Meeting Time: December 02, 2020 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

*29 ***REVISED ITEM (SEE ATTACHED MEMO)*** Review of Field Allocations and Tournaments

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    Mark Atia almost 4 years ago

    Out of state teams should not be able to play in Arizona. Out of state teams drive the spread of covid from other activities other than on field play by commuting in high occupancy vehicles and congregating in crowded hotel spaces and restaurants. Also, Arizona children should not be penalized due to another state not allowing tournaments. I fully support option A.

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    Ji Whitfill almost 4 years ago

    Contact sports with travel are high risk. Sports can be done thru the school under the purview of the AIA and their guidelines. This affects being able to keep schools open. . < 50/100,000 per week for travel games. <100/100,000 per week for in state travel. school transmission is from student parties and club sports bc of failures in mitigation on the bench, sidelines, locker room, and pre/post game events/parties. We need in person schools open as a priority

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    Steven Malina almost 4 years ago

    If you need to do option A or B please do A. We need to remain active and healthy and kids should not be punished.

    I personally believe we should keep all tournaments but just be smarter about the schedule going forward

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    Heather Carpenter almost 4 years ago

    We support option A. Please, please, please don’t close the fields. The kids have been through so much this year. The kids need to have some normalcy more than anyone. Not only do they need this for their physical health, they need this emotionally and mentally. Our suggestion would be to not allow other states to come in for the tournaments to control interstate spread. How can it be ok to shut down schools and kids sports but nothing else is shutting down? Thank you!!

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    Ruthe Aggarwal almost 4 years ago

    Please keep the fields open. I fully support wearing masks and social distancing (as players, families and coaches are doing). If you close fields you will take away the only sense of normalcy kids have right now. Being active promotes mental health and helps combat childhood obesity. When in history have kids not been allowed to attend school and play outdoor sports? Our children are facing challenges not seen in modern history. Please don’t add to their burden.

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    Oscar Re almost 4 years ago

    Fields should stay open. For many of our kids, this is the only social and physical interaction they have. Although this is physically important, our youth need this even more mentally. Many in our communities are following the rules and keeping things safe. Tournament organizers need to NOT allow out of state teams to join our local tournaments as this creates interstate spread and outbreaks.

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    Kristyn Molina almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. Families have been practicing all of the safety measures the city has implemented to limit risk. These outside activities are so important to keep kids healthy and active. If all safety measures are being followed, the activities should be allowed to continue.

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    Jennifer Holyoak almost 4 years ago

    I’m a Phoenix resident and parent with children who play on Phoenix fields for soccer (RSL AZ) and baseball (Cal Ripken). Please keep parks and fields open for our kids! Outside activity has been critical for their physical, social, and emotional well-being. Our teams/clubs have proven their commitment to following health/safety guidelines and they continue to protect our children/families. PLEASE keep fields open for organized sports groups to reserve/use for practices/competitions.

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    Erica Sieber almost 4 years ago

    I support option A. Please keep the fields open for our kids. They need the physical activity for their mental health and overall wellbeing!

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    Christa Pusch almost 4 years ago

    I am against shutting this down this is not fair to the kids they have been through enough as it is this year. They are struggling enough as it is with their education and being away from family and friends this is a way to keep them looking forward to something good if you want to take their sports then I believe all sports should be canceled including professional how are they any different then our childern when it comes to sports this is not fair enough is enough let these kids be kids

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    Tara Bowen almost 4 years ago

    Please let our children continue to play sports on your fields. There has been no COVID spreading through any of the sports my children have done since the Spring and the kids are so thankful to be doing something they love.

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    Chris Kracht almost 4 years ago

    I am against both of these options. States with stricter mandates like IL and MI have worse results than AZ. These tournaments are outside where social distancing is easy to achieve and there is no scientific evidence that either the players or spectators are at increased risk of Covid. Follow the science and leave these tournaments be. The city and county should focus their efforts at better contact tracing.

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    Dinah Mendoza almost 4 years ago

    I oppose children have suffered so much this year this is I oppose the world has been threw awfulness and we have to handle it but are children need some kind of joy and sports make them happy why would anyone take that away.

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    Karen Hudson almost 4 years ago

    Keep the fields open! Kids need this athletic outlet to stay sane in a mentally challenging time for all of them. Suicide rates, depression, & anxiety in kids aged 10-14 years old have all seen an increase since this pandemic started. Don’t take away the only thing that keeps them mentally and physically engaged. Precautions are already in place to keep them safe; parents in the outfield, 6 or more feet apart, masks in the dugout. Let them play!!!

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    Pat Foley almost 4 years ago

    I oppose shutting down club sports. Sports are a “get away “ for a lot of kids through these hard times when everything else is being taken away from them. Keeping kids active helps them relieve stress and live a healthier lifestyle.

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    Anna Van Hoek almost 4 years ago

    Children have suffered so much during this nightmare and we can't take one more thing away from them that helps them physically and mentally. Data after data shows that children are not affected. Please do not do this to our children.

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    Steve Ladrigue almost 4 years ago

    I oppose shutting down city parks and youth sports. I believe this is very important for our kids to have some sort of ability to stay healthy, have friends, have fun and learn life lessons at the same time. I’m am not against eliminating out of state teams. I find it ironic that we wait for the senior World Series (170 out of state) to pass before this is brought up. USSSA Fastpitch has taken it upon themselves to eliminate out of state teams. Do the right thing and let kids play.

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    Morgan Jobst almost 4 years ago

    The mental health of our community is on the line here. Outdoor sports are good for mental and physical health of the whole family. Please allow this to continue. The at risk population can stay home.

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    Betty Davis almost 4 years ago

    It is not a requirement to have your child play sports or go to the park. It is also not a requirement to quarantine. These should be choices.

    The morbidity and mortality of Covid in the youth is very very low. Depression is increasing as well as anxiety, suicide, and there is decreased learning because schools are closing.

    Have we lost our collective minds?

    Keep the fields open

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    Kelsey Curtis almost 4 years ago

    CDC DrFauci have all said school is safe for kids &your discussing shutting down OUTSIDE sports. measures are already taken. There is no evidence these sports for youth are spreading covid. We have FAR more spectators at NFL games in AZ. Mental health is effecting our youth this year. Suicide, depression, anxiety are ALL severely on the rise. These kids NEED some normalcy. KEEP SPORTS OPEN FOR OUR KIDS MENTAL HEALTH at LEAST for Arizonas residents!