Meeting Time: December 02, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*29 ***REVISED ITEM (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Review of Field Allocations and Tournaments

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    Bethany Liebentritt almost 4 years ago

    With recent forecasts from UA, ASU and NAU on the COVID surge and hospital capacity, ICU's are expected to exceed capacity early December, and all hospital bed capacity will be exceed by end of December. This will not only impact COVID-19 patients, but will also impact the health and well-being of our entire community. We need mitigation efforts now to reduce the spread so that our community will be healthy in the long run.

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    Glen Sgambati almost 4 years ago

    My name is Glen Sgambati, a 25 plus yr city resident and current President of Az/Power Fastpitch organization. We have been renting city fields for our many youth softball teams for 10+ years. I comment today to urge you to continue to keep these fields open for the following reasons:
    1. All our teams are fully complying to City guidelines.
    2. There has been no study/data linking community spread to youth sports.
    3. Children need the exercise and physical outlet during this time.

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    Kate Grey almost 4 years ago

    We need to stop the spread of COVID-19 immediately. Lives are at stake. As a City of Phoenix resident, homeowner and taxpayer, I ask you to support Option B and cancel all field allocations/reservations effective Dec. 3, 2020

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    Holly Barrett almost 4 years ago

    I strongly urge the Phoenix City Council to adopt option B to postpone youth sporting events in the Phoenix area at least through the end of February to minimize our surge. Protecting the community at large and ensuring we have hospital capacity to do so is a must!!

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    Devin Minior almost 4 years ago

    I am the parent of two children actively in sports, so this is a challenging decision. But given the unprecedented risks associated with this COVID surge and the strain this has put on our health systems, I urge the City Council to chose option B and cancel all field allocations and tournaments.

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    Rebecca Armendariz almost 4 years ago

    I support option B. Our community is experiencing uncontrollable spread of COVID-19. The only way to slow that spread is to enact and enforce mitigation efforts to reduce that spread. Engaging with others outside of your immediate household, especially unmasked, is a high risk activity that should not continue until our community prevalence is at a reasonable level.

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    Charlie Smith almost 4 years ago

    Let the children play. Adults have done enough harm to children over political agendas. Kids need to be outside and there is zero evidence there has been any transmission of a virus from playing or watching soccer. Follow the science. Show us the data that soccer is dangerous if you have it.

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    Daniel Post almost 4 years ago

    I support to protect our community during this pandemic

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    Karri Knight almost 4 years ago

    Option B based on the fact that hospitals are experiencing uncontrolled surge and we need to minimize risk wherever possible.

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    Scott Wyant almost 4 years ago

    Option B is the fact based approach to the uncontrolled spread of the deadly and highly contagious COVID19 disease. We should follow CDC guidelines and the scientists. Vaccine will be here soon and in 2021 once vaccination is well underway we can all begin to resume our more normal lives.

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    Erin Ashby almost 4 years ago

    I oppose closing down Phoenix fields to youth sports activities, including tournaments. Please allow our children to keep some sense of normalcy and support their physical and mental health. I have seen no evidence that outdoor youth sports activities are contributing to the current rise in Covid. Outdoor youth sports activities, including youth soccer games and tournaments, have been happening safely and can continue to do so.

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    justin klump almost 4 years ago

    I oppose the closure of the parks. Both my son and daughter participate in sports that are played on these fields. It is so important for their continued development to be around their friends and teammates. Playing in sports and being in a team environment is so important for our children’s mental health. The leagues and tournaments that my children have participated in this season have done a great job encouraging social distancing and allowing the kids to do what they love doing.

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    Jennifer Kroening almost 4 years ago

    I oppose closing Phoenix fields to youth sports. Youth sports operate in a supervised and controlled environment; athletes are outdoors, physically distanced, and wear masks when not competing. This is an ideal situation for minimizing virus transmission. Closing fields and shutting down youth sports have tremendous negative consequences for our youth's physical fitness and mental health. Without sports, youth are left to engage in riskier, unsupervised activities. Keep Phoenix fields open!

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    Bryan Schrock almost 4 years ago

    With kids back online with minimal exposure at schools, playing sports is an easy way for kids to keep some sort of normalcy in their lives. Playing minimal contact sports keeps them active and healthy. I would agree with option A and not allow out of state teams. But let our local teams play. It is a family's choice to play and if they are taking precautions and being safe there is minimal risk.
    Thank you

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    Aaron Tanner almost 4 years ago

    We have been able to scientifically prove that transmission rates among youth outdoor activities are extremely low. If the concern is for out of state teams entering the market then set parameters around those instead of punishing our kids in Arizona. Restrict spectators again if needed. It is obvious by looking at CA that shutting down outdoor fields is not slowing the transmission rate. They have been closed for youth sports and have some of the highest rates in the country.

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    Heather Dyer almost 4 years ago

    Please reconsider the closure of any fields. There is no data showing that children are the culprits. There is also no data linking any outbreaks back to outdoors sports. Our children need these activities for both their mental and physical health.

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    Jonathan Fagan almost 4 years ago

    I oppose the closing in fields. Please keep them open for the kids sake. They need this interaction with their friends as well as outdoor activities to keep mentally strong and physically. I am on the executive board of one of the youth organizations and we’ve done an excellent job with her family friends players and coaches socially distance mask wearing at all times. Over 700 student athletes participate in our league and only had 2 to 3 cases and no spread. Let the student athletes play.

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    Tamara Lujan almost 4 years ago

    I question the credibility of any professional who supports the closing of fields knowing what we know. The science does no support that decision. I urge you to consider the amount of children who’s emotional well being will further suffer if sports get taken away from them. Children have already lost a crucial part of their childhood this year after the senseless decision was made to convert to online schooling, please do not take away the only part of their life they look forward to.

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    Patti Flint almost 4 years ago

    Young children have the absolute lowest rate of covid infection/transmission. Outdoor sports activities during which children play and adult spectators where masks are incredibly safe. There is no data whatsoever that supports that shutting down outdoor athletics would decrease transmissions rates. As a physician with two young daughters who play soccer, I strongly oppose closer of the field.

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    Mary Atia almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. While outdoor sports are low risk, those traveling from out of state require food and lodging, which will increase spread of Covid-19 both in Arizona and in their home state. The schools are closed, we need to do as much as we can to get numbers down so that children can resume their education safely.