? That is still unknown.

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    Sana Doorani about 4 years ago

    Hello. I am Sana Doorani from the Greater Phoenix American Heart Association and I support this agenda of not needing flavors for tabacco products. This only causes more harm than good for the youth. These companies can shift gears and work to produce something else that is not harmful and addicting. Economic loss is sure to happen but those companies can get over it relatively quickly. Please do not let these flavored products have a say over our youth. They need to focus & have a healthy life.

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    Sabeen Sahnan about 4 years ago

    Punishing small businesses can not be the answer here. This feels more like passing on the responsibility to them but the reality is, it’ll just force staffing cuts and in some circumstances will be the final push into closure for those that have suffered greatly in an already tough economic year. This can’t be the answer, this creates more problems then it solves.

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    Christina Curell about 4 years ago

    If an adult needs an e-cigarette as a tool to quit smoking, they DO NOT NEED FLAVORS. Virtually all children that vape begin with flavored products. There is no reason these products should have a MARKETING TOOL like lychee mango or cookies n' cream. As a public health advocate and someone who has worked in tobacco control for seven years, I fully support a ban on all flavored products in order to protect people from a now growing epidemic of nicotine addiction.

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    Justin Parrott about 4 years ago

    Adult smokers who want to switch to a less harmful alternative, typically chose FLAVORED vapor products. You would not give an alcoholic a beverage that is alcohol flavored. The same applies for tobacco. 98% of customers in a recent poll sent out stated they preferred flavors other than tobacco. The primary age group was 35+. The vapor industry is NOT targeting youth. They use flavors other than tobacco that adults are familiar with, to make switching an easier transition to facilitate quitting.

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    logan mcqueen about 4 years ago

    prohibition on vaping will not solve anything!! it will just create a black market

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    Mary Ellen Rimsza MD FAAP about 4 years ago

    The AzAAP, which represents over 1100 pediatricians in Arizona, urges action to address the sale of flavored tobacco products in Phoenix. Children who use e-cigarettes are more likely to go on to use traditional cigarettes. E-cigarette manufacturers target children with enticing candy and fruit flavors and marketing strategies that attract youth. Without regulation, youth who use of e-cigarettes are likely to become life-time users of traditional cigarettes.

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    Sylvia Wi about 4 years ago

    T & B Holdings owns 6 accounts in the metro Phoenix area and employs 42 people. With the flavor ban this would affect the jobs of these employees because our business would go to neighboring cities. We are the first line of defense in fighting underage tobacco and we make sure to ID everyone to make sure they are of age.

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    Ajay GUPTA about 4 years ago

    Prohibition will not solve this issue.

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    Joseph Garcia about 4 years ago

    The tobacco industry is selling flavored products marketed as cool candy or hip hookahs to target vulnerable youth. We know the lifetime of harm and addiction that tobacco can have on those who fall prey to solicited temptation of an impulse buy. For the health of current and future generations, Chicanos Por La Causa Action Fund urges the Mayor and City Council to research all options to create a comprehensive ordinance to address the sale of flavored tobacco products in the City of Phoenix.

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    Lindsey Stroud about 4 years ago

    Youth vaping use is actually lower than what it was in 2015. For example, in Arizona, in 2015, 27.5% of high school students were current users of e-cigarettes, this decreased by 70.8% between 2015 and 2017, to 16.1% of students, but increased from 2017 to 17.9% of high school students using a vapor product on at least one day in the 30 days prior - still lower than in 2015 levels. Rather than banning flavors, policymakers should address actions taken that lead to a decrease in youth vaping use.

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    Todd Mileti about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose the ban. This will effectively destroy many small business that have dedicated there lives to this much less harmful alternative to smoking. I have converted many people to this alternative by educating at every opportunity. Vaping has saved my life and the lives of millions of other vapers.

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    Kelly Weed about 4 years ago

    My husband and I, along with my parents, quit smoking with vaping devices and flavored vapor products. For years we tried, and FAILED, to quit smoking with every FDA approved NRT available. Vaping removed our powerlessness we felt from not beating our addiction. Today we rely on these products as a less harmful alternative to traditional cigarettes while we work to beat our physical habits and eliminate our dependence on nicotine. Vaping helps adults like us live a cigarette free lifestyle.

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    Jamie Strope about 4 years ago

    Vaping saved my life! Please allow it to save others!

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    Neill Franklin about 4 years ago

    The Law Enforcement Action Partnership, opposes the banning (prohibition) of any popular adult consumable product. Prohibitions drive such markets underground into the hands of criminal organizations such as the cartels. Criminals then hire children to run & sell their goods, street level competition creates violence & more deadly products flood our neighborhoods. Eventually the police are called in to stop the smuggling & illegal sales. Don't bring the police into another public health problem.

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    Anthony Peczinka about 4 years ago

    We have successfully helped 12,000 smokers quit smoking with flavored e-cigarettes. Banning flavors would send those 12,000 Americans back to smoking deadly combustibles. 480,000 Americans die every year from smoking related illnesses. Out of an estimated 35 million smokers in the USA, that is a PANDEMIC in itself. Vaping is 95% LESS HARMFUL than combustible cigarettes. Big Tobacco wants this ban. Please don’t give in to them! Vaping SAVES LIVES!