Meeting Time: October 14, 2020 at 8:30am MST
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Agenda Item

3* Federal and State Law on E-Cigarettes (Vaping)

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    Brian Hickey about 4 years ago

    Freedom to choose.

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    Char Owen about 4 years ago

    Everywhere that has put in a flavor ban two things have happened a black market has sky rocketed and smoking has increased. Is this really what you want for our city?

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    Shane Simpson about 4 years ago

    i oppose the bill on vaping. Vape help thousand of people quit smoking every year. its 95% less harmful than smoking. Flavors are the number one key roll to successfully switch smoker of tradition cancer causing cigarettes'. All the anti-vape lobbyist work on big tobacco dollars. support small business by support an adults rights to flavors. Flavor bans only benefit Cigarettes' sales.

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    Victor Alltech about 4 years ago

    Flavor Ban's are ridiculous, there has been solid reports that teens are not that interested with flavors. Youth vaping reports are down and teen cigarette smoking is at an all time low. I smoked for 37 years quit smoking in 30 days with Vape. That was 7 years ago. Doctor tells me I'm in good heath. When I smoked the doctor wasn't so kind. I oppose a flavor ban!!

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    Chris Sefton about 4 years ago

    Opposed to flavor ban
    Flavors save lives

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    Eric Lane about 4 years ago

    Vaping, specifically flavors has freed me of a decade long smoking habit. Proper IDing will curb teen use not barring adults from legal purchase.

    Telling a former smoker they can only have tobacco flavors is like telling a recovering alcoholic they can only have whisky flavored water. It’s nonsensical. There are other ways to handle this issue.

    Taking away flavors will, as has been proven in other states, drive former smokers back to combustible cigarettes. I wholeheartedly oppose these bans.

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    Ken Greenwood about 4 years ago

    I miss when parents did their job and didn't want to rely on the government to fix their kids. Vaping is already an adult product, that is age restricted. If your child acquired a vapor product, they did so illegally, either through a friend that is of age, or giving their lunch money to a bum outside the gas station to get it for them. That makes your child, and the party giving it to them, criminals. Weird flex to ban something that's already illegal for them to use. What's next? Your wine?

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    Mrs Howard about 4 years ago

    Adult industry! Age RESTRICTED! Oppose any flavor ban!
    Adults deserve the freedom to use any flavor that helps them quit smoking!
    The vaping industry is a small business solution to a big tobacco problem!

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    Giancarlo Cota about 4 years ago

    This is not right. Vaping is way better for you and everyone than cigarettes. There’s age restrictions just like alcohol. No way is it intended for children. I oppose this 10000%.

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    Carl Snyder about 4 years ago

    I oppose this agenda. Smoker for 33 years and quit with Vape. Now I own a shop. Proper ID procedure keeps underage buying away. My shop received a letter of accommodation from the Attorney General on our ID procedure. Locally owned and operated, My business supports 3 , my doctor says my health has never been better

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    Michael Crilley about 4 years ago

    Vaping saved my life, and with out flavored eliquids, especially fruit and candy based flavors i would never been able to transition to a 98% less harmful option. This is according to the ROYAL COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS

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    Jennifer Thomas about 4 years ago

    Ban flavors, Ban vaping. It's not healthy, kids are using this, and it has to stop!

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    Samantha Mathis about 4 years ago

    I think people forget the true reasons why the United States was officially founded when they attempt to make laws as intrusive as this. In the end life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness is a phrase that is overused but the true meaning is forgotten. Liberty is one of the most important words in this phrase. Liberty can mean many things, freedom of choice, freedom of speech, freedom of lifestyle. Does this law really push us closer to having true liberty as the Founding Fathers intended? No

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    Randon Johnson about 4 years ago

    Vaping, is good. Dont ban flavors, vaping stopped my smoking addiction! think of the amount of jobs lost!

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    Karly Davidson about 4 years ago

    Countless adults have quit smoking using flavored e-juice. If this passes, it's forcing family owned companies out of business. People who don't follow the laws about age restrictions should be held accountable instead of condemning an entire community.

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    Taylor McLaughlin about 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose. Vaping has helped me successfully quit smoking. I am healthier and feel better!

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    Richard Pilz about 4 years ago

    My name is Richard Pilz and I am a member of the Greater Phoenix Division of the American Heart Association. Flavored tobacco products are being used by the majority of middle and high school students using e-cigarettes. 62% of Phoenicians support a comprehensive and enforceable ordinance that restricts the sale of all flavored tobacco products.

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    Matt Cc about 4 years ago

    Too Many vaping shops would shut down. IBusiness would suffer from this. I would not be able to quit smoking.

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    Doug Jones about 4 years ago

    I worked at a store that a gentleman used to come in all the time buy 2 packs of camel non filters told he had been smoking for 20 years He came in one day asking if the was something that he could to help stop smoking. I showed him the vapes set him up with different flavors and within a couple months he came back in thanking me said he has not smoked a cigarette in over a month. Continued to say he can til that not smoking just vaping he is able to walk farther without runnin out if breath.

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    Brian Davis about 4 years ago

    I oppose the ban of flavored vape juices. As adults we have the option to have flavored alcohol at bars and stores, why should e cigarettes be considered any differently. We as adults are trying to get away from tobacco and tobacco flavors. Cigarettes have killed thousands of people every month, how can you justify taking away an alternative that not only saves people lives every day but protects the world we live in by causing less illnesses and less pollution