Meeting Time: December 02, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*29 ***REVISED ITEM (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Review of Field Allocations and Tournaments

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    Ma Gould almost 4 years ago

    Please keep the fields open for our kids. They have already sacrificed (& continue to sacrifice) for a virus that is not affecting their age group in any statistically, meaningful way. Dr. Fauci said on 11/30 that children are not driving spread--he reiterated that he believes maskless adults indoors are the culprit, not children & certainly not children outdoors. Fields must be open-our kids' physical & mental health depends on it. Also, using "covid-like" illness as a metric seems very unfair!

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    Derek YEN almost 4 years ago

    I support Option A. See what we have done at Arizona Soccer Association to create Guidelines, Spectator Seating Layouts, Protocols, Return to Play Procedures, a Notification/Reporting Process, etc. Our data supports keeping fields open with the ability to control and reduce the opportunities for spreading the virus. The facilities and their staff are working together with our organization to make this successful.

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    Jenni Harris almost 4 years ago

    As a healthcare worker I endorse option B. This current surge is impacting our local hospital systems. Limited staffing and supplies with prohibit patients from receiving optimal care. Large gatherings are counterproductive to our efforts. We as healthcare workers ask the council to serve our community by supporting efforts to mitigate the spread of this virus.

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    Patricia Sidell almost 4 years ago

    I support keeping fields open. With so many kids in on line learning, organized sports provide an outlet for physical and mental well being. I've attended many softball tournaments during the late summer and fall and witnessed spectators respecting Covid protocols and guidelines.

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    Ed Rybinski almost 4 years ago

    I strongly oppose shutting down the fields, and would support option A. I've been to many practices, games and tournaments. The fields have done a great job ensuring use of masks and social distancing. Keep insisting on use of masks, designate areas for spectators so they maintain social distancing (like at Rose Mofford where circles area drawn around field to show where family groups can congregate to maintain social distancing from other groups).

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    Javier Valenzuela almost 4 years ago

    I support option A “keep the fields open.”

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    David Baukol almost 4 years ago

    I support Option A, keep the fields open. Why? Children & Youth are much less susceptible to Covid 19, as per the CDC and research. And, outdoor team sports can be beneficial in numerous ways...

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    Laurel Hamilton almost 4 years ago

    Please keep fields open. The soccer community has acted responsibly and followed guidelines. They are NOT contributing to the problem. Parents have respected social distance guidelines and mask-wearing. The Arizona soccer community has shown they can act responsibly for the mental and physical health and development of these dedicated athletes.

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    Bee Luna almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. Do not shut down fields for our in-state children. A lot of kids use this as an outlet for the confusion and sadness right now. There is no evidence that shows outside sports are contributing to the spread. Parents and teams are following diligently in wearing masks and social distancing. Support the kids!

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    Leah Kuhl almost 4 years ago

    DO NOT SHUT DOWN OUR FIELDS!! Restrict out of state teams from coming over to play if you must, but keep our fields open for our use. With schools closing this is the only outlet they have. The mental and physical health of our kids is extremely important and we need the fields to remain open. We all follow the safety guidelines when we are at the keep them open!!

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    Karen Barraza almost 4 years ago

    I support option A
    Please dont shut down our parks.
    Parents and teams are following diligently in wearing masks and social distancing. The tournaments have been very helpful in making sure everyone is following rules.
    Please look at out of state teams coming in to play in Arizona, but let the IN STATE teams keep their fields and playing time. This is our state and no one will take care of it better than the people living here.
    Our children need some sort of normality in their lives.

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    Richard Kuhl almost 4 years ago

    Keeps fields open to local use only. No out of state residents (especially CA). Youth sports have been active since May 2020. There is no data that shows outdoor activities are contributing to the rise in numbers. Restrict bars, gyms, and dine in eating to bring the numbers. down.

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    Timothy Holman almost 4 years ago

    I support keeping the fields open for local use. Our kids were just forced back to online school and our baseball practices and games are the only social interaction my kids are getting. I would be fine with limiting out-of-state teams, but our local taxes pay for these parks and they should remain open to us!

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    Kevin Fordell almost 4 years ago

    Limit our parks to local use, intra-community use. No more tournaments. No out-of-state, out of local community use. I like keeping Phoenicians active and outdoors, but large groups, multi-team tournaments, and out-of-state use is just going to prolong this nightmare.

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    Brian Escamillo almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. Please do not close fields and allow these kids to keep on playing.

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    MELISSA SMITH almost 4 years ago

    Don't close the fields. With schools closing down this is the kids one escape to be able to get out, fresh air, exercise, mentally reset.

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    Guyson Seto almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. Do not close the fields and take outdoor activities from these kids!

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    Paul Kim almost 4 years ago

    The Oppose/Support options are very confusing. But KEEP THE FIELDS OPEN FOR USE! The health and wellness of our kids and our families are ESSENTIAL and CRITICAL. Considering these events are OUTDOORS and with existing guidelines in place, there is no reason to ban the use of these fields. Do not take away the one thing that keeps many of these kids mentally and physically healthy.

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    James Deremiah almost 4 years ago

    Don’t close the fields. I read the choices incorrectly, I oppose closing the fields

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    Megan Angus almost 4 years ago

    Where is the tracing that shows cases are rising because of youth sports? Now look at youth mental health and suicide rates per the CDC or the increase in substance abuse disorders among youth. Sports help the mental, emotional and physical condition of our youth. Let them play and have an outlet to process this pandemic.