Meeting Time: February 17, 2021 at 2:30pm MST
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Agenda Item

81 Human Services Campus Request

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    Ryan Orr over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, it is public knowledge that the Tactical Response Unit (TRU) are violent neo-Nazis who celebrate their violence against protesters. The public is outraged yet, not a single one of you has publicly denounced Phoenix PD for their horrific mistreatment or protesters. How is it you care so little about what is happening? We demand you call for an immediate investigation of the Tactical Response Unit’s racial bias. We demand all officers involved with protest abuse be fired.

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    Kerry Lengel over 3 years ago

    What can you say about the cynicism of “public servants” throwing a bone to social programs (which they usually try to starve) as a pretense for “deprioritizing” something they aren’t willing to outright oppose? Maybe they think they’re being clever, but the people see them for the moral cowards that they are.

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    Mary OBrien over 3 years ago

    Last summer, you listened to hundreds of Phoenix citizens bear testimony to horrifying stories about violent/racist experiences with the Phoenix PD, and the desperate need of the OAT. I am outraged that we are still fighting for this.
    Even more now that Neo-Nazi attitudes have been exposed directly from the department, the OAT MUST be fully funded as a bare minimum to making change in this department. Take the funds from the Public Safety budget, not from the homeless and mentally ill.

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    Cynthia McWhorter over 3 years ago

    Council and Mayor, none of you seem to be bothered by the neo-Nazi gang activity happening within Phoenx PD or the fact that your officers lie under oath. We demand you call for an investigation into Sgt. Doug McBride and his handling of the Tactical Response Unit during the ongoing challenge coin scandal. Investigate his perjury under oath while testifying as a ‘gang expert’ and throw out his testimony of lies. The nation is watching and right now you are all on the wrong side of history.

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    Emily Pullen over 3 years ago

    We are outraged at the latest news about Phoenix PD. We demand that the officers we already know aided in the creation of the neo-nazi challenge coin and/or kept or shared it are immediately fired! Fiire all the officers involved with the neo-Nazi coin, including: Lt Ben Moore, George Herr, Jeffrey Howell, Glen Neville, Jay Scott, John Sticca, Bury Bryce. Fire all other officers not currently named that helped create, share or keep this disgusting coin that celebrates PPD’s neo Nazi culture.

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    Lily Villa over 3 years ago

    An OAT is just window dressing to say that you did something about our demands to hold police accountable. This office will not have enough power to prosecute killer cops and abuses of power. Please! The PPD is dangerous and has proven that they do not protect and serve our people. Defund them and use the money for human services instead.

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    Harper Rowan over 3 years ago

    City council and Mayor, you want to defund Police accountability but you won’t defund the police. It seems if one were appalled by the actions of Phoenix PD they would publicly denounce them and work to make them accountable. Yet you all sit by and do nothing. We have more than 20 people still facing prison time because they were targeted and slapped with false gang charges by lying dirty cops, April Sponsel and Nick Michaud. You must demand MCAO drop all charges! #EndPoliticalProsecutions

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    Will Knight over 3 years ago


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    Hernan Villegas over 3 years ago

    We cannot allow Phoenix to keep kicking OAT down the road and by defunding the Phoenix Police Department, we have way more than enough money to ensure both programs continue. Additionally, the Phoenix City Council should denounce the charges brought up against the protestors arrested on 10/17. There should be reparations to political prosecution victims and the municipal court should dismiss the misdemeanor charges. The officers involved should be fired immediately #DropthechargesMCAO.

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    Heather Hamel over 3 years ago


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    Adam Melder over 3 years ago

    If defunding the police were to be applied to the OAT, OAT money would be moved around so OAT could enhance its education and outreach to the community, its review of PPD policy, staffing, hiring, and training. Kind of what Defund the Police means. This is special interests flexing their muscles. We need to fund both, the Human Services Campus, and the OAT. Especially after seeing how Brady list Phoenix Police Officers violated protesters constitutional rights. NO to divert OAT funds!

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    Thomas Machowicz over 3 years ago

    Vote NO on 81. The OAT must be funded as it was intended.

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    Dawn Strobert over 3 years ago

    Many of the African American citizens of Phoenix see this as an attempt to steal a hard-fought battle to establish the OAT. Vice Mayor Williams, Council Member DiCiccio, and Council Member Waring are now pitting the needs of the homeless against the needs of the citizens of Phoenix to have a safe and transparent police force. The council must uphold its vote to fund AND create the OAT. This feels like the council is playing a shell game with the people's voice and vote. We are better than this.

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    Ismael Morales over 3 years ago

    We need to find other ways to fund both OAT and the homeless issue here. The funding needs to come from COVID monies that were provided to the city, as well as other categorical and general funds to fund the issue. The $2 million for OAT was a commitment by the majority of council to get funding. That should be in place. The OAT issue should be taken up again. I hope Councilmembers DiCiccio, Warring, and Williams need to consider that. Many people feel that both issues go hand in hand.

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    Rev Susan Valiquette over 3 years ago

    We need both in our city. Do not defund OAT before it even gets enacted. Provide the funding resources for both the Human Resources Campus and for the unsheltered.

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    Bailey Spears over 3 years ago

    Phoenix residents, ALL Phoenix residents (including the unsheltered community), deserve better than this thinly veiled attempted to block the Office of Accountability and Transparency (OAT). We deserve BOTH support for the unsheltered population and the OAT. These two items are not mutually exclusive. Fund both the Human Services Campus and the OAT.